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Psychology research object is aware (including psychological process) or behavior? From Locke, Betera to Fengrt, Tiechnna believes that it is mainly aware of the research awareness. But some people think that this subjective experience, this subjective experience can only be used inside yourself and not observe others, it is difficult to objectively quantify. Research behavior, from behavioral performance, the information is more reliable, and the information obtained is relatively reliable. Germany's Jacques Loble's animal behavior studies, Sang Dai's animal wisdom studies, Russian Xie Chesonv, Bai Hechalv and Bavlov's reflection can be used as a representative.

Main academic

Bavlov learning

Huasheng is inspired by the reflection of Pavlov, thinks psychology Learning is natural science, so it can only be used to observe objective observation law, and the goal is foreseen and controls people's behavior. The objective method of Huasheng's so-called psychology is to study only the stimulation (S) and the reaction (R) because it is easy to observe. As for subjective experience, consciousness, and even brain activities can not be used as an object of scientific research, only behavioral research is psychology. Things to be a psychology that stimulates and reactive, it does not recognize awareness, and of course, it is also negative, perception and thought. I only recognize that there are speech capabilities, and speech is just a simply alternative physical action. Huasheng handles the feeling as distinguishes, and Pavlov can measure any feeling as distinguishing by means of conditional reflection, and identify the operation of observing the factual facts. At first, Huasheng completely ruled out the method of the internal province, and later admitted that the speech report as an observable behavior. Behavioralism in the twentieth and 1930s of this century is prevalent in the United States.

When the animal establishes these two reactions, it will enter the increasing and fine discrimination, that is, the proportion of the radius of the two is getting closer, and the elliptical is gradually turned into a circular shape. When the ellipse radius is equal to 9: 8, the animal not only does not distinguish the circular and elliptical, but the previous form of differentiated conditions is also lost, while the extension of the extension of a dramatic long time is struggling on the experiment. The appliance, crossed rubber tube, barking, sorrow, see people to see the terrorist, behavioral, referred to, "experimental neurosis". Later, Pavlov found: Different gods of dogs cause "neuro breakage" to the exact same difficult job, the opposite behavior response: a dog is biased, and a dog is biased toward excitement. That is, there are two types of experimental neurosis.

experiments confirmed that

Huasheng was inspired by Pavlov Conditions Reflective Studies and the inspiration of Sang Dai's "Try Error" learning theory, and also made a lot of experiments. For example, a young child, whenever he reached his hand, when he fought his favorite, the experimenter slammed the iron rod behind him and made a strong noise and scared. Thus, after several times, whenever the mouse appeared, the young children will scare crying, and even if it is even close to the white-haired animals. This makes Huasheng believe that some sick signs of people are learning.

is considered to be the most contributing to the behaviorist school, and the B.f.skinner, designed an animal experimental device called the Sprint. There is a lever of the food in the box. When a hobby is freely explored in the box, it can be done before pressing the lever. The behavior of the mice and the speed of the rod operation are obtained depending on the number of pressure rods. Springs found different conditions with Pavlov. Bavlov reacts only for a known specific stimulus, called response; and Skiner found that the reaction under the situation of the external stimulus is not seen, said the operation reaction. Animals react with their own operational behavior, forming the conditional reflection or operability of operability (OPERATIVECONDITIONING). Springs observed the common changes between stimulation (S) and reaction (R), founded the functional relationship of R = F (s). He is called reflection between stimulation and reactions. However, there is no physiological continuity, and it can only be regarded as the associated between the two.

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