Home Technique Biomedical Engineering (first-level discipline)

Biomedical Engineering (first-level discipline)

Discipline Overview

Biomedical-Engineering is an emerging edge discipline that integrates theories and methods of engineering, physics, biology and medicine. Study the state changes of the human body system at the level, and use engineering techniques to control such changes. The purpose is to solve related problems in medicine, protect human health, and serve the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of diseases. It has a branch of biological information, chemical biology, etc., mainly studying biology, computer information technology and instrumental analysis chemistry, etc. The development of microfluidic chip technology provides biology for medical diagnosis and drug screening, as well as personalized and translational medicine. The new technological prospects of medical engineering, chemical biology, computational biology, and microfluidic technology biochips are systems biotechnology, which will move towards a unified future with systems bioengineering.

Development history

Biomedical engineering emerged in the 1950s. It has a very close relationship with medical engineering and biotechnology, and it has developed very rapidly, becoming the main competition among countries in the world. One of the fields.

The development of biomedical engineering is the same as other disciplines, and its development is also determined by factors such as science, technology, society, and economy. This term first appeared in the United States. The International Federation of Medical Electronics was established in the United States in 1958. In 1965, the organization was renamed the International Federation of Medicine and Bioengineering and later became the International Society of Biomedical Engineering.

In addition to good social benefits, biomedical engineering also has good economic benefits. The prospects are very broad. It is one of the high-tech developments in various countries in the new era. Taking 1984 as an example, the market size of biomedical engineering and systems in the United States was approximately US$11 billion. The American Academy of Sciences estimates that its output value is expected to reach US$40-100 billion by 2000.

Biomedical engineering is the basis for the development of electronics, microelectronics, modern computer technology, chemistry, polymer chemistry, mechanics, modern physics, optics, radiation technology, precision machinery and modern high technology It was developed under the condition of combining with medicine. Its development process is closely related to the world's high-tech development, and at the same time it has adopted almost all high-tech achievements, such as aerospace technology, microelectronics technology, etc.

Subject content

Biomechanics is the use of mechanics theories and methods to study the mechanical properties of biological tissues and organs, and to study the relationship between the mechanical characteristics of the body and its functions. The research results of biomechanics are of great significance for understanding the mechanism of human injury and disease, determining treatment methods, and providing a basis for the design of artificial organs and tissues.

Biomechanics includes biorheology (hemorheology, soft tissue mechanics and bone mechanics), circulatory system dynamics and respiratory system dynamics. Biomechanics has made rapid progress in bone mechanics.

Biological cybernetics is to study the mechanism of various regulation and control phenomena in the organism, and then to control the physiological and pathological phenomena of the organism, so as to achieve the purpose of preventing and curing diseases. The method is to quantitatively study the dynamic process of a certain structural level of the organism from a holistic perspective with a comprehensive method.

Biological effects are the harms and effects that various factors may cause to the body in the study of medical diagnosis and treatment. It needs to study the propagation and distribution of energy such as light, sound, electromagnetic radiation and nuclear radiation in the body, as well as its biological effects and mechanism of action.

Biological materials are the material basis for the production of various artificial organs. It must meet the various requirements of various organs for materials, including strength, hardness, toughness, wear resistance, flexibility and surface characteristics. Physical and mechanical properties. Since most of these artificial organs are implanted in the body, they are required to have corrosion resistance, chemical stability, non-toxicity, and compatibility with body tissues or blood. These materials include metals, non-metals and composite materials, polymer materials, etc.; light alloy materials are widely used.

Medical imaging is one of the main methods for clinical diagnosis of diseases, and it is also a key subject of development and scientific research in the world. Medical imaging equipment mainly uses X-rays, ultrasound, radionuclide magnetic resonance, etc. for imaging.

