Home Technique Drinking natural mineral water

Drinking natural mineral water


The old "drinking natural mineral water" is implemented and released by the National Technical Supervision Bureau, the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Health, and the Ministry of Health. I have been revised in 1995, which has been used in the past.


In December 2008, the National Quality Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine and the National Standardization Administration issued two national standards for "drinking natural mineral water" and "drinking natural mineral water test methods"

"Drinking Natural Mine Water" (GB8537-2008) Implementation time is October 1, 2009, "Drinking Natural Mine Water Test Method" (GB / T8538-2008) Implementation time is 2009 4 On the 1st of the month. The biggest highlight of this standard is to increase bromate and three pathogenesis indicators, while deleting the total number of colonies.


The old "drinking natural mineral water" national standard has not been modified for more than 10 years, with no bromic salt content. The old standard was implemented in 1987, the National Technical Supervision Bureau organized the geological mineral production department, the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Health, has been revised in 1995, which has been taken so far.

bromide is a potential carcinogen of 2B level internationally, which is a natural water source such as mineral water or springs such as mineral water or spawning water. In the world, in the WHO and the US Environmental Protection Bureau, the maximum allowable concentration of bromate is within 0.01 mg / l. This indicator has been consistent with international mineral water new standards.

The maximum highlight of the new national standard is to increase the increase of bromate and three microbial indicators while deleting the total number of colonies.

Increased restricted bromrates in the new national standard is a by-product produced by ozone sterilization during drinking water production, and there is no bromine in water in the water, but as the raw water contains bromine. When the production process, the bromide is oxidized and ozone after ozone is oxidized. Bromide has been set to 2B-level potential carcinogens by international cancer research institutions, and drinking water with high bromine content will increase the prevalence of cancer.

, domestic enterprises rarely use ozone to sterilize, mineral water enterprises generally use ozone sterilization processes, resulting in high bromate. The National Quality Supervision Bureau of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine, carried out a special investigation of 104 bottles of bottled water, 13 kinds of bromine content exceeding the "Health Standard of Life Drinking Water Health Standard". In the International Health Organization (WHO) and the US Environmental Protection (EPA), the maximum allowable concentration of bromide is within 0.01 mg / l, and the indicators in the new national standard are consistent with the World Health Organization standard.


Drinking natural mineral water contains a variety of human essential trace elements and mineral salts, which is strictly different from general freshwater or living drinking water. In 1987, my country promulgated the national standard "drinking natural mineral water", and revised the standard in 1995, the revision has been issued a new standard.

"Drinking Natural Mine Water" New National Standards Changes

The main changes in the new national standard are as follows: Improve the definition of natural mineral water; limit index removal 1 Item (bromide); limited index increase 4 (antimony, manganese, nickel, bromate), modify 4 (cadmium, arsenic, boron, fluoride), delete 4 (lithium, strontium, iodide, zinc) Pollution indicators increase 2 (anionic synthetic detergents, mineral oil), modify 1 (nitrite); microbial indicators increase 3 (fertilizer, copper psessa, and gastrointestinal pods), delete 1 item (total colony).

In the new national standard, the limit index of bromate is first added, and the bromate content in the natural mineral water in drinking natural mineral water must be less than 0.01 mg (mg) per L (liter). At the same time, the new national standard has also canceled the "total number of colonies" indicators that have always been an important position in my country's drinking water indicators. While canceling the total number of colonies, the new national standard increased the limited amount of 3 microbes, which specified in the sample 250 ml of drinking natural mineral water, 3 pathogenic bacteria such as dungal bacteria, copper green psessa and gastrointestinal pods. The content is "0".

Effect of

The impact of the new national standard: the industry threshold will greatly improve

Drinking natural mineral water

drinking natural mineral water

Under the old standard, the domestic mineral water industry has experienced the stage of development. "The mineral water country standard has been strictly limited to the total number of colonies, no more than 50 per mulg, is afraid that some legal companies are coming." Zhou Jingliang said. However, the secrets of the public are, due to the special water and process requirements of mineral water, the total number of colonies is much more difficult than drinking water such as pure water. When the incident of the total number of colonies exceeded the colonies in the field of circulation, the number of mineral water is a big problem in the sampling of the quality supervision department, and the company is also happy. "South China mineral water industry Clearance

However, it corresponds to the old domestic standards. In WHO, US EPA and other standards, there is no bacterial index, but there is strict requirements for pathogenic bacteria. In 2007, 118 tons of France's Intraun Mineral water was taken by the total number of colonies that were taken by the domestic inspection and quarantine bureau, which is precisely because international standards are caused by domestic standards. Due to the unreasonation of the standard, another big problem in the domestic mineral water industry: "It is because the total number of colonies is rigorous, resulting in a large number of mineral water enterprises to increase the total number of ozone, and increase the carcinogen bromine. The chance of generating. Wu Qingping, director of the Guangdong Microbiology Institute, confirmed that bromate is set to 2B-level potential carcinogens internationally, which is a natural source of natural water such as mineral water or mountain water in the sinctuus. .

Remove the total number of colonies, the limited amount of bromate indicators in the drinking natural mineral water, "drinking natural mineral water" national standards and solves the above two problems. "Although bromate is an ozone-bactericidal by-product, ozone is the most effective disinfection method in the previous row." Senior people in the mineral water industry said that using new technology to replace ozone, require higher technical requirements, will also cause The change in cost, the standard specification makes the industry threshold greatly improves. Rodan, president of the Guangdong Bottled Drinking Water Industry Association, said that although the new standard deleted the total number of colonies, but also emphasized the pathogenic bacteria, in fact, the quality management and inspection requirements of mineral water were more stringent.

