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1989, the "Ballistics" Publication.

1992, 1996, Peking University and Beijing library books and periodicals Universities Research Association, the second confirmed and announced, "Ballistics" National Chinese core journals for the weapons industry category.

2014 In December 2009, officially named the State Administration of Radio, Press and Publication of the first recognized academic journals.

2016 January "Ballistics" editorial site upgrade maintenance.

2004 year 2018, were included in the "Chinese Core Journals" version of 2014, core periodical 2017 edition of "arms industry."

Running Conditions

column direction

"Ballistics" published mainly in the field of interior ballistics ballistics, intermediate ballistics, exterior ballistics, underwater the latest academic research results of ballistics, terminal ballistics, wound ballistics, ballistics test, launch dynamics, aerodynamics, flight mechanics, missile control systems, system integration and ballistic analysis, and information about flying objects and other aspects of sports law paper. Subject areas covered by the weapon system from the transmitter to the flight control, hit the target until the whole process and the implementation of damage.

The main audience for the journal researchers weapons industry and other relevant departments, engineers and technicians, management personnel and college teachers and students.


According to the November 2018 "Ballistics" official website shows, "Ballistics" Fourth Editorial Board has 41 members, honorary editor of one person, editor 1 person, deputy editor of 2 people.

Fourth Editorial Board members, "Ballistics"
Wang Zhongyuan Hao Fangqun wool preservation Xu Yi of LEE pool Li Hongzhi Tom Chan
Single phase inflammatory Weidong Tao Yang Shaoqing I Bin Lin Zhou Wei Zhouyan Huang
Zhao Chi Ouyang establishing a new PROJECTILES FAN Bao-chun money establishing a new Xuming You Yuan Yaxiong Li Baoming
Cuinai Gang Huangzhen Ya Sheng'an winter Peng patriarchal Wei Jianguo Han Jun Li ROCKETS ------

Running achievements


According to November 14, 2018 China HowNet show, "Ballistics" were published in literature 2428.

According to November 14, 2018 Wanfang Data show knowledge service platform, "Ballistics" total Papers 1573, the Fund Paper 602.

As of November 2017, "Ballistics" issue of coverage throughout the 19 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions.


"Ballistics" is the Chinese core journals Science and Technology, source journals, CSCD source journals Chinese Science Citation Database Chinese scientific papers (2017--2018 year) (including Extended Edition "Chinese core journals"), Peking source journal (1996 (second edition), 2000 edition, 2004 edition, 2008 edition, 22011 edition, 2014 edition, 2017 edition), by JST Japan Science and technology agency database (Japan) (2013), Engineering index (EI), Cambridge scientific Abstracts (United States), Elsevier secondary literature database, database Chinese core journals, Chinese Journal full-text database, Chinese academic Journal comprehensive evaluation database, China fine periodicals database technology, Chinese Science Abstracts (in English), China Journal net Daily, China Science and Technology Periodical database, Wanfang digital Periodicals, "Chinese missile and space Digest" and so included.


According to China HowNet show November 14, 2018, "Ballistics" always has been downloaded 339,158 times, total citation 14060 times (2018 edition) complex influence factor of 0.759, (2018 edition) integrated impact factor of 0.511.

According to November 14, 2018 Wanfang Data show knowledge service platform, "Ballistics" cited the amount of 8276, downloads to 85023; According to the 2015 China Journal Citation Reports (expanded print edition) source data show that the journal impact factor of 0.483, ranked 2971 in all statistical source journals (6735 kinds), ranked first in the 680 mechanics, military technology, industrial technology (1892 kinds) in.

Honor in recognition

In 1993, 1996, weapons systems journals competitions, won the second prize of excellent journals.

In 1995, won the outstanding issue of the journal, Jiangsu Province, and was designated as a journal of Jiangsu Province.

cultural traditions

"Ballistics" adhere to the "two for the" thought, facing the first line of scientific research, production, teaching and dissemination of scientific and technological achievements, exchange of academic ideas, discover talents, in order to promote the development of ballistics and weapons technology to contribute.

The current leadership

"Ballistics" Fourth Editorial Board Leadership
position name
reputation editor Li Hongzhi
editor Wang Central
Associate editor Xu Yi Da, Ouyang establishing a new
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