X-ray imaging devices mainly include large X-ray units, X-ray digital subtraction (DSA) devices, and computerized X-ray tomography (CT); ultrasound imaging devices include B-mode ultrasound and color ultrasound Doppler inspection and other devices; radionuclide imaging equipment mainly includes gamma camera, single photon emission computed tomography imaging device and positron emission computed tomography imaging device, etc.; magnetic imaging equipment includes resonance tomography imaging device; in addition, infrared imaging and emerging Impedance imaging technology and so on.

Medical electronic instruments are the main equipment for collecting, analyzing and processing human physiological signals, such as ECG, EEG, EMG, and multi-parameter monitors are being miniaturized and intelligent. Biochemical testing instruments that understand biochemical processes through body fluids have gradually moved towards miniaturization and automation.

The development of therapeutic equipment is slightly worse than that of diagnostic equipment. The main equipment used is X-ray, gamma-ray, radionuclide, ultrasound, microwave and infrared. Large ones include linear accelerators, X-ray deep therapy machines, extracorporeal lithotripters, artificial respirators, etc., and small ones include laser intracavitary lithotripters, laser acupuncture and electrical stimulators.

The conventional equipment in the operating room has evolved from simple surgical instruments to high-frequency electrosurgical knives, laser knives, respiratory anesthesia machines, monitors, X-ray televisions, and various emergency treatment instruments such as defibrillators.

In order to improve the treatment effect, in modern medical technology, many treatment systems have diagnostic instruments or a treatment device that also contains diagnostic functions, such as defibrillators with diagnostic heart functions and guidance for selected treatments Parametric ECG monitors, extracorporeal lithotripters are equipped with X-ray and ultrasound imaging devices for positioning, and the artificial heart pacemaker implanted in the human body has the function of sensing the ECG, so that it can make adaptive starts. Stroke therapy.

Interventional radiology is the fastest growing field in radiology, that is, when performing interventional therapy, diagnostic x-ray or ultrasound imaging devices and endoscopes are used for diagnosis and guidance And positioning. It solves many difficult problems in diagnosis and treatment, and treats diseases with less damage.

One of the high technologies that countries are competing to develop in the new era is medical imaging technology, including image processing, impedance imaging, magnetic resonance imaging, three-dimensional imaging technology, and image archiving and communication systems. In the imaging technology, biomagnetic imaging is the latest development topic, which is to image the current of human tissue by measuring the human magnetic field.

Biomagnetic imaging currently has two aspects. That is, magnetic cardiography (used to observe the electrical activity of myocardial fibers, which can well reflect arrhythmia and myocardial ischemia) and magnetic brain imaging (used to diagnose epileptic activity, senile dementia and acquired immune deficiency syndrome in the brain Invasion, it can also locate and quantify the damaged brain area).

Another high-tech technology developed by countries all over the world is signal processing and analysis technology, which includes the processing and analysis of signals and graphics such as ECG, EEG, nystagmus, language, heart sound and breathing.

There is also the study of neural networks in the high-tech field, and scientists from all over the world have set off a research boom for this. It is considered to be an emerging fringe subject that may cause major breakthroughs. It studies the thinking mechanism of the human brain and applies its results to the development of intelligent computer technology. Using the principle of intelligence to solve various practical problems is the purpose of neural network research, and gratifying results have been achieved in this field.

Engineering branch

Medical composite materials

Biomedical composite materials are composed of two or more different materials. Biomedical materials, which are mainly used for the repair and replacement of human tissues and the manufacture of artificial organs [1]. Long-term clinical applications have found that traditional medical metal materials and polymer materials have no biological activity and are not easy to bind firmly to tissues. They are affected by the physiological environment in the physiological environment or after implantation in the body, resulting in the release of metal ions or monomers, causing damage to the body. Adverse effects. Although bioceramic materials have good chemical stability and compatibility, high strength, wear resistance, and corrosion resistance, the materials have low flexural strength, high brittleness, and low fatigue and failure strength in physiological environments. In the absence of reinforcement measures, it can only be applied to the situation that does not bear the load or only bears the pure compressive stress load. Therefore, a single material cannot well meet the requirements of clinical applications. Biomedical composites made of materials with different properties not only have the properties of component materials, but also can obtain new properties that single-component materials do not possess. It is a development for obtaining biomedical materials with structures and properties similar to human tissues. With a broad approach, biomedical composite materials will surely become the most active field in the research and development of biomedical materials.

