Home Technique Commodity agriculture

Commodity agriculture

which is characterized by relatively intensive production and management, high professional and social level and degree of commercialization of agricultural products a large amount of goods, commodity rate. General merchandise economically developed countries (such as Western Europe, North America countries), commercial agriculture is also more developed, the degree of specialization of agricultural production areas is higher. China complex natural and socio-economic conditions, population distribution is very uneven, about 80% in rural areas, high demand for food, cash crops, livestock, forestry, fisheries smaller proportion of scattered layout, yield and commodity rate is not high, most areas of subsistence farming accounts for a large proportion. Under the current conditions must at the same time controlling population growth, and implementing local conditions, appropriate centralized, rational distribution policy, the establishment of various agricultural production base, to develop commodity agricultural production and agro-processing industries, and gradually increase the rate of agricultural commodities, to self-sufficiency by the production-oriented gradually changed to commodity production-based, fully meet the needs of domestic and foreign markets. Achieve large-scale commercial agriculture, it needs to achieve a certain trading platform. Futures trading has now become one of the commercial agriculture development.

Features: Large scale, high level of mechanization, commodity rate

Commodity agriculture

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