Home Technique Brew business platform

Brew business platform


BREW is the abbreviation of Binary Runtime Environment for Wireless. It is the development of value-added services based on the CDMA network "Wireless Internet Launch Platform" launched by Qualcomm in 2001 The basic platform to run on. Compared to Java, BREW is a lower-level technology.

Manufacturers and developers can expand the operating environment at any time to provide various additional performance modules required by the application, such as the multimedia, multiple connection methods, and location services included in the "wireless Internet launch platform" , User interface, network and other functional suites. The functional environment provided by BREW is like an operating system on a PC, which can be used by downloading specific types of applications or games through the service provider. At the same time, through the BREW interface function, the supplier can provide a complete set of information, business, and entertainment functions. In future versions, the BREW kernel class will be able to provide services such as Bluetooth technology, global positioning system (GPS) and data-based telephone services. Since fewer internal application development and integration tasks are required, OEMs can introduce new devices more quickly. Users can choose and download wireless software that suits their personal preferences. In this way, users will promote the development of new wireless data applications and service markets.

BREW is mainly used in the field of mobile communications. BREW is similar to an open and free PC operating system. Other manufacturers can design various applications on this platform. As a mobile phone application platform, BREW can support dozens of data services such as high-speed Internet access, downloading games, and wireless shopping. Manufacturers use BREW to design an application software that can be used by all mobile phones loaded with Qualcomm chips, and there will be no trouble of designing different mobile phone models on JAVA (another platform). In addition, BREW is also compatible with other languages, including JAVA and FLASH.

The BREW platform is part of a complete end-to-end solution for wireless application development, device configuration, application distribution, and billing and payment. The BREW solution includes the following components:

BREW application platform and migration tools for device manufacturers; BREW software development kit (SDK) for application developers; BREW managed and controlled by network operators Distribution system (BDS), using this distribution system, operators can easily put applications developed by developers into the market and coordinate billing and payment processes.

BREW is an abstraction layer on top of the embedded chip operating system, which can provide access to some low-level functions, environment variables and subroutines. It is not a VM, because it does not act as an interpreter, and the Java VM interprets the bytecode of the compiled Java program class files at runtime.

On the other hand, BREW is similar to embedded development using C language. Unlike J2ME, developers can write C code, which will be directly compiled for ARM processors in a highly constrained environment. This makes BREW compiled code more efficient in size and execution. Developers can write full-featured mail client programs less than 50KB in BREW. BREW also allows access to system-level functions such as integrating applications with TAPI interfaces. For example, users can make voice calls from within the BREW application. This is impossible in the J2ME environment.

BREW is also not a browser or i-Mode-like browser-based service. A browser is a program that allows users to view or download content from a website written in a specific markup language. For example, i-Mode uses CHTML to send data and services to the device. This means that the operation of i-Mode is limited to the CHTML markup set, and applications usually require the device to connect to the i-Mode server. If you use BREW, the connection status depends entirely on the function of the application, and has almost nothing to do with the BREW application platform. Developers can also write a browser in BREW to perform the operations performed by i-Mode, but that is not a function of the BREW platform.

System Architecture

Figure 1 is the logical design diagram of the BREW business platform.

The BREW download system is mainly composed of the following parts.

ADS: BREW application software download server, realizes the browsing and downloading of BREW applications.

Load balancer: The BREW terminal will point to a virtual IP address (VIP) or host name located on the load balancer. The load balancer is responsible for distributing BREW ADS requests among multiple servers in the ADS server group. This function provides mutual redundancy for Web servers, and can easily suspend the service of a server for maintenance without affecting user services.

Switch: This switch connects the ADS server group to the load balancer.

Backup server/terminal server: The backup server allows operators to obtain transaction records collected in the ADS server group. After connecting the modem to this router, the remote access to the BREW environment can be realized through the traditional telephone line.

CTXN transaction server: The operator transaction management system is a database server for processing transaction records received from the ADS server. In the transaction settlement process, the original transaction data will correspond to the application data and an XML file called "billing record" will be generated.