1. Requirements for the selection of component materials of biomedical composite materials

The biomedical composite materials are designed according to the application requirements. The composition of functional materials and the properties of composite materials will depend on the nature and content of the component materials and the interface between them. Commonly used matrix materials include medical polymers, medical carbon materials, bioglass, glass ceramics, calcium phosphate-based or other bioceramics, medical stainless steel, cobalt-based alloys and other medical metal materials; reinforcement materials include carbon fiber, stainless steel and titanium-based alloys Fiber, biological glass ceramic fiber, ceramic fiber and other fiber reinforcements, in addition to zirconia, calcium phosphate-based biological ceramics, biological glass ceramics and other particle reinforcements.

In the complex physiological environment of the human body, the materials implanted in the body are long-term affected by physical, chemical, bioelectrical and other factors. At the same time, there are many dynamic interactions between various tissues and organs. Therefore, The biomedical component materials must meet the following requirements: ⑴ have good biocompatibility and physical compatibility, to ensure that there will be no damage to the biological performance of the material after compounding; ⑵ have good biological stability, and the material The structure does not change due to the action of body fluids, and the material composition does not cause the biological reaction of the organism; ⑶ has sufficient strength and toughness, can withstand the mechanical force of the human body, the elastic modulus, hardness, and wear resistance of the materials and tissues used Correspondingly, the reinforcement material must also have high rigidity, elastic modulus and impact resistance; ⑷ have good sterilization performance to ensure the smooth application of biological materials in the clinic. In addition, biomaterials must have good molding and processing properties, and their application should not be restricted due to difficulties in molding and processing.

2. Research status and application of biomedical composite materials

Ceramic-based biomedical composite materials

< p>Ceramic-based composite material is a type of composite material obtained by introducing reinforcement materials in the shape of particles, wafers, whiskers or fibers in a ceramic, glass or glass-ceramic matrix through different methods. Although not many varieties of bioceramic-based composite materials have reached the stage of clinical application, it has become the most active field in bioceramic research, and its research mainly focuses on the activity and osseointegration properties of biomaterials and the research of material enhancement.

Al2O3, ZrO3 and other biologically inert materials have been clinically applied since the early 1970s, but their combination with biological hard tissue is a mechanical lock. Using high-strength oxide ceramics as the base material and incorporating a small amount of biologically active materials can give the material a certain amount of biological activity and bone binding ability on the basis of maintaining the excellent mechanical properties of the oxide ceramics. The bioglass with different expansion coefficients is sintered at high temperature or plasma sprayed to coat the surface of the dense Al2O3 ceramic hip implant. After the sample is processed at high temperature, a large amount of Al2O3 enters the glass layer, effectively strengthening The interface between bioglass and Al2O3 ceramic is combined, and the composite material can react in the buffer solution for tens of minutes to form hydroxyapatite. In order to meet the requirements of surgical operations for biological and mechanical properties, people have begun bioactive ceramics and the composite research of bioactive ceramics and bioglass, so that the material has the advantages of porosity, specific surface area, biological activity and mechanical strength. The overall performance is improved. Over the years, the research on hydroxyapatite (HA) and tricalcium phosphate (TCP) composite materials has also increased. 30% HA and 70% TCP are sintered at 1150℃, and their average flexural strength is 155MPa, which is better than pure HA and TCP ceramics. The study found that the fracture of HA-TCP dense composite material is mainly transgranular fracture, and its degree of intergranular fracture It is also larger than pure single-phase ceramic materials. The HA-TCP porous composite material is implanted in the animal body, and its performance is similar to β-TCP at first, and then has the characteristics of HA. By adjusting the ratio of HA to TCP, it can meet the purpose of different clinical needs. The composite material made of 45SF1/4 glass powder and HA is implanted in rabbit bone 8 weeks later and taken out. The shear failure strength between bone and composite material reaches 27MPa, which is significantly higher than pure HA ceramic.

