Home Technique Yuelu Mountain Scenic Area

Yuelu Mountain Scenic Area

One of Hunan's famous scenic spots, its mountain range is Nanyue Hengshan, the ancients listed Yuelu Mountain as one of the seventy-two peaks in Nanyue, called Yuelufeng. "Nanyue Soli" in the north and south, "Nanyue Ji" contains: "800 miles around Nanyue, the first, Yuelu is enough." According to the groundwork research, Yuelu Mountain is found in the ancient generation, formed in the midsome generation, developed in the new generation, more than 300 million.

Yuelu Mountain Scenic Area

Yuelu Mountain is on the bank of Xiangjiang West, 300.8 meters above sea level, and even the peak dozens of kilometers, there is a natural barrier, and the west of Changsha Downtown. The main peak is the stone, the stone, the palace, the pale mountain stone. With the bar, the Xiangjiang River is brought, the orange boiler river heart, the double bridge flying things, the ancient city is in the purple gas. There is a Phoenix Mountain, Yuping Mountain, Tianma Mountain; there is a peach ridge, Green Lingling; South has Jinniuling; Northern Guifeng. These hills are attached around it, as far as the star arch, it is a bitter.

Yuelu is better in the mountains. Here is the hustle and cuisine, the ancient wood ginseng, the shade, and the Lin Yan is beautiful. The plants in the mountains reached 977, of which Luo Hancong was a millennium. Ginkgo, maple, loosely, branches, lush and sake; mountain spring is not in the year, quite quiet. Every time I go to the autumn and winter, the Red Maple cone is dyed, and the red monatt is full, and the plain is more beautiful.

Yuelu Mountain is adjacent to the city, since the Han, is a tourist attraction. For thousands of years, tourists have been endless, and thus the famous monuments are all over the mountains. Yueu Academy (link) with the crown of the ancient four colleges. There is also known as the "Han Wei initial winning, Huxiang's first field", the Yunchang Palace, Love Night Pavilion, Baihequan, Yu Wangbei, Qingfeng Gorge, Wangjiang Pavilion, Steps, Flying Stone, Betting, Ridge, Python Cave, Sleley Tower, Laughing Cliff, Wearing Stone slope, etc., these famous hormones, there are many beautiful moving myths in the folks, so that tourists are lingering, ponder the taste. Since Tang, many famous poets, scholars, and social celebrities have a poems called Yuelu Mountain, or leaving their footprints in the mountains. When the great poet Du Fu went to the state, he wrote the "Yuelu Shan Road Lin Er Temple" and other poetry, with the "Temple Gigao Kaikong Township, the Temple Inserted into the Red Lake", "The Tower Palace Wall is magnificent, the kitchen Cool and other verses praise the magnificent and environment of the mountains in the mountains. In the Tang Dynasty, the Big Calligrapher Li Wei reviewed in the "Yushan Temple", "Yulu left, Chongshan right, the anegate, with thousands of miles, Yushu Wuxi, Shilin Yun," Song Dynasty calligrapher rice This observation of "Beihai Monument", there is still his title. In the poetry of the Qing Dynasty poet Yuan Wei, I took the poetry of the Qing Fengxia, took Du Mu, "Parking, love Fenglin, Frost Leaves Red in February Flower", proposes to change the "Red Leaf Pavilion" as "Love Night Pavilion". According to the record, Huangguang Governor Bi Qiofan officially changed red Ye Ping as a good night.

Yuelu Mountain has a lot of revolutionary pioneers. These tomb are covered between the pine cedar, solemn, solemn, Huang Xing, and Cai Wei's tomb is the most majestic two. Here is a place where many older generation of proletarian revolutionaries have been engaged in revolutionary activities. Mao Zedong, Cai Hi Sen, Luo Xue, Zhang Nun derive, etc. often come to Yuelu Mountain party, stayed in love, Qingfeng Gorge, etc., discuss national events, explore the revolutionary truth

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