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Yang Antongnescu

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June 14, 1882, Antonnes Cut is a military family in Pittipti, inherits the tradition of this family, and he enters military schools. And graduated from the best grades in class. As a commander, he emerged in the 1913 Balkan War, and the First World War is far from a mid-level military officer. After the war, he was in the 1917 Germany's attack on Mold Via to set up the horses. As a strong anti-German, he resolutely opposed the German and its allied countries alone. After the war, the Romanian kingdom army went to crack the Republic of the Soviet Bank of Hungary. Due to the anti-position of the Antonisca extremely hate the proletarian revolution, the royal family is doubled. In 1922, he was served in France, 1923-11 of the military officials in British. And there won the high attention of France and the United Kingdom. In 1934, it will be gone. In 1937, it was taken as the total staff member, and he raised the Minister of the Army in 1938.

In 1940, he called Carol II King, and resolutely opposes the king without any military resistance, it will be cut to the Soviet Union, and ask the king to authorize him. It makes into a new government. To this end, the king arrested him, however, German diplomatic interference forced the king to finally grant the full power of him. In Germany, Antonnescu as a rigid person also enjoys no lofty prestige, thinking that he has capable of controlling Romania. King Carol II, relying on the friendly relationship of Antonnes and Germany, as well as the leadership of the Iron Guard and the National Liberal Party to maintain his monarchy, however, Antonnescus is awarded In less than 24 hours, he combined with the first part of the party of Ejli Mount and Cantine Bratatan, the first part of the king, and the Karol II had passed to the son Mijoy I left Romania again. .

September 6, 1940, the king of Mihai, the Rice of Antonnesku claims to be claimed to be a national leader. At that time, Romania was in a huge crisis. In the Wars, although Romania was trying to maintain neutral, one-third of the territory has been cut to the Soviet Union, Hungary and Bulgaria. The Soviet Red Army is border, planning to further control Romania, and France has surrendered, and the UK is suffering from Romanian assistance. Germany has controlled Central Europe. In order to get oil from Romania, it is willing to help Romania. For the survival of this country, the rulers in history often resort to diplomats or military strategies. In the first World War, the Second World War is not different. Antonnescou has no choice but to German cards. He tried to lead the country through this chaotic and dangerous water.

In October 194, he agreed that the Germans entered Romania, the next year, the German army came from attacking Yugoslavia. In November 1940, the representative of Romania was officially added to the Heart Country Group. In 1941, he was supported by Hitler, and the Antonnescut cleans extreme violent gangs, and mastered military and political power. In accordance with German and Italy's dictatorship, he announced that Romania was "Legion Country", abolished the Constitution, banned party, and established fascist dictatorship in China. On December 4, 1940, Antonnescou signed a Rodge Economic 10-year cooperation agreement with Berlin Tong Nazi Germany. According to this agreement, Luo Fang must change its own transportation line according to the direction of major economic products to Germany, and hire German experts to manage all kinds of economic sectors of their country. Moreover, in order to adapt to the needs of German War's economy, Luo Fang should reduce the price of domestic currency to Germany. In this way, the Romanian economy is completely the vassal of Nazi German economy. The army and economy of Romania were controlled by Germany.

January 14, 1941, he learned that after the Nazi Germany was prepared to launch a war against the Soviet Union, 3 times visited Germany to request the Romanian military participation in Hitler. He not only guarantees that the national army will stand against the Soviet army in Germany, but also keep all the costs to the Soviet front line through Romania territory. On the eve of the Sudo War, the Antonnescus conducted a war mobilization in the country based on the agreement reached with Germany. On June 22, 1941, Luo Jun also launched an attack on the Soviet Union with Nazi Dejun, and nearly 30 million people were attacked in the Soviet Union. On July 27th, Romania recovered 10,486 soldiers in the war. Pizzarabia. And Beibukovina. Because of this performance, Antonnescus was promoted to Marshal, which received unanimous support from the Romanian Communist Party, but the king and political party leaders urged him to withdraw from fighting and bringing the army home. However, Antonnescus did not listen to their opinions, he was convinced that he was in the german alliance, he continued to fight against the army and Germany, occupied Odessa on October 16, in this battle, Luo The military war is 27,000, with an injured 89,000, still 14,000 missing. As a return, Germany gave Romania including Odessa, from the control power of the Direster River, from the Dresnest River. A total of 2.15 million people. After the occupation of Odessa, the Antonnesku rejected the request to end the war again. On November 28th, the Soviet Union British government reached the final pass to Romania, requiring a military action against the Soviet Union within a week, withdrawing within the border on June 22, otherwise we will declare war, as a response, Romania declared war at the end of the year, and At the same time, we will declare war in the United States.