Biomedical ceramic materials

Because of its structural characteristics, biomedical ceramic materials have poor mechanical reliability (especially in wet physiological environments) , The study of the activity of bioceramics and the study of its binding properties to bone tissues has failed to solve the inherent brittleness of the material. Therefore, the reinforcement research of bioceramics has become another research focus, and its reinforcement methods mainly include particle reinforcement, whisker or fiber reinforcement, phase change toughening and layered composite reinforcement, etc. [3, 5-7]. When 10%-50% ZrO2 powder is added to HA powder, the material will be sintered by hot pressing at 1350~1400℃, and its strength and toughness will increase with the increase of sintering temperature. Add 50% TZ-2Y composite material, flexural strength Up to 400MPa, fracture toughness is 2.8~3.0MPam1/2. ZrO2 toughened β-TCP composite material, its bending strength and fracture toughness are also enhanced with the increase of ZrO2 content. Compared with pure HA ceramics, nano-SiC reinforced HA composites have 1.6 times higher flexural strength, 2 times higher fracture toughness, and 1.4 times higher compressive strength, which are equivalent to the performance of biological hard tissues. Whiskers and fibers are effective toughening and reinforcing materials for ceramic matrix composite materials. The main materials used to reinforce medical composite materials are: SiC, Si3N4, Al2O3, ZrO2, HA fibers or whiskers and C fibers, etc., SiC crystal The bioactive glass ceramic material must be reinforced. The composite material has a flexural strength of 460MPa, a fracture toughness of 4.3MPam1/2, and a high Weibull coefficient.

Digital signal processing

As a branch of signal and information processing, digital signal processing has penetrated into scientific research, technological development,

industrial production, national defense And in all areas of the national economy, fruitful results have been achieved. Analyzing and processing the characteristics of the signal in the time domain and the transform domain can enable us to have a clearer understanding and understanding of the characteristics and essence of the signal, obtain the signal form we need, improve the utilization of information, and further improve the Get information on a deeper level. The superiority of the digital signal processing system is shown as follows: 1. Good flexibility: When the processing method and parameters change, the processing system only needs to change the software design to adapt to the corresponding changes. 2. High precision: The signal processing system can meet the precision requirements through the number of bits of A/D conversion, the word length of the processor and appropriate algorithms. 3. Good reliability: The processing system is less affected by the interference of ambient temperature, humidity, noise and electromagnetic fields. 4. Large-scale integration: With the development of semiconductor integrated circuit technology, the integration of digital circuits can be made very high, with the advantages of small size, low power consumption, and good product consistency.

However, due to the limitation of computing speed, the real-time performance of the digital signal processing system is far inferior to that of the analog signal processing system for a long time, which greatly restricts the application of the digital signal processing system. Constraints. Since the birth of DSP (digital signal processing) chips in the late 70s and early 80s, this situation has been greatly improved. DSP chip, also known as digital signal processor, is a microprocessor especially suitable for digital signal processing operations. The emergence and development of DSP chips have promoted the improvement of digital signal processing technology. Many new systems and new algorithms have emerged as the times require, and their application fields have been continuously expanded. DSP chips have been widely used in communications, automatic control, aerospace, military, medical and other fields.

