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Carol I) full name Carl Entre Friedrich Zefrinus Ludwig Von Hohen Sohen - Karl Eitel Friedrich Zephyrn-Sigmaringen, is the first generation of Kings, the Romanian Hoen Soen - Sigmaringen. On April 20, 1839, born in Sigmaringen in southern Germany. It is the second child of the prince of Hoheen, Sigmaringen. The original German Hohen Solen-Sigmarlingen's Karl Prince. After graduating from Middle School, in Dresden and Bonn, graduated from Minster military school. In 1857, he studied in Berlin Artillery School. In 1864, in the War of Denmark, the Lieutenant of Prussia, participated in the hierarchy of the Harbor City, Harbor City, Denmark, Southeast, Denmark.

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in April 1866, the original Romanian big fair, Misi Rushan Dru Joan Kuta was overthrown, Feli Flandra refused to succeed, The temporary ruling Yang Constantine Brettia will immediately go to Germany, requiring the French Emperor Napoleon II to support Karl prince to accept the Romanian throne, and then agreed. In this way, he came to Romania's Bucharest and was welcomed by the people and politicians. On May 10, he was pollied by citizens, he was officially selected as Romania. After Understanding, Romania is an independent country. In 1869, the princess of Verde's Elizabeth is a couple and gave birth to Mary, September 27, 1870. After 4 years, the little princess was unfortunately died, and they never had other children. Since he is politically related, it is a big lost heart during the law of law. A revolution in 1871 almost forced him to retreat. But during the Russian-dimensional war, because he showed excellent military command in Pu Yen's battle, he re-won the support of the people.

March 26, 1881, Romania is completely independent of the Osman Empire, and Carol is corcrowed into the first king. And selected his nephew in Feidinan for his heir to ensure the status of the Hohen Solon Dynasty in Romania. He is considered to be a very stringent person who has been hone, and the moral standard is very high. After Elizabeth, he said that he "even wearing a crown sleep". In 1883, he held the secrets of Germany and the Austro-Hungarian. He encouraged the development of industries to expand military facilities, but because he had long neglected the problem of farmers to solve, it finally became a peasant uprising in 1907. He passed on October 10, 1914, and the year was 75 years old, in the position of 48 years.

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