New national standard Impact 2: Strong water source is difficult to shift the edge ball

According to the data of CIC consultants, with the market operation, raw material cost, labor force The continuous increase in costs, China's bottled drinking water enters the "micro-era". "Generally, the price of drinking water is the highest in the industry, so there are too many fake 'mineral water in the market, selling in ordinary water." Senior people in the mineral water industry said that the new national standard strong marking The water origin, which makes it difficult for the wrong enterprise difficult to refresh the ball, purify the market environment of large enterprises.

"foreign water is protected, can be directly filling, there is no problem such as bromate due to ozone disinfection. Under the new national standard situation, the competition of domestic mineral water enterprises and foreign brands in the future It may be the competition of water source resources. "The internal people of Taihang Bayi mineral water enterprises said.

Three new national standards: mineral water prices quietly raised

According to industry insiders, many mineral aquatic products have passed through various ways, Includes cancellation or reduction of water supply discount, launch high-end products, changing packaging, etc., estimates that the overall increase is 20% -30%.

The reason why this round of mineral aquatic products is fluctuating is that the new national standard is about to be officially implemented. Chen Chen, chief researcher in China, pointed out that the new national standard will increase the cost burden of enterprises to a certain extent. For example, companies will improve the mineral water disinfection method to meet the bromide indicators, which will require companies to increase the improvement of technology, increase the cost of disinfection.

In the new national standard, the most concerned is to increase the limited amount of bromate indicators in the drinking natural mineral water: the bromate content of each liter of drinking natural mineral water must not exceed 0.01 mg. According to experts, bromate is set to potentially carcinogens in international, which is a poisoned by-product that is inevitably produced in a large number of sophisticated sinctures in various drinking water industries. The reporter found that in the new national standard, the reporter also increased to filling the original water in the same place without a container.

The new national standard is affected: the new national standard increased cost pressure

26 days, many Guangdong local mineral water companies claim that the new national standard will "inevitable Increased corporate technology and economic pressure. "Taihang Bayi mineral water said yesterday, the company began to invest in human rights, material resources and related research institutions to solve the bromine problem in order to attack, the company has invested 3 million yuan for transformation Production process, purchase new water treatment equipment, etc.

Wu Qingping, director of the Guangdong Microbiology Research Institute, said that the transformation is to pay a certain amount of cost, "500,000 -6 million yuan is affirmative." It is reported that the company must In line with the requirements of the new national standard, the rectification investment is huge, "only solves the bromate, the improvement of the equipment is 50,000 yuan, more than a million yuan. At the same time, the whole process, equipment, technology, technology, technology, Testing instruments, personnel training, even label modifications, etc.

Wen Liang believes that the adjustment of mineral aquatic products is not a price increase, but "reasonable return". There is a mineral water company believes that a bottle of 500-600 mineral water, retail price of 3 yuan -5 yuan is reasonable.

Five countries affect the influence of the national standard: mineral water out of the spirituality of "

mineral aquatic products to formally implemented the new national standard, pick up the price and grade. Many companies are highly high-end for its mineral aquatic products and intentionally pull the mineral aquatic products and pure water products. For example, Henan Bai dry Springs, Shenzhen Jingtian, Japan Springs have launched high-end water brands Taihang eight miles , hundred-year-old mountain, Mai 0.u, Huashanquan also plans to launch new high-end mineral water brands. Wen Liang believes that the value and price of mineral water should be higher than pure water, because the cost of producing mineral water is high, for example, the state should receive resource fees, complex production process, and high operating costs.

The implementation of the new national standard seems to find a reason to go to high-end for long-term competing mineral water. The new investor flies into the high-end mineral water market, but also encourages the mineral water industry to reposition the variety of water as "high end".

Industry insiders believe that mineral water enterprises are anxious to get rid of mineral water products from low prices, low-end competition, in addition to the increase in cost pressure, due to "small profits". Chen Chen said that according to relevant data, in 2008, China's bottled drinking aquatic products reached 40 billion yuan, with a profit margin of only 3.85%.

The low-end drinking water industry has been very weak, and the high-end market is still in the start-up state. "In the next five years, China's high-end water market capacity will not be less than 10 billion yuan."

The new standard effect is affected: bromate Puzzle will eventually solve

national standardization The new "drinking natural mineral water" national standards approved by the Management Committee will be officially implemented.

The national standard of new and old "drinking natural mineral water", the biggest feature of new standards is to add a limited amount of bromate indicators in the drinking natural mineral water, which requires a salt content of each liter of natural mineral water. Do not exceed 0.01 mg.

June, after the media discloses the abundance of bromine-containing water, it has caused extensive attention from all walks of life. Since then, the report of the Sino-Boot Advisor also shows that bromate is set to 2B levels of potential carcinogens in the international manufacturer, and it is a poison by-product that is inevitable when the drinking water industry manufacturers use ozone to sterilize. How to remove bromide or reduce its content to become a major puzzle of mineral water enterprises.

In addition, the new standard also deletes the requirements of the total number of colonies, but increases the limited amount of index of 3 microorganisms such as mushrooms, and three metal substances such as antimony, manganese, nickel are added in natural minerals. The limited amount of indicators in the water shall be required to transport the original water to the off-site filling with a container. Drinking natural mineral water must be marked in the marker name, and the label must not claim medical effects.

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