In the late 1970s and early 1980s, the birth of AMI’s S2811 chip and Intel’s 2902 chip marked the beginning of DSP chips. With the rapid development of semiconductor integrated circuits, the requirements of high-speed real-time digital signal processing technology and the continuous extension of digital signal processing applications, DSP chips have achieved epoch-making developments in the decades since the early 1980s. In terms of operating speed, the MAC (multiply and accumulate) time has been reduced from 400 ns in the 1980s to less than 40 ns, and the data processing capability has been increased by several tens of times. MIPS (millions of instructions per second) has increased from 5 MIPS in the early 1980s to more than 40 MIPS. The multiplier, a key component of the DSP chip, has dropped from about 40% of the die area in the early 1980s to less than 5%, and the on-chip RAM has increased by more than an order of magnitude. From the perspective of manufacturing process, the 4μm NMOS process was adopted in the early 1980s and the sub-micron CMOS process is now adopted. The number of pins of DSP chips has increased from a maximum of 64 in the early 1980s to more than 200. The increase in the number of pins makes the chip Increased application flexibility makes the expansion of external memory and communication between processors more convenient. Compared with earlier DSP chips, DSP chips have floating-point and fixed-point data formats. Floating-point DSP chips can perform floating-point operations, greatly improving the accuracy of operations. The cost, volume, operating voltage, weight, and power consumption of DSP chips have been greatly reduced compared to earlier DSP chips. In the DSP development system, software and hardware development tools are constantly improving. Some chips have a corresponding integrated development environment, which supports the setting of breakpoints, the access of program memory, data memory and DMA, and the single operation and tracking of programs, and can be programmed in high-level languages. Some manufacturers and some software developers For the development of DSP application software, a general function library, various algorithm subroutines and various interface programs are prepared, which makes the development of application software more convenient, greatly shortens the development time, and improves the efficiency of product development.

Engineering major


Biomedical engineering is a cross-discipline that combines science, engineering and medicine. It is the theory and method of applied engineering technology. An emerging edge science that solves medical disease prevention and treatment and protects people's health. The subject directions of biomedical engineering research mainly include: computer network technology and various large-scale medical equipment; computer network technology includes: digital medical center, medical image processing and multimedia application in medicine, biological information control and neural network biology Medical signal detection and processing. With the development of science and technology, various types of large-scale medical equipment are used more and more widely in hospitals. The operation, maintenance and management personnel of large-scale medical equipment are urgently needed talents in major hospitals and companies.

Teaching practice

Including metalworking practice (3~4 weeks), electronic design (2~3 weeks), production practice (3~4 weeks), graduation design (12~16) Weeks).

Training objectives

This major cultivates basic theoretical knowledge related to life sciences, electronic technology, computer technology and information science, as well as scientific research capabilities combining medicine and engineering technology. Senior engineering and technical personnel engaged in research, development, teaching and management in the fields of biomedical engineering, medical instruments and other electronic technology, computer technology, information industry and other departments.

Training requirements

The students of this major mainly study the basic theories and basic knowledge of life science, electronic technology, computer technology and information science. Basic training in the application of medicine, with the basic ability of research and development in the field of biomedical engineering.

Major courses

Analog electronic technology, digital electronic technology, human anatomy, physiology, basic biology, biochemistry, signals and systems, algorithms and data structures, database principles, Digital signal processing, EDA technology, digital image processing, automatic control principle, medical imaging principle, bioinformatics.

