Home Technique Deflection coil

Deflection coil

The composition of the deflection coil is composed of a pair of horizontal coils and a pair of vertical coils. Each pair of coils are constructed in series or parallel windings in the same number of two turns. The shape of the coil is designed and manufactured. When the horizontal and vertical wires are respectively treated with a certain current , the two pairs of coils produce a certain magnetic field, respectively. The horizontal coil is generated by a pillow, and the vertical coil produces a barrel.

Usage Precautions

Replacement of the deflection coil requires a note:

1. Before disassembling the deflection coil, first recording the connection position of the wire of 4 different colors of the deflection coil and the overall mounting orientation of the stationary magnetic ring (color pure). The wiring column (a total of 5 terminals) on the rectangular wiring board of the deflection coil is a terminal with the motherboard circuit.

2. The order of the removal of the deflection coil is to gently remove the image tube bottom circuit circuit, loosely loosely fix the clip nut (do not loose the ring of the magnetic ring group, the overall magnetic ring position in the magnetic ring group) A white paint line is suggested, then gently rotate the inevitability of the calm, and finally can loosen the card ring nut of the fixed-deflection coil and gently remove the deflection coil. Reinstall the deflecting coils Contrary to the above sequence.

If it is a deflection line, the deflection line is unloaded, the brush can see the dust of the top, which is a trace of the local enameled wire burned. After the local paint line of the deflection coil is burned, a partial short circuit is formed. This fault is difficult to measure with a multimeter. Because the resistance value of the deflection coil is not large.

3. When the new deflection coil is purchased. To make the old deflection coil to do comparison, pay attention to: (1) Apply a lottery and shape size and shape size must be new and exactly the same; (2) The deflection coil has two types and parallel, must not make the wrong; (3) line, field The resistance of the deflection coil must be new and old, and the resistance of the routing coil is only a few oysters, and the resistance of the field deflection coil is generally dozens Ohms.

4. A method of distinguishing the series and parallel deflection coils: (1) The speaker port of the deflection coil is facing down, and its rectangular wiring board is pair, the following rectangular edge is the terminal of the field deflection coil, generally three (some) The routing bias coil also has three terminals, but the intermediate is the air receiving column), and the intermediate terminal is welded to the coil and the same, and there is no coil and the weld (ie, the idle column) is parallel. type. One of the intermediates no matter what connection is connected to the circuit; (2) For the same type of grouper and the same size deflection coil, the resistance value of the series field deflection coil is significantly larger than the parallel (about two times).

5. Because the new configuration of the deflection yoke with the original circuit design is difficult to exactly the same parameters, the replacement yoke, generally do not coincide will appear three-color (character and letters the color image rendering offset most obvious), the row and vertical values ​​are not Normal phenomena, etc., this needs to be re-adjusted. For the three-color non-coincidence. It is to improve by careful adjustment of the overall orientation of the imaging tube neck (generally do not need to adjust the orientation of a single magnetic ring). For the wadens and fields abnormal, the potentiometer of the wadget and field level should be adjusted. A small number may also adjust the pillow-shaped correction circuit.

The magnetic field

of the deflection coil is formed by the zigzag current flowing through the deflection coil. Complete the horizontal scan coil is a row deflection coil, and the coil of the vertical scan is the field deflection coil.

The routing coil is divided into two groups. The plane is wound, and the lower sleeve is in the current direction of the coil in the coil. The resulting magnetic field is in line with the right manual, and the deflection magnetic field H is deflected in the vertical direction (or by the downward) routing coil in the vertical direction (or downward) row.

The force f in the horizontal direction is generated through the electron beam between it, and the left and right deflection is generated on the screen. In order to obtain a relatively uniform magnetic field, the coil turns is distributed according to the cosine regularly by calculation. The output power of the output tube is large, there is a need for a large current flow through the deflection coil, and the outer ferrite magnetic ring is provided outside the deflection coil, so that the magnetic wire is formed by the magnetic ring, which can increase the internal magnetic field strength, magnetic Shielded in the same time. Make a saddle shape for the reduction of the magnetic field line.

Field Bias Coil The direction of the current flowing through the ferrite magnetic ring is directly wound on the ferrite magnetic ring, and the current direction flowing in the coil is used according to the right hand, and the magnetic line is passed through the magnetic ring. The closing circuit is formed such that the magnetic field direction is from left to right (or from right to left), which causes vertical deflection on the screen under the magnetic field under this magnetic field. On the actual picture tube, the deflection coils around the magnetic core are outside the row-deflection coil, which make up a whole, tightly ferrule on the developing tube cone.

The main parameters of the deflection coil are: inductance amount LY, DC resistance RY and maximum security Niypp, deflection power index SK. The maximum number of 匝 number Niypp: The form of the above-mentioned deflection coil commonly used.

deflecting coil Application

Television imaging of television imaging The image tube of common TV is also called cathode ray tube, and the cathode ray tube has mainly five components: electron gun (Electron GUN), deflection coil, shadow mask, phosphor and glass housing. The image is a phosphor illumination on the electron-excited electron-excited electron-exciting electron-exciting electron-exciting screen to generate lighting to generate image electrons to emit the track from the electron gun. We must constrain the trajectory of the electronic operation to make the electron to reach the screen. The image deflection coil displayed on the control screen is this constant changing magnetic field generated by the deflection coil to control the operational track of the electronics to control the operation of the electronic.

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