Home Technique Weather analysis

Weather analysis

weather analysis, according to the dynamics of the weather, to fill in the observational records related to the chart described operation, the inference process, the basic point of the weather forecast and the main basis. FIG divided surface weather analysis, isobaric chart analysis, temperature and pressure field analysis and analysis of weather and other auxiliary FIG. When the weather analysis, you first need to determine and correct use of observation records, the relevant reference criterion analysis forecast and research summary, concluded that the evolution of various weather phenomena and weather situation, pay attention to the historical continuity before and after. Pay attention to the combination of the relevant chart. From reality, to seize the key weather forecasts provide a scientific basis.

analyze the content

Analysis of weather content with the development of computer technology and atmospheric sounding continuously enriched. Weather analysis of 18th and 19th centuries, confined to a single surface weather station data analysis and graph analysis. After the 1930s, the invention of radiosondes, weather analysis from the two-dimensional plane analysis was extended to the analysis of three-dimensional spatial structure. By the late 1940s, the use of weather radar, but also provides a convenient system for the precipitation and analysis of the level of structure and vertical structure of strong storm system. The early 1960s, the successful launch weather satellites, satellite data analysis has become an important part of the weather analysis. Simultaneous high-speed computer, but also offers the possibility to calculate and analyze physical field, and the results are used for meteorological services. Question the application of effective use of meteorological satellite data and high-speed computer, as well as four-dimensional assimilation (see numerical weather prediction data processing and analysis), analysis of the contents of the weather being developed.

Weather analysis


FIG weather analysis

on the weather chart, a region analysis of weather systems and atmospheric conditions. These include: ① pressure analysis. Pressure line or contour lines represent the spatial distribution with equal pressure. ② temperature analysis. It represents the isotherm profile and thermal structure of the atmosphere in the cold air mass with the atmosphere and the like. ③ moisture analysis. Wire or the like with a wet geometric dew point line represents the distribution of atmospheric water vapor content. ④ wind field analysis. It represents the characteristics of the air flow stream lines and isotachs. On the basis of these analyzes, the air mass can be analyzed, and the front surface analysis pneumatic system (or wind system) analysis.

Diagnosis of

or by atmospheric sounding data after data processing (see process meteorological data), calculates various atmospheric physical quantities, and by the physical and atmospheric dynamics equations and equation circulation physical analysis of weather systems quantitative, technical analysis is from the early 1970s to develop. Qualitative analysis of this method of analysis than the weather map better. Diagnostic analysis can learn more about the physical mechanisms of occurrence and development of weather systems, the forecasts provide an objective physical basis. Commonly used have physical energy, vertical velocity, vorticity, divergence, water vapor transport and the like. Diagnostic analysis such as energy, that is, from the energy equation, the energy changes caused by various factors, analyze them maintain balance and conversion issues. In general, the development of weather systems mean increase of kinetic energy, reduce the kinetic energy of the weather system often tends to decline. Mature results show that the cyclone system, the kinetic energy mainly generated in the upper and lower troposphere. Since the lower air flow flowing from the high pressure apparently through a low pressure isobars, which indicates that the air pressure field generated kinetic energy for power block. When this is greater than the kinetic energy consumption of the system output to the outside and the friction on the cyclone is maintained and strengthened. Since the application of high-speed computer, the diagnostic analysis of historical data from the analysis of the development of an important technical analysis of daily weather operations.

Radar Data Analysis

using weather radar, weather radar, lidar (laser see atmospheric remote sensing), acoustic radar (see atmospheric acoustic wave sensing) such as sounding data, analysis the physical state of the atmosphere and the atmosphere within the movement range of hundreds of kilometers.

satellite image data analysis

application satellite images, satellite wind, sounding satellite and other information, and Analysis of the global atmospheric clouds, wind, temperature, pressure, humidity, etc. (see satellite meteorology). , Often put this analysis

objective analysis

The early weather analysis is done manually is called subjective analysis. High speed computer to mimic a human operator to plot weather maps, weather elements and inserted into the mesh point as the initial value of the numerical prediction of this analysis, called objective analysis, also known as computer analysis. Analysis and computer program aspects but other processes, there are still some drawbacks and shortcomings, it can not completely replace it with analysis and determination of the human brain. There are some weather map, first by machine analysis, and then make additions and amendments analyzed by the artificial, man-machine called the binding assay. Objective analysis of the project in addition to the live weather map, there are a variety of physical diagnosis and analysis of radar and satellite image recognition.


With the accumulation of satellite data, as well as extensive use of unconventional sounding data, objective analysis is possible from time to analyze a multi-level data to develop more and more time level data, from the development of static analysis to dynamic analysis, from the simple to the development of four-dimensional data assimilation fit in. Modern presents an objective analysis of the overall system decomposition atmosphere, coordination and optimization of theoretical models, the data analysis and associated with the weather forecast, the weather forecast to the systematic analysis, engineering and automation direction possible.

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