Employment direction

1. Master the basic principles and design methods of electronic technology;

2. Master the basic theories of signal detection and signal processing and analysis;

3. Basic knowledge of biomedicine;

4. With microprocessor and computer application capabilities;

5. Have the preliminary ability of biomedical engineering research and development;

6. Have a certain basic knowledge of humanities and social sciences;

7. Understand the development trends of biomedical engineering;

8. Master the basic methods of document retrieval and data query.

Setting up colleges and universities

< /tr>< tr>< td>

[Shaanxi]Xi'an Jiaotong University

< /tr>

Sorted by the time when this entry was added

[Liaoning]Dalian University of Technology

[Beijing]Tsinghua University

[Guangdong]Sun Yat-sen University

[Shanghai]Fudan University

[Shandong]Shandong University

[Sichuan]Southwest Jiaotong University

[ Zhejiang]Zhejiang University

[Jiangsu] Southeast University

[Beijing]Beijing Institute of Technology

[Guangdong]South China University of Technology

[Jilin]Jilin University

[Henan]Zhengzhou University

[Chongqing]Chongqing University

[Tianjin]Tianjin University

[Shandong]Shandong University of Science and Technology

[Sichuan]University of Electronic Science and Technology

[Beijing ]Beijing Jiaotong University

[Guangdong]Jinan University

[Shaanxi]Xi'an Electronic Technology University

[Liaoning]Northeastern University

[Anhui]Hefei University of Technology

[Jiangsu] Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics

[Henan] Henan University of Science and Technology

< /td>

[Hebei]Yanshan University

[Shanghai]University of Shanghai for Science and Technology

[Yunnan] Kunming University of Science and Technology

[Chongqing] Chongqing Medical University

[Jiangsu] China University of Mining and Technology

[Tianjin] Hebei University of Technology

[Beijing]Beijing University of Technology

[ Sichuan]Southwest University of Science and Technology

[Chongqing]Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications

[Heilongjiang]Harbin Engineering University

[Jiangsu]Jiangsu University

[Jiangxi]Nanchang Hangkong University


[Hebei]Hebei University of Science and Technology

[Hubei]South Central University for Nationalities

< /td>

[Liaoning]Shenyang University of Technology

[Jilin]Changchun University of Science and Technology

[Chongqing] Chongqing University of Technology (former Chongqing Institute of Technology)

[Beijing]Beijing Union University

< /td>

[Shaanxi]Xi'an Technological University

[Beijing]Capital Medical University

[Liaoning]China Medical University

[Zhejiang]China Jiliang University

[Sichuan]Chengdu Institute of Information Engineering

[Hebei]Northeastern University Qinhuangdao Branch

[Jilin]Changchun University of Technology

[Guangdong]Guangzhou Medical College

[Henan] Xinxiang Medical University

[Zhejiang] Wenzhou Medical University (formerly Wenzhou Medical University)

[Jiangsu]Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications

[Hunan]Hunan University


[Guangdong]Shenzhen University

[Beijing]Beijing Aerospace University

[Anhui]Anhui Medical University

[Shandong]Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine< /p>

[Shanxi] Taiyuan University of Technology

[Sichuan] Chengdu Medical College

[Shandong] Jining Medical College

[Guangdong] Southern Medical University

[Guangxi]Guilin University of Electronic Technology

[ Shandong]Weifang Medical College

Typical Departments

School of Biological Sciences and Medical Engineering, Southeast University< /p>

The predecessor of the School of Biological Sciences and Medical Engineering of Southeast University (abbreviated as: Dongda School of Medicine) was the Department of Biological Sciences and Medical Engineering, which was founded in October 1984 by Academician Wei Yu and was the first in China. In August 2006, in order to meet the needs of subject development, the school decided to establish the School of Biological Sciences and Medical Engineering. The direction of scientific research and student training of the college is aimed at the leading disciplines of the 21st century-life science and electronic information science, emphasizing the intersection and penetration of these two disciplines, comprehensively applying electronic information science theories and methods to solve scientific problems in the field of biomedicine, and develop Modern life science technology.

Main research directions: 1. Sequencing and bioinformatics analysis; 2. Biological and medical nanotechnology; 3. Biomedical materials and devices; 4. Medical imaging and medical electronics; 5. Children Development and learning science; 6. Medical informatics and engineering. The school's research and application in the field of life sciences is far ahead in China. Ranked first in the country; In 2007, it was ranked first in the evaluation of national key disciplines; In 2012, in the national first-level discipline evaluation, continued to rank first in the country 1. It has won the first place for many consecutive years.

Total has a first-level doctoral program, seven second-level doctoral programs, and a postdoctoral mobile station for biomedical engineering, which was approved in 2005 Rated as a national excellent post-doctoral mobile station; owns the State Key Laboratory of Bioelectronics, Jiangsu Province Key Laboratory of Biomaterials and Devices, and also has Suzhou Key Laboratory of Biomedical Materials and Technology, Suzhou Key Laboratory of Environment and Biosafety , Wuxi City Biochip Key Laboratory and other scientific research bases. It has two teaching experiment centers: Medical Electronic Technology Experiment Center (school-level innovative experiment platform), Biotechnology and Material Experiment Center.

