Home Technique Xi'an Expressway

Xi'an Expressway


The full length of the Xi'an Expressway is 141.6km (including the Terracotta Warriors), the west of Xi'an City, the Ten Lichouses, the way Xi'an, Linyi, Weinan, Huaxian, Huayin, 4 counties in Shaoguan, Donglian Henan Sanmenxia Expressway, North Jingfang, Huanghe Bridge, Xioshan Bridge. There are 12 interoperable intercontuters in the whole line, 455 bridges, 425 culverts, 26m roads; 14 toll stations along lines, 3 service area, equipped with complete transportation, communications and toll systems.

Xi'an Expressway


Xi'an Expressway is divided into Xi'an - Linyi, Linyi - Weinan, Weinan - Shaoguan three-stage start construction, in December 1996, 1999, 1999 In October, it was completed and the design speed was 120km / h.

Operation management

September 28, 1996, Xi'an Expressway Xi'an - Linyi section 20 years of operation transfer to Hong Kong Yuexiu (enterprise) Development Group Shaanxi Jinxiu Transportation Co., Ltd. Responsible for management; the rest of the section is responsible for operation management by the Xiwu Branch of the Shaanxi Expressway Construction Group Corporation.

Xi'an Expressway has opened the traffic main road leading to North China and East China. It is connected to the ancient city Xi'an and the famous Qin Bing Horror, Tanghua Qingchi, Xiyue Huashan and other famous places.

Expansion Project

Xi'an to Shaoguan Expressway renovation project will be fully started in October 2008, with a total investment of 6.890.2 million yuan. It is understood that the four lanes "expansion" to the 8 lane, the Xiu Expressway will completely change the situation of the previous vehicle congestion after completion of the expansion project.

The Tongguan to Xi'an Expressway, which is responsible for the construction of the Provincial Highway Group, has passed the provincial transportation department review. Xi'an Expressway renovation and expansion project route started in the junction of Shaanxi, since the east, Jinguan, Huayin, Huaxian, Weinan, Linyi, Tilu, Fangjia Village, Fangjia Village, West China, 130.09 kilometers long. Among them, the three-way eight-way highway standards for the design speed of 100 km / h in the design speed. The overall roadbed width is 41 meters; Huayin to Xi'an section adopts the design speed 120 km / h and the two-way 8 lane highway standard, the whole The types of routine width is 42 meters. The total investment of the route is 6.890.2 billion yuan, with an average of 52.96 million yuan per kilometer. The expansion project is expected to work for 3 years.

Special Bridge Heilong

my country's largest width highway cross-line special bridge built by China Railway Fifth Bureau Mechanized Company --- Shaanxi Xiwan Expressway renovation and expansion project maximum control project K92 +621 Bridge Today, Tielong. Xi'an Expressway Reconstruction and Expansion Project is that Shaanxi Province has the largest 4 lane-to-8-lane highway renovation and expansion project. The bridge is marked with a critical point of controlled project, and the technical problem has been fully breakdown. It is completed at the end of the year. I have made a solid foundation.

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