Home Technique Crown Casino in Melbourne

Crown Casino in Melbourne


In this 39-story building, in addition to 350 gambling and 2,500 slot machines, there are 500 sets of super five-star standard rooms, 40 Home restaurant, 19 bar, 3 nightclub, 14 theaters and 500 meters of famous shopping promenade. It sets top entertainment venues, luxury hotels, world-class health hot springs, and gathering more than 20 brands shopping, gourmet gourmet gourmet.


In November 2005, the legislation department decided to allow the second casino to be built in other regions of Victoria, but the government and opposition parties will not send this license. However, it is reported that many units have submitted informal applications in the suburban construction casino.

Under the Australian government, each city in Australia can only set up two casinos, which is to obtain a business license before it can be officially opened. It is also due to this strict regulations. To provide a secure guarantee for gamblers. However, it also provides convenient conditions for those who are lard, and the people who are lard.

Casino around Australia is more than an Asian gambler as an objective, it is no wonder that some people tease, in Australia, the casino is the most racial discrimination.

2007, Crown Casino announced the acquisition of US CANnery, including Las Vegas Casino operations at $ 17.5 billion.

2009 Crown Casino reduced the acquisition to 24.5%, worth 320 million US dollars.


Gambling causes the harm caused by Australian Chinese society, it is very serious. Some people who immigrate to Australia may, because they are still lonely, life is lacking, and they are in order to solve the gambling, a series of individuals, families and social issues come one after another.

Since Melbourne Crown Casino opened in May 1997, the gambling customers have lost $ 9 billion. According to the "Pioneer Sun], each hour, the gambler will lose 100,000 yuan in the slot machine and desktop game, which is equivalent to 12,000 yuan per second. Lost 2.46 million AUD a day. Casino managers estimate that there are one-third of these money from overseas tourists and big bets, which means that the Australians from Victorians and Australians from other states have lost 6 billion AA. It is understood that during this period, the taxation of the casino will be given to the state government as high as 3.13 billion AA, helping the government budget.

The earliest gambling partnership owner Walker said that Crown Casino is a logo of Victoria, and is the most important entertainment development project in Melbourne. But the anti-gambling actors, Tim Costello, said that the casino is actually an addictive business that is addictive in the customer, making money from the people who are cheap and loved by love.

Keztrov said that the MCG and Victorian market are logo, and Crown Casino is a palace of tragic tears. Many people have entered prisons because gambling entered prisons, lost their income, lost their lives, but there was no loss in the casino, so there was no reason to be happy with social morality.


July 26, 2018, according to the Australian Network, a court document shows that the Australian Taxation Bureau (ATO) found the Crown Casino of the James Packe. (CROWN RESORTS) passed a tax-based project tax reduction than $ 730 million.

reports, in the crown casino, the Crown Casino recently submitted the latest appeal documents in the Crown Casino. It is understood that ATO has accused, 10 years ago, Crown is used to purchase US Gambling Business Cannery Casino Resorts shares involve tax avoidance.

The court document also shows that in May 2018, Crown Casino was in the first confrontation of approximately 220 million yuan of tax avoidance accusations asked by ATO 6 years ago. However, Crown Casino also made an objection to the ATO's decision to charge the interest of 2.2 million yuan.

Crown Casino has previously stated that the total amount proposed by ATO's tax avoidance is 362 million yuan, including fine and interest.

In the appeal document proposed by the Tribunal, Crown said that ATO used the "Tax Law" to deprive the decision of Crown Casino tax in the "Tax Law", "did not make effective decisions." To this end, the Crown requires the court to restore tax relief from 2009 to 2012.

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