The School of Biological Sciences and Medical Engineering has established a multi-disciplinary high-level academic echelon, mainly composed of outstanding young and middle-aged doctors, and has many national experts. There are more than 60 full-time teachers, including < b>1 academician, 3 winners of the National Outstanding Youth Fund, 20 professors, 20 associate professors, 18 doctoral supervisors, 25 master supervisors, and more than 85% of the teachers have doctoral degrees. In 2002, this echelon was rated as the provincial outstanding discipline echelon of "Blue Project" in Jiangsu Province. In 2002, the scientific research team with Professor Lu Zuhong as the academic leader was funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China's innovative research group; in 2005, the team passed the evaluation of the national organization and received three years of rolling funding. From 2005 to 2010, undertook a total of 212 scientific research projects, including 175 longitudinal projects, including the national key basic research "973" project (hosted 2 projects, 9 sub-projects), and 22 national high-tech 863 projects (funded 2968) RMB 10,000), 2 Outstanding Youth Funds, 1 National Natural Science Foundation of China's innovative research group (funding 7.2 million), 7 National Natural Science Foundation of China key projects, more than 60 general projects of the Natural Science Foundation of China, and more than 50 provincial and ministerial projects The total amount of scientific research funds received is 130 million yuan.

Dean: Gu Ning

The Department of Biomedical Engineering, School of Engineering, Peking University

The Department of Biomedical Engineering, School of Engineering, Peking University was established In 2005. As part of the new School of Engineering, the Department of Biomedicine has been committed to conducting cutting-edge research in life sciences and medicine within the scope of engineering science from the beginning of the establishment of the department. Significant progress has been made in this regard. : (1) Nanomedicine for major diseases; (2) Biomaterials and regenerative medicine; (3) Biomechanics and bioinformatics; (4) Molecular medical imaging; (5) Minimally invasive medicine; (5) Neuromedicine engineering; (5) Mobile/telemedicine and health Informatics. Since the establishment of the department, the Department of Biomedicine has strong scientific research capabilities, and has successively undertaken the National Key Basic Research and Development Program (973), the National High-Tech Research and Development Program (863), the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and international cooperation projects. There are a large number of scientific research projects, and the total amount of scientific research is increasing year by year. The Department of Biomedicine already has a vigorous young and middle-aged scientific research team, including 4 professors, 4 associate professors, and 6 distinguished researchers, all with overseas study experience. They are active in the forefront of biomedical engineering research and teaching, closely following the international academic frontiers, and carrying out scientific research in the high-end field of biomedical engineering.

Pay attention to close integration with international frontier research and development, and carry out the cultivation of talents and scientific research related to biomedical engineering. Several research rooms and laboratories have been built, and biological functional molecules and systems engineering, biological interfaces and functional materials, biomedical modeling and simulation, cell mechanics and micro-nano technology, bioinformatics, medical signals and image technology are being developed Research.

Doctoral points: "Biomechanics and Biomedicine", "Biomedical Engineering".

Joint Ph.D. Program: Peking University-Georgia Institute of Technology-Emory University "Biomedical Engineering" PhD student joint training.

Master's degree: "Biomedical Engineering", "Biomechanics and Biomedicine".

Undergraduate: Peking University's "Biomedical Engineering" major will be enrolled in 2010.

Academician Yu Mengsun of the Institute of Aeronautical Medicine of the Air Force, Yubo Fan, Dean of the School of Biological and Medical Engineering, Beihang University, Professor Cheng Zhu from the Georgia Institute of Technology, and Researcher Tian Jie from the Institute of Automation of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, are employed as the School of Engineering of Peking University Adjunct professor.

The director of the Department of Biomedical Engineering is the winner of the National Outstanding Youth Fund, and the chief scientist of the "973" project "Basic Theories and Key Scientific Issues of Visual Restoration" of the Key Basic Research Program of the Ministry of Science and Technology is Professor Qiushi.

