Home Technique Character dragon

Character dragon

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painting depicts a dragon and a phoenix flying above, there is a women standing side below, are together in prayer prayers. After the woman holding a hanging head bun, tied with the top ornament, long clothing mopping the floor, its magnificent costumes, graceful figure.

Creative background

"People Dragon map" banner banner funeral is used, a non-clothing nature paintings. "Songs of the South Evocation" yes "as set king room" words, clearly documented the Warring States period has been drawn portrait of the dead and promising to spiritualism custom, "dragon and phoenix character map" creative purpose is to lead the tomb be heaven or hell. continue Yang Shi bustling life.

Warring States period, Chu Wu Fengsheng line, as Wang Yi in the "Interpretations of Chu" is written in, "Xi Yi of Chuguo Nan Ying, Yuan-Xiang between which the Custom ghosts and good Temple" . This graphic depicts exactly what the people of God in the world of communication Miko, is respectfully sincere prayers for the deceased. "More must book" There evocation of the soul, said that as long as Shanbao soul body, can lead the soul to heaven, soul regeneration is of great significance for the soul. Because of this Chu has a very strong faith, so the only emerging in this category of non-clothing painting.



According to archaeologists, this is a costumed witches. The theme of the picture is depicting the witch blessing for the dead, pray deification of dragon and phoenix guide the souls of the dead beyond the bounds of becoming immortal.


This painting were outlined physical image and styling with smooth lines very fresh, very lines summarize succinct, energetic unadorned, Chen Ning strong, vivid, with considerable artistic expression force. Although quite full-size line nutshell, but the change is very rich, density contrast, comparison of the thickness of the right and natural. Such as phoenix, dragon with a line contrast, figures contrast with the line, very unique. Phoenix bird with a line, significantly richer than dragons, change much, the main highlight of the wind lines express the dynamic styling and graceful posture, on the density contrast also be noted, appropriate levels of detail. With lines such as wings, complete close, at the moment well-made, decorative components: the phoenix bird claws, tail contour is rough and strong, bold generalization, reflected in its claws and tail feathers of very fresh cuticle Shouying and solid. Long wire, is more slender, briefly some of its prominent quieter static potential, the flying potential and the rising vigorously Phoenix formed contrast, phoenix more vitality.

female characters shaped, apparently also the author highlighted part, with very skilled lines will stand in boats gently rising side image of women drawn, accurate modeling vivid, stunning. The author highly generalized contour lines delineate the female external shape, whether or facial and body hair, arms, clothing, almost all from a sum outline, give full play to expressive lines, in order to carry out the clothing texture characterization, arrangements. On the other outer projecting through tinted black dress chest, cuffs and a heavy color mop part, will be detailed dress pattern portrayed clothing, decorative patterns of these lines and painting with heavy ink appears, is not an option, in addition to decorative effect, the texture expression and for treatment of drapery screen space, but also have a very important role in the layout of contrast and enrich the artistic expression of the screen. The author seems to also sense something more to say, for some part of the screen to fill ink, and there are traces of the stain appears, as efforts to further highlight the performance of the line, play a significant supporting role. Lines as the main technique of expression, other methods of painting as an adjunct in the Warring States period has apparently quite skilled.

The whole picture to line drawing shapes, lines, tall and straight and strong, simple fresh and smooth. Processing arrangements person position of black and white relations are uniquely. In addition, the author figures lips, sleeves, etc. a little point Zhu color, add decorations on the Phoenix, figures clothing, all the work is full of strong decorative taste.


In the "Dragon character map", witch occupy a major position, her head heavy bun shop, stood sideways to the left, his arms reach, hand palms, like recited . The robe decorated with curl moire pattern, and long clothes, the front hem separator is shaped as an inverted morning glory, slender wide sleeves, cuffs, waist restrained, black and white cuff twill. Elegant and graceful figure, consistent with "good king slender waist, the palace more than starve to death," the aesthetic fashion.

Witch front of and above, there is a dragon, a phoenix. Long body white body black chapter, slender body, outside Yang Liang Zhao, is snaking its rise. Phoenix head Zhang beak, eyes sharp, move the wings, is a long ribbon-shaped crown of the head, the tail feathers rewind to the left. Phoenix legs bent forward, after just one day for straight, as if to rise in fluttering, Johnson is extremely healthy attitude. Dragon spirited into the sky; witch is dignified calm.

"People Dragon map" for successfully portrays images of features and demeanor made also worth noting. Such as the phoenix bird wings off up into the sky moves, rising by around a bend stretched paws and tail feathers, it is very perfectly manifested; portray the eye, although very simple, but the phoenix bird soaring high in the sky, focusing on up and watching some kind of anxiety, then very subtly expressed; longan look up and focus and seems to be shared with the Phoenix and seems to have some sort of expect demeanor, is also very perfectly reproduced, in accordance with the phoenix and female soul , and his eyes are showing some kind of tension, anxiety, his hands together in front, seems to look at the special master of prayer also reproduced in his writings. Full size although not deliberately show images an air of color, but only by air of a few simple actions and eyes, a few pens on the performance of a specific space atmosphere and look of change is obvious that no painting work superb artistic talent, imagination and the ability to grasp the physical image height. Chinese painting has always focus on internal performance figures demeanor, not just focus on the images of the external shape, characterized by the emergence of this painting, in the Warring States period has been very obvious.

Famous Comments

modern writer, historian Guo:. "Changsha seats drawing, Reiho fighting Enu, how good and vigorous, has Germany not alone"

<> historical heritage h2

1949 in February a mountain Changsha Chen Chu Tomb, the Tomb unearthed silk painting. Subsequently, this piece of silk paintings have been collected Hunan antique dealer Cai Ji Xiang. Founding of New China, Cai Ji Xiang all artifacts donated to the State. The most famous was undoubtedly the "dragon and phoenix character map", now at the Hunan Provincial Museum.

important exhibition

2015 Nian 2 7, "People Dragon map" in the three Liaoning Provincial Museum (Liaoning Provincial Museum, Shenyang Palace Museum, Lushun Museum) united to build a " Wang Tsui with Dan "Chinese ancient beauties on display in the exhibition.

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