In the Summer 1942, the Romanian army followed the Germans to the Volga River Basin. The Sky wing of the Battle of Dalin Gller, with the arrival of the winter, the Su Jun broke through the line of the Romanian army in the Romanian army, and then broke through the fourth army of Romania in the south of Stlinia, the Soviet army quickly When transferring to counterattack, the Rowna has been lost in the Soviet Union; Antanenescu has also equipped 19 divisions and continues to serve Germany.

In February 1944, the new approximately signing from Nazi Germany, further strengthening the German position in Romania, and promises to supply food to Germany. In March, the Soviet Red Army arrived in the Bruce River. Some people in the Romanian government began to summon, and the United Kingdom refused to negotiate. It claims that there is no peace of the Soviet Union, and the Soviet Condition is to recover the national borders of 1939, expelling the German, allowing The Sujun is free to pass. The Antonnescus refused to do this, because this is to admit that 1941 in the Soviet War is not a recovery territory but is deliberately invaded. In June, the National Peasant Party, the Social Democratic Party and the Romanian Communist Party have reached a consistent, secretly forming a national democratic group, and the Yulu Ma Ma Mi Nany said that if the Antonnescou does not quit the war, they will overthrow him.

On August 20, 1944, the Soviets attacked Romania, and the 22-year conspiracy group met with the king, and agreed to the Antonnescut, and overturned him. On the 23rd, the royal family unilaterally took action to arrest Antonnescu, that night, King Mihaiyi announced through radio broadcast to the whole country, Antonnesku's dictatorship has ended, will be formed by the National Democracy Group The government, the king's assistant Constantine, General Constantine, was appointed as the Prime Minister, and at the same time announced that I was discontinued by Germany and the union conditions of the allied countries. Antonnescus was handed over to the Romanian Communist Party, and then handed over to the Soviet army of Bucharest after a week. On May 17, 1946, after the trial of the People's Tribunal, the crime of slaughtering, the crime of slaughtering is criminalized. June 1st to execute the gun.

Ping Pauli

The German Romanian military leader in World War II was pronounced by the People's Court as a war criminal, and the Romanian dictator Antonnescus, who was in Bucharest Local Court. Announce the resumption of reputation.

is the opposite resolution of the 22 Ministers of Antonnes and the government, is the Bucharest Regional Court made by December 25, 2006, but until the beginning of March, people learned this news. .

According to the court, as a professor, the Romanian citizen of Romania has put forward the application for his father and the Antonnescu and its government pavilist. The father of the Solin is an important member of the Antonnescu government. After the end of the World War, the Romanian New Government was sentenced to the war, and was shot along with the Antonnescu and others. Professor of Solin believes that the Court's resolution was unfair.

Bucharest Local Court In the judgment, the Antonnescougainst the Antonnescu and its government pavilion federated in the early days of the World War II. According to the court's point of view, the Antonnescumba Leading the Romanian army in the spring of the Soviet Union in the Soviet threat in the Soviet Union in the spring of 1941. The court explained that Sudi Done invades the secret protocol in 1939, showing that the Soviet Union attempts to invade Romania territory. At that time, the Antonnescut was apparently affected by Germany. The Bucharest Local Court pointed out that the Romanian People's Court of 1946 apparently did not know the existence of this secret protocol.

Many Romanians believe that the Soviet army is illegal to enter the Romanian territory, in some ways to violate the guidelines for international law. However, Professor of Lawin, filed, even in the truth of the Romanian government and the Faste State invading the Soviet Union during the Second World War II.

The drafter of the Romanian Constitution, Irgowan, putting the resolution of the Bucharest Local Court as "a very important resolution for history." Anton, Chairman of the Romanian Legal Committee, also pointed out that whenever new evidence is present, it should consider re-modifying history.

For the Romanian local court, the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson, Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said Camein Liaonnidyevich said it is difficult to accept. Camen Ning believes that the resolution of the Romanian local court tried to redefine the results of World War II, which is a great insult to the victims in the Second World War and trying to make people forget the most serious disaster in this human history. The Russian government hopes that the Romanian Higher Court responded to this evil resolution.

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