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Cenia - Urgan

World Cultural Heritage

Basic Information

Heritage Name: Cini - Urgan


Selection time: 2005

Selection basis: Cultural Heritage (II) (III)

Geographic Location: N42 10 59.448 E59 5 5.784

Heritage Number : 1199

Legacy Description

Cunny - Urganci is located in the northwestern part of Turkmenistan, the south of the Aumman, is part of Turkmenistan. Adjacent to the border bordering Uzbekistan, 480 km from the capital Ashhabad. The ancient procrens of Jade Dragon Jie is one of the important trading of the Silk Road in the Central Asia. Guzhen has a series of monuments in the 11-16 century, including a mosque, door, fortress, mausoleum and a minner. These monuments show the superior achievements in the construction and craftsmanship, which affects the later construction of Iran, Afghanistan and 16th century India. Cenia - Urgani is also known as Old Urgan, Urganch, Uzbekistan, is one of the oldest cities in Central Asia. 1220 Yulongjie was led by the Mongolian army of Genghis Khan, who was finally lost in 1221 after being resistant to the 1221 year.

2005 According to the Cultural Heritage Selection, Cenia (III) is approved by the UNESCO World Heritage Committee as a cultural heritage in the World Heritage List.

Evaluation of World Heritage Committee

Cinnia - Urganci is located in the northwest of Turkmenistan, south of the Apower. Urganci is the capital of the Ackière Empire ruled under the Canon area. Guzhen has a series of monuments in the 11-16 century, including a mosque, door, fortress, mausoleum and a minner. These monuments show the superior achievements in the construction and craftsmanship, which affects the later construction of Iran, Afghanistan and 16th century India.

Heritage introduction

One of the oldest cities in the Central Asia

Cuni - Urganoi is also known as old Urgan, different from Urganci in Uzbekistan. Cenia - Uruig is the capital of the Acki Germany, is one of the oldest cities in Central Asia. Ancient Town has a series of monuments in the 11-16 century, including a Mosque, door, fortress, mausoleum and a minner. These monuments show the superior achievements in the construction and craftsmanship, which affects the later construction of Iran, Afghanistan and 16th century India. "Cuneia - Urgano provides a special illustration for Islamic culture, although it is no longer a country center, there are still many travelers to St."

Cenia - Urgan Kui Guzhen Yulongjie, also known as Yulijian, Urda Chi, Cage Ground, Hua Zizi City, Urjian, etc., became a flower scorpion in the 10th century AD The largest city in the mold area is also one of the important trading in the Middle Road in Central Asia. In the 12th century, the Hua Zizi kingdom rose, Yulongjie became the capital of the country, but arrived at Alakotine Capricorn Sudan During the period, because of political factors, the Imperial capital was moved from Urgan to Samarkand. The aggression of the Mongolian army led by Julong Jie was led, and finally lost in 1221 after 1221 years after being stubborn.

After the 16th century, the city gradually rebuilded, but due to the Arm River to re-route, politics, commercial focus gradually moved to the southern Xiwa. In 1646, Old Urgan (Yulongji) Delated. In 1929, people organized the first archaeological action against the old Urgan Site. In 2005, the United Nations included Kinya-Urgan, in the world cultural heritage, became an important tour of Turkmenistan. One of the attractions.

ancient architecture for more than 2,000 years

Cinja-Urgan's ruins have been opened as a museum, including the Silk Road Station, Mosque Tower and many celebrities, etc., the oldest buildings have already had a history of two thousand years. Today, the ancient capital can see more than 3.5 square kilometers, scattered a series of defensive defense including mud brick buildings. The remains of the bunker. The remains of saving here are mainly maushes into the bricks, with glazed bricks, cutting bricks and stucco decoration mosque.

Kutu - Post Muier Mosque : It is an Islamic Xuanli Tower, which is about 60 meters high. It is made of bricks, and there is a bright blue flying. It is one of the highest Xuan Tower in Central Asia. There is a ladder in the tower. The ladder has a total of 144 steps, but tourists are not allowed to climb. The door of the mausoleum is very exquisite. The building is considered a mausoleum by archaeologists, but there are also some archaeologists think it is built in the 12th century. A temple. But in any case, the building can be seen as one of the most perfect buildings in the Central Asia. The 365 thin porcelain parts in the dome represent the 24 arc representatives below the top of the dome 24. In the hour, 12 larger curved represents 12 months, 4-sector windows represent a month 4 weeks.

Gu Truk - Tmore Xuan Tower < / b>

Gutluk Temir Minaret is an Islamic deconed tower, a high of about 60 meters, made from brick, bright blue Flying, is one of the highest Xuanli Tower in Central Asia. There is a stairs in the tower, and there are 144 steps in the stairs, but tourists are not allowed. the climb. The door decoration technology of the mausoleum is very exquisite.

