Home Technique Agricultural policy

Agricultural policy

Content Description

"Agricultural Policy" was published by Chinese Agricultural University Press.

Book catalog


1. Agriculture Industrial Nature and Function

II. Connotation and Characteristics of Agricultural Policy

Third, the basic content of agricultural policies in the new era

Chapter 1 Rural basic business system

1. Establishment and evolution of rural basic business systems

Second, the connotation of rural basic business systems

three, long-term adherence to the basic business system of rural areas

four, keep the rural land contractual relationship for a long time in turn

five, Improve rural land contractual management rights market

Chapter 2 Grain Production Support Policy

1. Basic content of China's food production support policy

2, on strengthening Cultivated land resources protection

three, mobilizing the production of grain farmers

four, establishing the interests of the property area of ​​the food production area

5, food production support policy outlook

Chapter 3 Farmers Increasing Policy

1. The development of farmers' income policy

Second, the basic situation and main characteristics of farmers income in recent years

Third, the influencing factors of farmers' income are analyzed by

four, farmers income policy outlook

Chapter 4 Agricultural subsidy policy

1, agriculture subsidy policy Development History

Second, the main content and implementation effect of agricultural subsidy policy

three, the main problems of agricultural subsidy policy

four, agricultural subsidy policy

Chapter 5 Agricultural Product Price Support Policy

1. Development of Agricultural Product Price Support Policy

Second, the main content of agricultural products price support policy

three, agricultural products price support policy facilities

four, agricultural price support policy outlook

Chapter 6 Agricultural Products Market Circulation Policy

One , The evolution of agricultural products market circulation policy

II. The main content of the agricultural products market circulation policy

Agricultural policy

three, the main contradictions and problems of the circulation policy of agricultural products

four , Agricultural market circulation policy prospects

Chapter 7 Agricultural external open policy

1. The development of China's external open development history

2, China's agriculture is open Main policy measures

three, agricultural external open policy prospects

Chapter 8 Agricultural Science and Technology Progress Policy

1. The situation facing agricultural science and technology

Second, the main content of agricultural scientific and technological progress policy

three, agricultural science and technology policy outlook

Chapter 9 Agricultural Product Quality and Safety Supervision Policy

First, Agricultural Products Quality and safety supervision face New Situation of the Pro 2, the idea of ​​the quality and safety supervision policy of agricultural products

three, agricultural products Quality and Safety Supervision Policy Outlook

Chapter 10 Agricultural Society Service Policy

1. Connotation and Important Started Agricultural Social Service System

Second, the Development and Policy Evolution of Agricultural Socialization Services

Three, The key areas of agricultural social service system and policy orientation

Chapter 11 support farmers 'professional cooperative policy

1. The situation of China's farmers' professional cooperatives is

Second, the state supports the policy measures of farmers 'professional cooperatives

three, support the development of farmers' professional cooperative development policy Outlook

Chapter 12 Rural labor transfer employment policy

< P> 1. Promote rural labor transfer is a major strategic task

2, promote migrant workers citizenship

three, cultivate modern professional farmers

Chapter 13 Agricultural Infrastructure Construction Policy

1. Faced Image of Agricultural Infrastructure

Second, the main policy of national support agricultural infrastructure construction

three, agricultural foundation Facilities Construction Policy Outlook

Chapter 14 Rural Financial Policy

1. Evolution of Rural Financial Policy

Second, promote rural financial institutions innovation

three, promote rural financial products and service innovation

four, vigorously develop policy agricultural insurance

Chapter 15 Rural Poverty Alleviation Development Policy

I. History of rural poverty alleviation development since the reform and opening up

2, the state promotes policy measures for rural poverty alleviation development

three, new educational development policy prospects

Chapter 16 Building a Socialist New Countryside

1. Construction of the Connotation of New Socialist Countryside

Second, the experience of promoting rural construction and development abroad

three The practice and revelation of China's socialist new rural construction


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