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Daniel Burtine


Danielj. Boorstin, October 1, 1914 - February 28, 2004), American historian, alcohologist and pre-Congress Librarian. In 1914, he was born in the south of the United States. On February 28, 2004, he died in Washington on February 28, 2004.

His publication has been published in more than 20, and the most important and most influential is the two three songs - "Americans" three songs and human civilization history.

He is the descendant of Russian Jewish immigrants, his father is a lawyer, when defending a Jewish factory, sinful, the whole family is forced to leave Georgia, migrate to the north Oklahoma, he spent a childhood there.

Life experience

After Harvard University completed the UK history and literature undergraduate undergraduate industry, he received funding of Rodd Scholarship and went to Oxford University to study the law, and passed the British lawyer exam. He has become one of the Americans who can defend in court in the UK Higher Tribunal. In 1940, after returning to the United States, he got a Ph.D. in Jedi in Yale University, and his father was a lawyer. His first book is called "mysterious law".

In 1944, he won a faculty at the University of Chicago and started his long academic career. It is still unclear. What is the reason for him to give up legal research, and transfer interest to historical research. During reading, he once had a unique academic point of view that Americans practicing and focusing on reality, not from some kind of dogma or belief, but in the process of settlement of North America, naturally formed under the environmental tempering under the environment. NS. This point of view may form the main motivation of him later writing "Americans" trilogy.

In 1958, the "American" first volume "Colonial History" published, the two volumes of "The Course of the People's Republic of China" and "Democracy" were published in 1965 and 1973 respectively. The three songs of 1.5 million words, the panoramic style showed the history of the United States from the colony from the 400 years of the contemporary 400, causing a sensation. Boursins also identified academic status of American history experts. This three songs have got a lot of awards, and the last "democratic process" also won the best historical history of Purlite in 1973.

When Tingbulstin made a student in Harvard, he failed to believe in the radical idea of ​​Left-wing, and participated in a communist group in 1938, later, due to Stalinism and Sude Danocal disappointment of mutual infringement, and withdrawn the group. In 1953, he has been questioned by the Non-US Committee of the House of Representatives. He made a compromise and provided the list of other participants of the group. This matter became the most controversial incident in his life. When the American student movement was high, his class was boycotted. He has also been hit by students. He has to leave for this 25 years. At the University of Chicago, head to Smith Senbo Museum as a cumper.

Burtine is a famous American academic circle. In 1975, Fort President I nominated him as the 12th house master of the Congress Library, and he made a significant contribution to the world's largest library. After he passed away, the current curator Billington This evaluated his contribution: "He established the Congress Library Book Information Center and actively promotes reading in the United States. He is not only to sweep ignorance Ignorant, he also cares about how to restore people's interest in reading. He launched a plan of re-repair the Jefferson Building, and strive to support the support of Congress, so that it has become the temple of American readers .... He is a People who are born for books are gifts to the United States. "

In daily life, Borsche has the characteristics of early Puritans, life attitude is serious, do not like to tie, and like to wear bow tie. He is also a very diligent scholar, almost all time is used to write. So at the hearing that he served as a Congress Library, several senators requested that if they served as this job, they could not put their energy on writing. He finally only promised to write, other times - weekend, evening and early morning - still pioneering.

Daniel Bulstine

During the work of the Congress Library, Boursin has written his first work of His Huanghuang's huge human civilization history, 1983 The annual publishing of the "Finding Veter: History of Human Discoveries" and Self-discovering the World. Thereafter, in 1992, "creators" focusing on the field of literary art are published in 1992. And the "Explorer" in the field of philosophical cultural fields published in 1995: Human decomposes ". In 1987, Boursin took the initiative to resign to the work of the Congress Library, and they lived on retirement. In 1995, the last book "Explorer" was published in 1995, he wrote: "Two eternal-lost to the past and unknown future - we have never stopped their own The location and direction of the place. "This sentence is also the best portrayal of his life.


"Discovery" is a masterpiece that describes the history of human beings to explore the world and self-rivers, it will not go, sell well after publishing in the United States. If you have not declined, it has been translated into more than 20 words. As the author said, this is a story that is not finished. The whole world is still a new mainland. On the map of human knowledge, there are still many unknown areas waiting for us to fill it. Go see.

"Discovery" full book four volumes: "Time", "Land and Ocean", "Nature" and "Society". In the first and second volumes, the author has narrowed a variety of great discovery of human beings through history and interesting stories in history. Why is the first great discovery of human beings? Why is there a seven days a week? How is the clock invented? How is the land and ocean discovered? Why did the Chinese did not "discover" Europe and the Americas? Why do people have to go through so long? Knowing the earth is running around the sun? Wait. The author's legendary experience of the great discovery and inventor's legendary experience with uniquely vivid strokes now, in front of us, lifelike.

In the third volume, the author is informally describing the new invention from glasses to telescope and microscope, from the voyage of the sea, from the voyage of the sea to explore the deep and unreasonable Tianyu, and even the cave. The mystery of microbial body, thereby opening up new prospects in navigation, astronomy, microbiology, embryonic learning. The author also vividly describes the exploration of the discovery of the family is not afraid of thousands of rising species, and the animal and plant classification established by this establishment has further uncovered the mystery of nature.

Daniel Boursin

In the fourth volume, the author is another way to describe the society of human beings, from the ancient human origin, the conflict of the primitive people, and the humanity The customs and cultural style of all nations and explore the relationship between ancient civilization and modern civilization. At the same time, the author introduces the mother of human beings with a smooth brush, the formation and development process of memory and print books, which is considered to be a guarantee that the memory and print books are continued and advanced by human culture. The author also describes how the pioneers such as Winkerman and Sherman will explore the classical cultural sites and discover the brilliant buildings and antique treasures such as ancient Greece and Rome, and open the precedent of the archeology. Finally, the author explained anthropology with profound knowledge, and made a systematic evaluation of material wealth and spiritual wealth accumulated in human society in its historical evolution. "Discovery" is a masterpiece of a colorful human civilization, not only Guangjing Bo, not only rich in information, and it is unique to the ancient and modern.

Basic Works NonThe Table

1. [TheDiscoverers: Ahistoryofman'ssearch (1983)]

2. [Creator: Imagination The giant's history '(Thecreators: ahistoryofheroesoftheimagination) (1992)

3. [Explorer: Human unremitting understanding of the world] things' (THESEEKERS: TheStoryofman'SContinuingQuesttounderstandhisworld) (1995)]

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