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C Group Army

French Battle

May 1940, the first group army and Friedrich Dolman (f.dol) conducted by Erwen von Vilzale LMAN, 1882-1944, directed the seventh group army, a total of 17 divisions (1 Motorcycle Square), assembled in the front of the Marino line, with the attack on the French army, and assisted the South Wings of the German Assault Group. In June of the same year, the force increased to 24 teachers, and broke through the Marino line with the first group army in Sarbruek, and with the A Group's military co-cluster of nearly 500,000. After the France surrendered, the Sude War broke out to the East Line, and the Command was renamed the Ministry of Northern Group Military Command.

Italy's Battle of Italy

The Battle of the Battle of Italy's Strategic Campaign of the German Army. In November 1943, it was made by the * Southern Group Military Group and * B Group Army Group. Commander is Albert Kedellin. Jurisdiction No. 10 of Evon Flight Hover and Ebehad Von Mental, a total of 21 divisions (2 tanks), respectively Gustav linear and northern part of Italy. He has participated in the Azon Battle and Cassino Battle. Effectively prevent the Allies from attack. In August 1944, the Italian Liguria Group Army conducted by Rudolf Glazia Marshal. In 1945, the boom has increased to 26 teachers. In April of the same year, the Allies were defeated by the Allies in the Battle of the Bohe, and officially surrendered to the Allies on May 2. She has served as Albert Kedelin (1943.11-1945.2) and von Flight Hof Sher (1945.3-1945.5).

C Group Army

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