Department of Biomedical Engineering, College of Biomedical Engineering and Instrument Science, Zhejiang University

The Department of Biomedical Engineering, whose predecessor can be traced back to 1977 in China The first major of biomedical engineering and instrumentation was established, and the first master's degree granting site, the first doctoral degree granting site, and the first post-doctoral research mobile station in China's biomedical engineering disciplines have been successively built in the future. The first-level discipline of biomedical engineering supported by the department is an important pillar of life sciences in the 21st century and a frontier discipline that leads the international future. It aims to use modern engineering techniques to solve problems in biomedical testing, diagnosis, treatment, and management. In-depth exploration of various motion mechanisms and regularities of life systems. As a key discipline of the national "211 Project" and "985 Revitalization Plan", Zhejiang University's biomedical engineering discipline ranks first in the country in its academic reputation in the new round of the Ministry of Education's overall level of biomedical engineering first-level discipline evaluation. At the same time, After the discipline became a national key discipline in 2002, it was again recognized as a national key discipline in 2007. The new biomedical engineering major under this department was included in the first batch of characteristic major construction projects in Zhejiang University.

The department has established "National Professional Laboratory of Biosensing Technology", "Key Laboratory of Biomedical Engineering of the Ministry of Education", "Zhejiang Province Cardiovascular and Nervous System Drug Screening, and Development and Evaluation of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Research institutions and laboratories such as the "Laboratory", the "Zhejiang University Biomedical Engineering Technology Evaluation Center" jointly approved by the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education. There are more than 30 full-time teachers, including 11 professors and 15 associate professors. At the same time, a group of internationally renowned scholars such as Harvard University N.Y.S. Kiang and University of California W.J. Freeman are employed as chair professors, honorary professors and visiting professors. After 30 years of continuous development, a multi-level talent training system including undergraduates, masters, doctors, and post-doctors has been gradually formed, and a team of young and middle-aged teachers has been developed, with multiple disciplines such as medicine, engineering, and science. , A solid teaching and scientific research team has formed and developed three major research directions: biomedical information, biosensing technology and medical instruments, quantitative and systematic physiological methodology research.

Biomedical Engineering Discipline of Southern Medical University

The establishment of the Biomedical Engineering Discipline began in 1986. It was the earliest unit that established the Biomedical Engineering major in China. So far, it has become an important student training and research institution in China's biomedical engineering, and it is the largest biomedical engineering discipline in China for undergraduate training. A complete talent training system of "undergraduate-master-doctoral-postdoctoral" has been formed.

Professional School

1 HarvardUniversity(Cambridge)

2 University of Cambridge

3 Johns Hopkins University (Baltimore) JohnsHopkinsUniversity(Baltimore)

4 University of California, Berkeley(Berkeley)University of California, Berkeley(Berkeley)

5 University of Oxford

6 Stanford University (斯坦福)StanfordUniversity(Stanford)

7 耶鲁大学神学院(纽黑文)YaleUniversityDivinitySchool(NewHaven)

8 麻省理工学院(剑桥)MassachusettsInstituteofTechnology(Cambridge)

9 加州大学圣地亚哥分校UniversityofCalifornia,SanDiego(SanDiego)

10 麦吉尔大学McGillUniversity

11 帝国理工学院ImperialCollegeLondon

11 加州大学洛杉矶分校(洛杉矶)UniversityofCalifornia,LosAngeles(LosAngeles)

13 多伦多大学UniversityofToronto

14 英属哥伦比亚大学UniversityofBritishColumbia

15 东京大学东京大学

16 加州理工学院(帕萨迪纳)CaliforniaInstituteofTechnology(Pasadena)

17 新加坡国立大学NationalUniversityofSingapore

18 康奈尔大学(伊萨卡)CornellUniversity(Ithaca)

20 哥伦比亚大学(纽约)ColumbiaUniversity(NewYork)




一级学科代码及名称:0831 生物医学工程(2007-2012年)

































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