Home Technique Alfrald Ai Hou

Alfrald Ai Hou

Character introduction

Alfare Ai Hou (English: Alfredaho, August 9, 1941 -), born in Timmins, Ontario, Canada, is a Bit computer scientist. Professor Lawrence Cosman Computer Science in Columbia University. He is also a deputy chairman of the University of Columbia University Computer Science. Between 1995 and 1997, as Chairman of the department in early 2003. Before moving to Colombia, he is also the president of the Bell Lab Computer Science Research Center. Current research is quantum computing, programming language, compilers, and algorithms.

Alfrald Ai Hou


The most famous work of Alfrald Ai Hou is a "AWK program design" with Peter Winberg and Brian Collin, A is its Abbreviation of "AHO" last name. There is also a "compiler: principle, technology, tool" with RaviSethi and Jeffreyullman (also known as the dragon book or Tianlong Collection, Songgang has a published translation, divided into two books).

He also wrote the original version of EGREP and FGREP tools under UNIX. At the same time, it is also a large number of computer science fields with Ullman and Johnhopcroft works, including algorithms, data structures, and computer science foundations.


In addition to the work, Ai Hou has also got a lot of institutions, there are many famous excellent results, including the IEEE's "John Von Nobsman Medal" Also also members of the American Science and Art Institute and National Engineering College.

He is Waterloo University and Helsinki University of Technology, and is also a member of American Computer Association (ACM), American Science PromotionVancementofscience, Bell Laboratory and IEEE.

2003, he won the best teacher award for college graduate community.

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