System function

Application display module

The application display module mainly completes the display function of WAP and SMS in several ways. The display function of Mobile shop is realized by the BDS module. The application presentation module is responsible for the content unification and update synchronization of these several presentation methods.

User grouping function

The user grouping function realizes the grouping of users by region or industry, which facilitates the promotion of local or industry-based services by the BREW download system.

The user grouping function specifically includes the following items.

1. Automatic acquisition and division of the user's area group: The user grouping system automatically divides the user's area grouping according to the user's MDN attribution.

2. Division of user industry groupings: realize the management of user industry groupings.

3. Administrator identity authentication and management: to realize the authentication of the remote login administrator identity and provide the super administrator to set the operation interface of the system administrator and its authority.

4. It is required to be able to support remote access and data modification functions. At the same time, it is necessary to establish a strict security and permission detection mechanism to protect the security of packet data.

5. Support industry users for internal management through the Web.

User management function

Realize user login and registration, logout, user blacklist, user information management and other functions.

BDS module

The BDS module includes ADS and CTXN, which mainly completes functions such as browsing the Mobile shop portal, downloading users, and downloading transaction records. UAM and MTXN are deployed at the headquarters of the software provider to assist ADS and CTXN in downloading BREW applications.

(1) ADS

Complete application management and user information management functions including:

1. BREW application storage. The BREW application is stored in ADS for download and use by BREW users.

2. Load and maintain the BREW application menu.

3. Authenticate user permissions.

4. Handle the download request of BREW mobile phone.

5. Record transaction processing data, including information about the application that the user has downloaded, the billing method used, and other information and send it to CTXN.

6. Recall function of BREW application.

7. Obtain user group information from the group database, and perform group user identity authentication and application processing.

(2) CTXN

CTXN mainly completes the generation of billing information for transactions. The transaction records sent by ADS are processed in CTXN, and finally a charging extension XML file is generated. CTXN counts and manages the user's BREW service usage, and can transmit some transaction information to MTXN as needed.

(3) UAM

The main function of UAM is to store certified applications. The application manager can connect with any operator with BREW operating qualifications, and at the same time has the function of downloading applications by the operator.

Online content gateway

Online content gateway provides online content monitoring, management and billing, and realizes centralized management of online content services provided by CP/SP to users. Realize the separation of BREW application download order and subsequent online content order, and realize separate billing for online content. At the same time, the online content system is set up between the user and the CP/SP server. Through the identification and collection of past data packet information, it can realize the collection of different content data flows of each CP/SP, and the development of CP/SP online content services. Master relevant information such as online content ordering by users. The online content gateway completes the charging of the content download generated by the user in the process of using the BREW online application, and hands the CDR to the charging module for processing.

The online content gateway in the BREW service platform is divided into online content interface toolkit, access routing module, order/authentication module, content download, traffic collection and analysis module, CP service maintenance module and other parts.

(1) Online Content Interface Toolkit

The Online Content Interface Toolkit provides BREW interface tools to CP for use when developing online applications. In addition to the interface API runtime library provided in the interface toolkit, which supports online application calling classes or methods, it also provides corresponding testing and debugging tools for CP offline development and tracking and debugging. The interface toolkit also provides an offline audit function for fraudulent codes.

(2) Access routing module

The access routing module mainly implements the access to the routing between the user terminal and the CP data server, so as to realize the collection and collection of the traffic generated by the CP business. QoS control.

(3) Ordering/Authentication Module

The ordering/authentication module completes the collection and response of user login information, and processes the authentication, ordering, Order requests such as renewal, unsubscription, tariff display, query, etc., correctly update the order relationship, usage rights, generate record usage logs, generate billing events, etc. The final billing event will be transmitted to the billing module of the BREW service platform.

(4) Content download

The content download module completes the HTTP download support for the content stored in the gateway.

