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2016 China Hangzhou G20 Summit

Hangzhou synonyms G20 summit in 2016 in Hangzhou, China generally refers to the G20 summit

Summit Origin

local time on November 15, 2014 afternoon, the Group of Twenty (G20) leaders summit in the ninth held in Brisbane, Australia. President Xi Jinping attended the meeting and delivered a speech entitled "to promote innovation and development joint growth" important speech. Xi pointed out that China's economy will continue to remain strong, sustainable and balanced growth, equivalent to an annual incremental contribution to the economies of scale of a moderately developed country. As the 2016 G20 Leaders summit host country, China is willing to make greater contribution to world economic growth, play a greater role. This means that the 2016 G20 summit will be hosted by China.

2015 In February 2016, Hangzhou successful bid to host the G20 summit. November 16, 2015, Chinese President Xi Jinping attended the G20 summit and delivered a speech in Turkey, China announced in September 4, 2016 - held its eleventh summit of G20 leaders in Hangzhou 5th.

Summit theme

2016 Hangzhou G20 summit theme: Build innovative, dynamic, linkage and inclusive world economy.

logo pattern

2016 years the G20 logo pattern, with 20 lines, depicting a bridge shaped profile, supplemented by G20 2016 CHINA seal and official script "China" seal . Bridge bridge has become a symbol of the G20 global economic growth, the international bridge community cooperation, win-win situation for the future of the bridge. Meanwhile bridge line shape of the fiber, meaning the interoperability of the information age. G20 pattern of "O" embodies the spirit of national unity and cooperation. Chinese stamps highlighting the Chinese traditional culture, and English CHINA echoes.

2016 China Hangzhou G20 Summit

preparations for the summit

China will increase innovation, improve the global economic and financial governance, promote international trade and investment, promote inclusive joint development and other four areas of focus preparations for the Summit.

attendance list

G20 Leaders eleventh summit will be held in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province September 4 to 5. Chinese President Xi Jinping to be invited, the president Macri Argentina, Brazil Acting President Temer, French President Hollande, President of Indonesia, Djoko, South Korean President Park Geun-hye, President of Mexico Peña, Russian President Vladimir Putin, President Zuma of South Africa, Turkey President Erdogan, US President Barack Obama, Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Indian Prime Minister Modi, Prime Minister of Italy Lenzi, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, British Prime Minister Theresa May twenty Xitusike main Council of Europe, European Commission President Juncker, Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince and heir to second deputy prime minister, defense minister Mohammed and other members of the group leaders, Chad President Deby, Egyptian President Cecilia, Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbaev, the President of the Lao Yang, President Sall of Senegal, Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, Spanish Prime Minister Rajoy, Prime Minister of Thailand, Pakistan educating leaders and other guests, as well as UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, world Bank President Jim Yong Kim , IMF Managing Director Lagarde, Director-General of WTO Azevedo, Director-General of the international Labor organization Ryder, the main Xi Kani financial stability Board, the organization for economic cooperation and development Secretary General Gurria and other relevant international organizations responsible for who will attend the meeting.

Summit influence

G20 as the main platform for global economic cooperation, for China, is an opportunity. China is the largest developing country, is representative of emerging market countries, the G20 summit held in China on behalf of developing countries can sound, with "all the way along the" Asian investment banks and other benign interaction with more countries to achieve win-win situation with other countries. Summit settled in Hangzhou will boost local infrastructure construction, promote the local export-oriented economy and international level.

Xi Jinping, the Group of Twenty recommendations made efforts in the following aspects.

First, innovation and development. Countries should develop innovative ideas, policies, methods, especially through structural reforms in the areas of taxation, finance, investment, competition, trade, employment, through a combination of macroeconomic and social policies, so that the vitality of wealth creation to unleash the market the power of the full release. We should pay attention to infrastructure stimulating effect on the economy. China in hosting the APEC informal leadership meeting, the interoperability as one of the core issues. China supports the establishment of the Group of Twenty global infrastructure centers, supported by the World Bank established the Global Infrastructure Fund, and through the construction of economic belt of the Silk Road, the Maritime Silk Road of the 21st century, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, Silk Road Fund and other channels, global infrastructure investment to contribute.

Second, the construction of an open world economy. Countries should safeguard the multilateral trading system, to build a win-win global value chains, fostering global market, oppose trade and investment protectionism, the Doha Round negotiations.

Third, improve global economic governance. States committed to building a fair and just, inclusive and orderly international financial system, emerging markets and developing countries to improve the representation and voice of all countries to equal rights in international economic cooperation, equal opportunities, equal rules.

leaders will bring important mission to attend or help ease regional tensions

United States, "Wall Street Journal" on the 19th, said the visit is Obama any 11th Asian tour inside, probably the last time. For him, the Asia-Pacific region is very important, because the "rebalancing" is the center of foreign policy.

In a meeting with Chinese leaders, the two sides are expected to discuss a range of bilateral issues. United States, "Washington Post" 19 commented that the huge volume of trade between China and the US, but in China is not TPP, and Sino-US trade is a very hot topic in the US presidential election, these circumstances make Obama trip to China row is very special.

The visit to Laos, the article that, although only continue to consolidate the foundation of bilateral relations, but it shows that Laos as a landlocked country will sometimes play a role in American foreign policy.

Front measures

To protect the Group of Twenty (G20) leaders of the eleventh summit was successfully held August 28 to September 7, that is, on the eve of G20 summit during and held, as the roads and scenic control and the reasons for hotel reservations, Zhejiang Hangzhou (except suburban) travel team will temporarily stop reception, September 7 days to resume normal reception.

August 14, Zhejiang Province Public Security Bureau issued the "Notice on temporary traffic management measures for motor vehicles," which provides 24-Shi from until September at 0:06 on August 28 date, temporary traffic management measures with the administrative area of ​​road motor vehicles in Zhejiang Province.

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