Home Technique Yanqiao Street

Yanqiao Street

Regional Overview

Geographic introduction

area 23.18 square kilometers, 93,151 population (2010). There were 1 residential area (Qiqiao), 15 administrative villages (Ziqiao, Lower, Ancient Board, Yuxi, Yandong, Sannan, Lujiafu, Dongfeng, Shanghui, Rock, Your, Society Leaves, Dongchang, Hezhuang, Anxide). New (bridge) (bridge) road transit, Yanqiao River flows through the middle of the town, navigation. The famous monuments have a number of temples, Baiyun Temple, Changsheng Pavilion, and passing a bungee of prince Jin Ji. Postal Code: 325016

Historical Level

1949 is Tonghua Township. In 1958, the commune was revised. In 1983, he also met the Town in 1988. In 1997, the area was 23.13 square kilometers, the population was 23 million, and the bridge, the front, the lower alien, the ancient bank head, Yanxi, Yandong, Sannan, Lujiafu, Dongfeng, Shanghui, Rock Ter, the front park , Social leaf, Dongmitong, Hezhuang, Ann, 16 administrative villages and Qiqiao Neighborhood Committee. At the end of 2003, there was a revocation of Yanqiao Town, set up a street, and managed the 15th villages, 1 residence in Zhenqiao Town, 1st, and the Office of Zhenqiao Village (Original Government Station). At the end of 2008, the area was 23.18 square kilometers, with a population of 27,500, and 15 administrative villages were administrative villages.

Economic Development

Agriculture and Animal Husbandry

As a more influential production area in Wenzhou, Yan Bridge played "urban granary" role, year The annual annual overs of 476 million national product grain purchase tasks. The town's agriculture is moving towards the ecological type, the benefits of the direction, the flowers and foxes, long-haired rabbits, etc. have become a major characteristic of Yanqiao, and many operating bases in agriculture have been initially built, especially the provincial government. The Hundreds of acres of the middle and low-level renovation projects and the completion of the 2000 acres of agricultural demonstration parks, together with thousands acres of vegetable demonstration parks, together with the new silhouette of modern ecological agriculture. In 1998, he was awarded the key base town of Wenzhou City "vegetable basket" project by the Municipal People's Government.


The development of industrial economy is flourishing, and the streets of Yanqiao realize the total industrial output value of 1.65 billion yuan, and the export collection is 1.65 billion, ranking first in the whole district, in the territory of Sen Ma The Group has been in the country and the city of the city, and is listed as a key base town of foreign trade export production by the people's government. Ceramics, shoes, two major production bases have gradually formed, three integrated industrial communities are steadily developing, there is a huge hardware, Lianfeng leather plastic, square ceramics, Eresca, Jin Rihua chemical, etc. There are 16 districts of over 10 million yuan, and there are 16 street star enterprises. A series of fist products of provinces and municipal famous brand products. The door-to-brand products of Bo Bo company have passed ISO9000 international quality system certification. At the same time, the only high-tech industrial park in Zhejiang Province has settled in the bridge, planning to develop a number of high-tech, high-quality, high-efficiency emerging industries, develop a batch of high-tech, high-quality, high-efficiency emerging industries, develop a batch of scale, on the top, Level "three" enterprises.

Tourism resources

Yellow bridge has a rich tourism resources, with a Blowing Mountain Scenic Area, which is jointly built in the Non-quasi-scenic spot, Baiyun Temple Scenic Area, Peking University Scenic Area and Anxide Mining Culture Scenic Area. It is the main carrier for the development of the tourism industry in the town, playing the role of "three production" leaders. The scenic spot is naturally beautiful, the human landscape is rich, and the scenery is pleasant. It is built into the untrusive temple of the Jin Dynasty, the Temple of Baiyun Temple is magnificent, and the wings are flying, and the clouds are lingering. Shanzhong Waterfall, Tan, Rock, Cave Transmission, "Jiulongtan", "Taohuatan", "Pearl Water", "Golden Turtle Water", etc. The quiet landscape scenery is a streamlined. The ancient and modern celebrities, the people, the people, Tang, Ming, and the vocabulary have been hiking, and the poems have been pairs, such as "Blowing Mountain Color Condiguous, Sunset Cloud Color Screen", "Sitting, Yinqing, Full, Pan Sun and Moon, etc. " In 1996, it cost more than 7 million yuan, causing Austrian technology, built the largest in Zhejiang Province, the only hanging basket air circular passenger ropeway in Wenzhou City, adding a bright landscape to the scenic spot.