(5) Flow collection and analysis module

The flow collection and analysis module completes online content flow statistics, collection and analysis. The traffic collection and analysis module is required to be able to collect and count the traffic of each CP application in order to be able to analyze the contribution of the CP to the operator's traffic revenue. At the same time, it should be able to provide traffic analysis functions to analyze traffic peaks, valleys, geographical distribution, customer distribution, rankings, etc., to provide a basis for operators to dynamically allocate traffic.

(6) CP business maintenance module

CP business maintenance module is composed of CP self-service portal module and CP business maintenance module. The CP self-service portal is an operation portal for CP business maintenance personnel to manage their own business; the CP business maintenance module provides background support for the CP business maintenance personnel to manage and operate online content services through the CP self-service portal.

Business Push

The business push module mainly completes the business push function during business promotion, including gift process processing, user recommendation, application push, etc.

(1)Recommendation function

Recommendation function enables users to use the system network to send ordinary short messages or BREW short messages to designated users or user groups through the recommendation system of this system to send specific recommendations BREW The function of the business.

(2) Push function

The push module uses BREW SMS to cooperate with the website, SMS, color e and gift system to achieve application download and gift functions, and is responsible for directly pushing the application download interface To the user's mobile phone. It is required to support batch push requests from industry users and provide a corresponding management platform. It is required to support matching detection of application and BREW user grouping and mobile phone support before pushing to prevent push failures caused by the inability of the pushed party to receive the application.

(3) Gift function

The gift module provides support for the business gifting needs of third-party users.

Operation support

Operation support module needs to complete billing, support customer service functions, provide users with self-service functions through WAP and terminal customer service programs, and improve statistical report functions, which can effectively Support the operational needs of the business.

(1) Billing module

The billing module mainly completes the rating of users downloading, giving away applications and online content, settlement with the online payment system, and completing the internal tariffs of BREW The package function expands the support for functions such as prepayment, business recall, unsubscription, and detailed single-level packages.

The billing module is composed of a data collection module, a preprocessing module, a one-off pricing module, a statistics module, an online instruction module, and a system management module. The collection module completes the collection of the original call bill data files. The preprocessing module converts the original call bill data files into the standard format of call records, information flow or service records. The billing rules are used for billing. The sources of original bill data include BDS modules, online content gateways, and other storage media. The online command module realizes the control and management of equipment shutdown, startup and special service. The system management module realizes the management of system parameters, system safety, system monitoring and system fault handling.

(2) Customer service support function

The customer service support function is mainly for the customer service center to provide BREW-related data and business support through the Web. Its main functions include user order information query and business information query , Business unsubscription and recall functions.

(3) User self-service function

The user self-service function provides BREW users with self-service. Users can access BREW download system users through WAP, website, mobile customer service program, etc. The self-service system performs operations such as user information query, subscription business query, unsubscribed business unsubscription, problem feedback, and call 1001 customer service center. At the same time, the self-service system also provides various query and management functions for industry customers.

(4) Statistical report function

The statistical report function can extract and integrate various data/log files generated during the operation of the BREW system, as well as data mining within a certain range, and generate Favorable data for decision-making support, and support for data presentation in tables, graphics and other forms, as well as data output in a variety of commonly used formats, and provide operational analysis functions for operators and all BREW business CPs.

Business Management Module

The business management module provides BREW business management functions, including portal content management, application management, business online management, and provincial business management.

The business management module provides a unified business management interface, manages the content presented by each portal, the online and offline of the business, can support the sorting of the content, and the welcome message management.

Equipment management module

The equipment management module is responsible for providing configuration management, performance management, fault management and safety management of all software and hardware of the BREW system, and is responsible for providing system operation monitoring, real-time Alarm and other functions.

Main technology

1. Introduction to BREW

BREW (Binary Runtime Environment for Wireless) is a thin and efficient application execution environment specially designed for wireless devices provided by QUALCOMM. BREW provides a complete and open solution for wireless application development, device configuration, application software distribution, billing and payment.