Tura Bukhanm Mausoleum

Törebeg Hanym Mausoleum, the building is considered an archaeologist Mausoleum, but there are also some archaeologists think it is a temple built in the 12th century. But in any case, the building can be seen as one of the perfect buildings in the Central Asia. 365 thin porcelain parts in the dome represent the annual 365 days, the 24 arcues below the top of the top 24 hours a day, the following 12 larger curved represents 12 months, 4 large windows represent 4 months Week.

Sultan's post-lost tomb, etc., the tombs, such as the Tomb of Sultan Tekesh Mausoleum, and the Al-Arslan Mausoleum, The post (also known as the tower is lost, Taicsh, etc.) is the father of the Alakin Capricorn, in the 1172-1200 years, I have repeatedly standing with the brothers Sudan Sahi, after the help of West Liao In place. Alslan, the father of the post, the grandfather of the Alakin Capricorn, in the position of 1156 to 1172. After the Mongolian army captured Yulong Jie, the two graves were survived and became a logo building in Cenia-Urgan.

postan tekesh mausoleum) and the Alslant Mausoleum: 乞 (also known as the tower lost, Takesh, etc.) is Alakin Capricorn At the end of the father, 1172 to 1200 were in place, with the brothers Sudan Shah, after the help of Western Liao. Alslan, the father of the post, the grandfather of the Alakin Capricorn, in the position of 1156 to 1172. After the Mongolian army captured Yulong Jie, the two graves were survived and became a logo building in Cenia-Urgan.


Co-Lara is a famous Islamic teacher and poet in the 12th century, his mausoleum is in the town. The most sacred place. His Lingmao is said to have the power of cure diseases, so many believers are praying here.

Sultan Ali Mausoleum Complex (Sultan Ali Mausoleum Complex)

is close to Kubora Tomb, built in 1550.

Historical Level

Early Development

Cinya - Urganci's early history can be traced back to the first 6 - first 5th century BC, Gu Pos Early Achimina Dynasty. In 712 AD, the Arab invasion was invaded and renamed Yulongji (Gurganj). Due to the land of Silk Road, Yulongjie is booming and has become an important central city in Central Asia.

Flower Zip model

AD 995, Mont Iben Muhammad (Ma'mūn B. Moḥammad overthrew the actual rulers of the flower scorpion model Aquier Afrighid, established the Ma'munids Dynasty (995-1017), ruled the area with the title of Huamei shackles, and set Yulongjie as the capital of the kingdom. At the 11th to 12th century, the Huazi Mold Kingdom raised, and Yulongjie became one of the most prosperous countries in Central Asia, and became one of the most beautiful people in the East, and it was also a cultural center. Scholars living in many oriental countries in the Pantry Mold. Until Alakotine Capricorn, because of political factors, the capital of the empire moved to Sajima (now Uzbekistan's Samarkand).

Mongolian and Timi invasion

Turakehanomum Mausoleum (3 photos)

1220 autumn to spring, Mongolia The army has broken the flowers of the flowers, in the battle in the river, Genghis sweater is bishletion, the audience is in the stand, and the leader is a wonderful, and the army is surrounded by Yulong Jie. It is also divided into Lu Los, and cut off. Its backend. Due to the left, the Mongolian Army City is six months without the six months, Genghis Khan is reported to the Tari Hanmeng, and it has changed his nemadam. In April 1221, Yulongjie Chicheng broke, the army and the woman swear to death, the alley was in the seven days, the Mongolian army drived from the city, picking out 100,000 craftsmen to send it to the East. 50,000 Zhuang Ding, the army, the woman is the slave. The rest of the residents were all slaughtered. The Mongolian army also explored the Arms River, pushed the water, and sang the Yulongji.

After Genghis Khan, the Mongolian Empire is four-fold, and the flower scorpion model is ruled by the golden accounts. Yulongjie was rebuilt in the southern part of the original city pool, and it was re-become the biggest city in the flower scorpion area in the 14th century. But 1372 - 1388, Jade Dragon Jie once again conquered by the new rulers in Central Asia. Out of the joy of the flower model, Turkic Mummut moved to the residents from 1388 to move out of the Yulongjie and destroyed the city, and the bustling in the region has not fallen.

Fading and site protection

After the 16th century, the city gradually rebuilt, but due to the Am River to reach, politics, and commercial focus gradually moved to the southern Xiwa. In 1646, the old Ulgen (Jade Dragon Jie) was destroyed. In 1929, Samiren Alexander Yakubovsky organized the first archaeological action against the old Urgan Site. In 2005, the United Nations included Kinya-Urganci in the world cultural heritage list, which became one of the important tourist attractions in Turkmenistan.

Travel Information

Due to this small town lacks tourism service facilities, most of the tourists are overnight in Daxuchas.

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