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Anglo - Saxon


Anglo - Saxon word from the classic language document from the Alfred Emperor. In the file, he seems to use Rex Anglorum Saxonum or Rex Angul-saxonum.

The meaning of ancient English vocabulary AENGLISC and Angelcynn ("Angle-Kin", Gens Anglorum has been confirmed to exclude the original intention of the Saxon, and the early record shows its finger after the past Western European nation treated to England.

Eight centuries, Bi De presented in his "Historia EccleSiastic" (Historia Ecclesiastica Gentis):

Most England North Kingdom (East Hueli, Wheat The people in West Asia, Norsenbria are the anoulists from (Western Europe). Schleswig-Holstein's Angeln Peninsula is named.

Asex, Saxax and Vestix people are Saxon, they come from (Western Europe) ancient Saxony Region.

The people in Kent and Southhamshire belong to the Zhidi tribe.

Other ancient literati did not provide relevant differences. Despite the other kingdom, the Centuo's customs have significant differences. Saxon's literati often known as part of Angelcyn, and its own language is englisc, and the royal family of Saxon claims that they are descendants of the Northern Bernicia. On the other hand, Budder's distinction between Anglo-Saxon is very likely to be fully taken from these places in Essex (East Saxon) and East Edge. At least, Gentis Anglorum and ANGLOR Populi, Gentis Anglorum and Anglorum Populi, confirmed that the Anglo-Saxon word has appeared in people's mouth when the AD had.

Lombard's literature written in the European continent of the European continent seems to be used first, "Angli Saxones", which is early than the classical documents of the Alfred Emperor's era. Near one hundred years. However, in this way, no one suspects this word is used to refer to the "continental Guxun" rather than "Saxon in England."



(AD 400 - 600)

Western European nation is believed in the northern part of Germany today Southern Southern Via-Southern Eg Undley Bracteate. According to Bi Bi

Germany, the people who moved into the Population traditionally divided into a Noofan, Saxon and Zhiders, but their composition is not very clear, it may contain Fearland and Frank. The Parker Library has an "Anglo-Saxon Chronicle" that may be migrated to Western Europe to the non-LCR. Anglo, Saxon and Zhidians were recorded in the 190-year Greek Torgi (Geographia) as an alliance.

Seven Kingdom Period

(about 600 - 800 years)

Anglo - Saxon Kingdom of Christianization begins with the Xiyuan 600 years, and substantially The leaves were completed in the middle of the eight century. The entire seven centuries to the Eighth Circles, and the larger kingdoms compete for power. According to Bud's record, the Kent Kingdom's Eitclibot has mastered the right to rule at the end of the sixth chart, but the power will be moved to Nossebiya. The 'Mercian Sweet' (Mercian Supreme "is ruled by the Eighth Century, but still has not continued. The Kent King Eitel Wilde and Maxia King Aoa two most powerful kings reached the highest domination. This period is described as a HEPTARCHY, but this term is now unused in academic. This vocabulary is established in South British Major Seven - Kent (Kent), Saxison, Sussex, Vessex (Western Saxon, Wessex), Essex (East Saxon, Essex), Noson Britbria, East ANGLIA and Mercia are based on Mercia. More and more academic studies have shown that several other kings have an important position during this period, including: Hwicce, Maconsaete, Lindsey and Zhongangya.

Danish invasion

Nine centuries, Viking's intrusion is a major problem. At the 871 year of the Emperor of Alfrade, the Qingsko only had a separate state of Weisix, and the Alfred Emperor first defeated Danish in Entineton in 878. In 886, he attacked London. Forced the invaders to sign and contract, with Chester-London, east as the Danish treatment area, and the West is the Kingdom of England. In the subsequent half of the half century, the successor of the Alfred Emperor continued to fight, gradually recovered, until the Denmark treatment area was completely recovered until 954.

The significant development of the Jiu Diplings is the rise of the Kingdom of Weisix, in the end of the Alfred Emperor, he was submitted to the highest monarch by other kingdoms in the south. Esselstein is the first king that reached directly in the UK.

In the end of the End of the End, Scandinavans have been interested in England. Denmark's invasion of England in 1013, at the time, the Westercy Wang Headeine, Essel Germany Resistance, in the end of Normandy in 1016, leaving his son's Edmont II resistance. Although he struggled to fight against the war, when his 1016 died, Kutter Emperor became the rule of England and had a good governance. After 1035, the Dart Emperor died, his son harold, Harthacunt successively became England rule, but their rule did not last long. In 1042, the confession in the end of Normandy Edward returned to England, and the England throne returned to the Hand of the Vessex royal family.



Early Unlimited Anglo - Saxon Building is generally quite simple, usually used as roofs using wood and millet. Anglo-Saxon usually doesn't like to live in ancient Roman city, and they build small towns next to their farming centers. There will be a major hall in every urban center.


Anglo - Saxison, also known as ancient English, is a language that is passing under the Great Rule of Alfred, and continues to form a general language of England (non-Danish area) Until 1066 Norman conquer, it was influenced by the Anglo-Norman language of the Norman Rule class, which was roughly transformed between 1150 to 1500.

Anglo - Saxison is relatively similar to the early Western European language compared to the early Western language. It is neither doctrine, and it has maintained a number of turbulent characteristics (verbs and nouns changes) between 12 to 14th centuries. It is the most close to the ancient English in the Netherlands and a few million people in northern Germany.

Before the spoken "ancient English" or classical culture, the ancient Nordic alphabet is called Futhorc (also known as Futhark). When civilization has become a wide range, a form of a classic language record and several futhork derived letters: 'Eth,' 'WYNN,' and 'Thorn' began to be used.

The following letters are often used to edit and print the ancient English text:

a a a a a a ae bcd? EFGHILMNOPRST? UWXY

and minimal J, K, Q, v and z.


The rare code left from the Anglo-Saxon period to the discovery, and its legal culture has been greatly influenced by the Roman law. In addition to the development of Norman (the Duke of Normandy), the development of the Anglo-Saxon period is very important for understanding the same age.


Anglo - Saxon literature contains epic, saints and records, the translation, legal documents, chronicle, riddle, and more. About 400 this period is still very important for today's handwriting. These handwrites are very important for research and establish a Anglo-Saxon language library.

Anglo - Saxon Times The most famous works is the historical "Beao Wufu" (Beowulf), which has the status of national epic in Britain. "Anglo-Saxon Chronicle is an important sort of early England history. The Caedmon's Hymn, the Caedmon's Hymn, is considered to be the oldest English text record.

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