The complete BREW solution includes the BREW application platform and the porting tools of the device manufacturer, the developer's BREW SDK™ (software development kit) and the BREW distribution system (BDS). The distribution system is controlled and managed by operators, so that they can obtain application software from developers, and go to market and coordinate settlement and payment procedures.

2. Operating environment

The BREW operating environment is an exquisite software interface layer, which resides between the chip system software and application programs in the wireless device. The end user can download the application program wirelessly and download the application program in the BREW-based device Run on. BREW is very efficient in the use of flash memory and random access memory-it occupies very little flash memory and can dynamically allocate random access memory for the application while it is running.

The BREW runtime environment can also manage the phone functions of all devices, separating applications from complex call settings, verification and related tasks. This feature allows developers to focus on actual application functions, and BREW handles phone status issues such as incoming calls/application pauses and resume calls.

3. Development environment

The BREW software development kit (SDK) based on Windows NT or 2000 includes a phone simulator, which can support the dynamic phone user interface (UI) and phone user interface customization of OEM manufacturers or other developers , New equipment configuration, as well as BREW application samples and other application development tools. BREW allows programmers to write programs in any language, but direct BREW applications developed in C/C++ will run faster because they can be processed directly without bytecode compilation.

Although BREW is an open application platform based on the widely accepted programming language C/C++, it can also work in harmony with other applications and software residing in the device. BREW can coexist with other operating systems (such as Palm OS, Stinger or EPOC) as an interface to other environments (such as Java virtual machine), while allowing any type of browser (such as HTML, WAP, cHTML, etc.) as an application on BREW Run.

It is worth mentioning that the virtual machine function can be quickly integrated into the BREW platform. Once integrated, the virtual machine can be easily downloaded to any other BREW-based device over the air.

4. The complete BREW solution

The BREW solution is based on application developers, device manufacturers, operators and mobile users, and provides strong support for all four parties.

(1) For application developers

BREW provides developers with a software development kit (BREW SDK), including standard development tools, documents, sample applications, test scripts, and examples Test plan, BREW header files, API DLL, WIN-OEM DLL, software industry standard platform.

(2) For equipment manufacturers

BREW provides BREW porting packages for manufacturers, which is also the core of the BREW platform's promise to greatly simplify the development and manufacturing of products and services. It shortens the process of integrating the BREW platform into newly developed equipment. The porting package provides BREW for integration into wireless devices, a BREW porting guide, and sample porting code.

Once BREW is integrated into the device platform, BREW applications can be easily downloaded to all devices based on the platform. This can greatly reduce the amount of integration tasks for manufacturers and shorten the product development cycle.

By enabling a wider range of wireless data applications to be downloaded and run on wireless phones, BREW will help consumers turn their attention to more advanced equipment, thereby promoting product upgrades. At the same time, since the same application can run on low, medium, and high-end devices, customers may be attracted by more powerful devices in the same product line.

(3) For operators

BREW provides a BREW distribution system for operators, including application testing and verification, securely distributing applications to the operator’s network, settlement, The end user downloads the application wirelessly. BDS allows operators to control and manage the distribution, pricing, and services of applications to users, so that they can easily put applications developed by developers on the market and coordinate the settlement and payment processes.

Operators can adjust BDS to meet their needs, including managing their own application distribution and pricing, choosing a third party for management, or choosing to manage application distribution and operators through the operator and developer extranet Agreement terms between developers.

BREW enables operators to provide users with numerous wireless data applications, content and services. In addition to the browser, BREW also supports many new applications, which combine local and remote processing to make the best use of network resources. In essence, it is equivalent to putting a 24/7 mobile software store-a BREW-based mobile phone in the hands of customers, turning operators into software retailers, so BREW brings new profit opportunities for operators .

By allowing end users to download and run applications of their choice wirelessly, BREW has created a market-driven business model. Customers who pay to download the application are likely to use the application, thereby increasing user time for operators. Operators can also provide unique BREW applications to differentiate them from competitors, thereby reducing customer churn.