Yan Bridge is to improve the quality of production and living environment and improve investment environment, adhere to planning and take the lead, pay close attention to roads, postal, electricity industry, Hardware and other hardware facilities and other hardware facilities, Ouhai Avenue, Yandong Street and other main roads have been completed, and in line with the urban west to road network, we will jointly build a road traffic skeleton in Wenzhou City. The construction of model road projects such as Riverside Road, Win Tong Road, and the construction of the school roads have fundamentally improve the traffic. The road facilities in the village have become increasingly perfect and basically achieved "Village Cement Road Network". It provides a good, favorable development environment and investment environment for the rapid, orderly, and healthy development of the town economy.

As the city's peripheral development belt, it has been included in the "Wenzhou City City Master Plan", which will become Wenzhou City Expansion and City due to its prominent regional advantages, rich resources, convenient transportation. The hinterland of economic development, Jin Liwen Automobile special road, Xijing Road, Jinwen Railway runs through the bridge. Future Bridge, with its extremely important location, will become a pivotal traffic harm and industrial heavy town.


From the Ouhai New City Middle School, Primary School, Kindergarten Middle School, Primary School, Kindergarten Facilities, provided by the Ouhai District Construction Leading Office, we can clearly see the top 30 educational land above Including 17 kindergartens, Ouhai New Area Central Unit, Western Single and South Sanyuan A total of 3 primary schools, 1 junior high school, and in the future, 7 primary schools, 2 junior high schools and 3 nine-year compulsory education schools. It means that the total amount of compulsory education school in Ouhai New City will increase twice.

New Town Construction

Although people living in this city have always feel the changes in development in recent years, but the new changes in Bohai New City have been in recent years. I feel surprised every time. Today, there are 50 square kilometers of modern urban, which is gradually turning into reality. Ouhai will also build a breakthrough in the central area, set off a new round of development boom.

Before 2000, the city has formed a city center in the heart of Renmin Road, Wulfama Street, and Da Nanmen, which is what people now say "the first generation". city ​​center". Wuli Street, Da Nanmen, Xiaonanmen and Zhongshan Park and other places are the center of many "old Wenzhou" memories. With the migration of the city administrative center, the planning and construction of Wenzhou New Town took a new step. Taking Wenzhou New Municipal Government as a center, gathering century squares, libraries, museums, science and technology museums and the Grand Theater and other cities to become a "second generation center" in Dawenzhou.

However, with the further development of the city, multi-center development has become trend. Today, the construction of all new city sections in our city is in full swing, then, which places will be the "third generation center" in the minds of the citizens? Eastern Dragon Bay New Town, Western Ouhai New Town, South Lake New Town, North Jiangjiang Business Center, etc., is striving to confirm its historical position to the public.

At the moment, the Hehai vigorously promoted the construction of new urbanization. A urban center plate dominated by comprehensive functionality is rising in the west of our city. It has completely solved the embarrassment pattern of "there is no city" since the Ouhai zone, and became the center of the city's western metropolis construction. Ouhai New Town is close to the old city of our city, and it is the hinterland of the "1650" new pattern. In 2010, after re-planning the municipal government, it was positioned as the metropolitan area, and the planned land was expanded from 7.19 square kilometers to 50 square kilometers.

Ouhai International New City Planning leads, with the overall development of "the capital of commerce capital, mountain water, new city". The first phase plans to invest 50 billion yuan, high standard construction administrative service center, education medical support, trade and commerce headquarters, urban green landscape belt, etc. Focus on the six major functions such as administrative office, trade finance, living, cultural and leisure, transportation hubs, industrial logistics, and after completion, can accommodate the population of 500,000.

The rise of Ouhai New Town not only fills the shortcomings of Napu District in Wenzhou City, but also has a true modern city center in Wenzhou City.

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