Home Technique China E-Commerce Report (2008-2009)

China E-Commerce Report (2008-2009)

Synonym China E-Commerce Report (China E-Commerce Report) Generally refers to China E-Commerce Report (2008-2009)

Content Description

This is the organization's organization prepared on China's e-commerce development The authoritative report of the situation reflects the latest situation of China's e-commerce development in the past two years, involving various aspects of e-commerce development environment, market conditions, application situations, development trends, policy recommendations. Readers can learn about the status and role of e-commerce in the national economy, as well as the development of China's e-commerce, speed, current status and prospects. "China's e-commerce report (2008-2009)" is rich in information, informative, and is important to the government, enterprises, industry associations and research and teaching institutions. The appendix provides a calculation method for e-commerce transaction volume and an e-commerce-related standard catalog for readers.

Book catalog

Chapter 1 review

1.1 global e-commerce development situation

1.1.1 global e-commerce scale is expanded / p (p

1.2 China's e-commerce development of China's e-commerce development

1.2.1 China's e-commerce development latest progress

1.2.2 China E-commerce Development Characteristics

1.2.3 China E-commerce Development Trend

1.3 E-commerce in the development of national economic development < I /> (P> 1.3.2 E-commerce has become an important part of China's modern service industry

1.3.2 development e-commerce facilitates promoting the transformation and upgrade of traditional industries

1.3.3 Development E-Commerce is conducive to the formation of modern commercial circulation system

1.4 strengthening policy guidance, promoting China's e-commerce and fast development

1.4.1 further improve the support e-commerce Rapid growth environment

1.4.2 Accelerate the pace of e-commerce and traditional industrial industrial integration

1.4.3 Accelerate key regional e-commerce development process

1.4. 4 vigorously advocate e-commerce technology innovation and business model innovation

1.4.5 to strengthen coordination, provide more effective macro guidance for e-commerce development

1.4.6 to further promote e-commerce international Communication and cooperation

Chapter 2 China E-commerce Development Environment

2. E-commerce Basic Environment

2..1 E-commerce Network Operation Infrastructure Continuously Perfect

2.1.2 E-commerce key technology R & D projects fully launched

2.1.3 E-commerce technical standards formulated new progress

2.2 e-commerce policy legal environment

2.2.1 The country attaches great importance to the development of e-commerce

2.2.2 Governments from all over the country, actively introduce policies and regulations, promote the development of e-commerce

2.2.3 E-commerce legal practice Gradually expand

2.3 e-commerce market environment

2.3.1 Social credit environment

2.3.2 investment environment

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