(4) For users

By making it easier for customers to download applications wirelessly, BREW provides wireless users with personalized services like customized personal computers. BREW will allow every market segment-even every user-to freely choose the applications they want most.

Five advantages

Advantage one

First, for operators, BREW technology has nothing to do with the network. This means that it can be applied equally to all leading wireless technologies. The BREW platform can also be used successfully with existing circuit-switched networks to meet the needs of all parties, including those operators who cannot build packet networks in the near future and those who are deploying packet networks. This is very different from server-side solutions (such as WAP). The BREW platform is completely immune to network delays by virtue of its client-side execution functions. More advanced networks can improve the performance of BREW, but in any case, BREW can provide a good user experience for any existing 2G network or networks built in the future. Even without a 3G network, BREW applications can provide powerful services. At the same time, BREW can evolve and develop continuously with the upgrading of networks and equipment.

Advantage Two

Secondly, for equipment manufacturers, the past facts of mobile data services have proved that due to high prices, efficient operating systems are not an efficient solution for wireless data applications , And the ideal situation is that the application should be perfect for all types of phones of different grades, make full use of the resources of the phone, and bring users an infinitely beautiful experience. The BREW application operating environment can be tightly integrated with the processing chips in the flash memory and RAM of the mobile device to achieve wide applicability. Essentially, BREW can provide software connections between the low-level functions of mobile devices and high-level applications written by third parties. The advantages of this scheme are obvious: software development becomes smoother and efficiency is improved. The simplicity of BREW software migration makes BREW function suitable for any handheld device manufacturer. The BREW platform is independent of the air interface and can be transplanted to CDMAIS-95A, IS-95B, 1x, 1xEV-DO and GSM/GPRS mobile phones. Because BREW only occupies about 150k of storage capacity in the entire system, manufacturers can provide more practical and interesting applications in low-end phones. This simple and inexpensive chip-level integration means that BREW can meet the preferences of the mass market.

Advantage Three

Thirdly, for application developers, quickly launching new applications to the market is the key to the success of software developers. The BREW execution platform is based on the popular programming language C/C++. This language has a huge user base. At present, 7 million developers use this language. They only need to master a little mobile phone knowledge to realize BREW support. The BREW development tool suite is free to download. And Java programmers can also benefit from BREW's chip-level integration. Generally speaking, Java applications need the support of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). IBM has written a separate JVM as an extension of BREW. Java developers can make full use of this JVM to write Java applications at one time and run them on all devices that support BREW, regardless of the manufacturer. In addition, BREW makes the installation of Java applications on mobile phones easier and easier, and can realize JVM upgrades and recalls wirelessly. With BREW, Java applications can run more easily on more phones. More importantly, the BREW solution includes a comprehensive billing and payment infrastructure-the BREW distribution system, which can ensure that developers can earn appropriate profits from their applications.

Advantage four

Fourth, for mobile phone users, BREW can be integrated at the chipset level, allowing network operators to provide practical applications to the lowest-cost mobile phones. Even users who are very price conscious can get new applications on their phones. Users can enjoy rich BREW services through BREW mobile phones. Users can wirelessly download various interesting and practical applications developed on the BREW platform to fully enjoy the infinite fun brought by personalized mobile phones. At present, there are more than 50 BREW mobile phones on the market worldwide. Kyocera of Japan and LG Electronics of South Korea have successively launched their own BREW phones. It is reported that these two phones are the first BREW phones launched by China Unicom for users.

Advantage Five

In addition, few days before China Unicom announced the launch of BREW business, South Korea’s Samsung Electronics, the world’s largest CDMA mobile phone manufacturer, announced that it would launch Samsung SCH in the Chinese market. -X339CDMA1X mobile phone. The phone also supports a full range of value-added services of China Unicom, including BREW application download, color e (U-IMAP), interactive vision (WAP1.1) and UTK SMS value-added services.

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