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According to the "Copyright Law" of China, the work of the work includes:

published rights, that is, the decision is published by the work;

The right to sign the author, the author's identity, the right to sign the title;

modification, that is, modify or authorize others to modify the work of the work;

Protective works complete That is, the protection of the protective work is not distorted and tampered.

Features / Nature

The country that recognizes works is generally considered to have unmatchability and permanent characteristics.

1, it is not transferable.

The scholar who claims that binary said that the property rights can be transferred, and the work of the work is not transferable. Such as Article 6 of the French Copyright Law: "The author has the right to respect his name, qualification and work. The above rights is personal rights. Personal rights are life-ended, uncomfortable, irrepaid rights." This is two The representative of Yuan said.

The country that uses a dollar that also believes that the authority of the work is not allowed. Article 29 of the "Copyright Law" in Germany stipulates: "The copyright is transferred by the perpetration of the permit, or the heritage is divided into a joint heir; in addition to this copyright may not be transferred." Although my country's "Copyright Law" is not clear It can be seen from the Copyright Law Implementation Rules that only specifies that the property rights can be transferred, in fact, it also shows that the author's rights cannot be transferred.

2, permanent. There are two kinds of limiteditations during the protection of copyright during the protection period of permanent protection and defined. The protection of the author's rights, there is infinitely, such as Article 6 of the French "Copyright Law"; there are also limiteditations, such as the German "Copyright Law" stipulates that the work is only a certain period of death, during this period The same is the same as the protection of the property rights. Article 20 of my country's Copyright Law stipulates: "The author's right to sign the right, modify the right, and the protection period of the complete power of the author is unrestricted." Therefore, my country's adoption is the principle of infiniteism.

3, non-deprotible

4, individual power can be inherited (such as the title)

The rights include:

1. Published authority

2, signature rights

3, modifying the right

4, the complete power of the protective work

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