Home Technique Bean God Education Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd.

Bean God Education Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd.

Synonyms Beijing Lishen Technology Co., Ltd. General Foundation Gongshen Education Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd.


company full name: Beijing Lishen Technology Co., Ltd. stock abbreviation:立思辰

Stock Code: 300010

Trading Market: GEM

Establishment time: January 1999

Time Time: October 30, 2009 (First batch of GEM listing stocks)

Company Overview

Risi Chen Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "立思辰"), founded in 1999 On January 8, I was headquartered in Beijing, and in Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Shenyang, Nanjing and other more than 20 cities. In October 2009, Zhang Sic became one of the first batch of listed companies in China, and issued a listing and stock code (SZ300010) in the Shenzhen Exchange. The company has developed two major industrial groups: Education Group and Information Security Technology Group , sign strategic cooperative relations with many well-known companies at home and abroad.

The service of Risheng Education Group has covered 27 provinces, more than 8,000 schools, more than 100,000 teachers, 20,000,000 students. Risheng's corporate clients involve various fields such as education sectors, educational institutions, government departments, and defense military, including the Central Military Commission Office, General Political Department, General Command, Navy, Air Force, Two Cannons, Armed Police Corps, State Administration of Taxation, China CCTV, China National Administration for Industry and Commerce, China Civil Aviation Administration, Tsinghua University, Peking University, Beijing Chaoyang District Education Bureau, Tianjin Education Bureau and other multi-parts.

Rischen Education Group

Lishen Education Group with "excitation · achievement hundreds of thousands of youth" as the vision, joint government, school, enterprise and society, to learn from the service Developed as a core goal, with the help of the Internet, artificial intelligence and other advanced technology means to improve the efficiency and effect of the learning, the popularity of quality education, and establish "education informationization + education services" as the entry point, international education as the development direction, through the school Off-campus, underline and domestic foreign "立思 辰 教育 生态".

Bean God Education Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd.

Risi Chen Education Group has a number of sub-brands, Sikhen Ho, Min Zhaoyang, Kangbang Technology, Leyi Test, etc., business involves education information, online education, discipline applications, voice evaluation , Wucker Education, Steam and other fields. In the future, we will continue to explore the teaching and research content, teaching mode, communication mode innovation. Through the development of education information, the leaders of intelligence education, the development goals of "everyone learn, always learn, and can learn".

Turnshen's education information and education services through the school's education, process, process, and results data for collections, training, and analyzing, and vocational education business, international education business Provide data foundation and user traffic import.

In the field of education informational information, education services, through the restructuring Beijing Minti Zhaoyang Technology Development Co., Ltd., Beijing Kangbang Technology Co., Ltd., etc., in recent years, its own R & D and market development, standing Sichen has formed a strong product advantage in digital campus, cloud platform construction and operation, Internet core discipline application, student student evaluation diagnosis, and education decision support system, etc., and successfully approximately 8,000 provinces and cities across the country. The school has formed a business coverage.

In the field of promotion and vocational education, TiShen passed the controlled league, using Internet means to create college students on the entrepreneurial and vocational service platform, providing employment quality research analysis, employment, employment quality research, employment quality research, employment Soft power training, career development and business value-added services. Risheng has reached a strategic cooperation agreement with the Hunan Provincial Department of Education, Shanxi Provincial Employment Service, reached a strategic cooperation agreement, and the establishment of college student employment and vocational education service cloud platform in two provinces, will be completed. Nearly 2 million college students provide employment and entrepreneurial services.

Future, Turnshen also focuses on the international education sector, focusing on international school, language training, and studying abroad, and will vigorously expand its cooperation with overseas quality education institutions, for domestic education Business provides technical and content support.

立思辰 Information Security Technology Group

Otysic Information Security Technology Group, adapting to national information security and domestic alternative trend, is committed to becoming a data security control expert in the industry . A perfect technological innovation system has been established around the group's strategic development direction, and has been awarded the Beijing Enterprise R & D Center, Beijing Engineering Laboratory, and has established a Tsinghua University Research Institute in Tsinghua University of China. Based on the full life cycle safety control, providing industry users with security solutions to create autonomous controllable, secure credible, efficient information systems, customers all over the government, national defense military, education, finance, energy, transportation, communication, etc. Several major industries.

Otchen adheres to the development strategy of endogenous and epitaxial, internal key research and development to form a full life cycle safety control product of data carrier, and reorganize Huijin Technology in March 2014 through epitaxial development, enhance the foundation Software technology foundation and security business capabilities. In 2015, Li Sic has completed all the acquisitions from Xing Technology equity, enhances the company's industry solution service capabilities, and further consolidates the status of enterprises in the field of information security in the railway industry. In 2015, strategic investment industrial control information security Enterprise Valley Star Network Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd., in-depth information security business in the field of lading industrial control. In 2015, the Jiangnan Xinan will further improve the product line of the full life cycle of the data carrier, enhance the status of listed companies in the field of data security control. At the same time, through the reorganization of Jiangnan Xinan, let Ali Chen's product and solutions in the field of mobile information security, and complete the strategic layout in the field of mobile information security. Future to continue to strengthen the layout of key technical capabilities through endogenous and extensive development strategies around the data security control.

Leading team

Excellent team is the cornerstone of the company's continuous innovation and development, the core shareholders and senior executives of the company, most of which have a well-known school education background, including chairman The six senior executives, including Tsinghua University, and the founder of the Cooperative Cooperative Group of Tsinghua University, and the founder of Kangbang Technology founded in Tsinghua University, "self-improvement, and morality". The school motto culture can inherit and condense the strength, and the common values ​​and educational background are conducive to the great cause.

Vision and Mission

Education Group

Vision: Inspire · Achievement Billion Youth

Mission: Through Discovery, the 100 million teenagers Unique potential, make it regaining childhood happy time, showing everyone's unique personality, achieving a lifetime and happiness, and promoting China's education progress.

Information Security Technology Group

Vision: Defense data security, escort national counseling

mission: constitute safety control, think data security, Chen Guometry people's livelihood Germany, becoming a domestic none of data security control experts in China.


June 22, 2020, TiShen Rongdeng "2020 Forbes China's most innovative enterprise list".

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