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Duck Green Riverkou


Yalu River estuary archipelago in modern times is gradually formed as the Yalu River Sediment. From the Qing dynasty, eleven years (1885), "Qing Niansan province and the whole map _ North State Road and attached map" can be seen, when the Yalu River in the territory of North Korea, and salary Island, and other islands Huangjinping not yet formed.

98% Yalu runoff into the sea from the east branching pay retto Road, West Branch Road, has become a basic Yalu Runoff from waste and branch channels. However, 60 years ago, the West Branch Road was an important channel runoff into the sea, and even earlier period Yalu River runoff is the main access to the sea. "After Dadonggou (now located in the middle of the Western Han Dynasty Road) ranking position as a harbor view point ...... spoke beat River upstream from the timber down, all located in this land, and then by the Inland Revenue Department to complete the formalities: According to historical records. . seagoing vessel fitted around Sinotrans "even in 1905 its main branch nature has not changed, according to other shipping history records: West Branch Road, deep grooves into the sea southwest of the waterway is" wide estuary was the only deep-water channel within 27 km, 3,000-ton ships can free navigation "According to research: the time of the southwest section of the waterway has been living on the land, quite location and temple ditch, and Wei Tang temple ditch between the modern and the riverbank 1905 - 1927 deposition made. Then Huangcaoping (now Huangjinping) is a reed seen the growth of small sandbar, the letter Ti Ping is also very small, welcoming door to Hong Kong is not yet out of the water. West Branch Road runoff by mosquitoes ditch, welcome door to Hong Kong, temple ditch, more to the north east and the East Branch Road, the same branch.

Since deposition, West Branch Road sandbars phenomena, heightening Miaogou equilateral Beach into land, lawn yellow, Ti Ying gate signal into the estuary floor also accretion Milton, West Branch Road traffic began to significantly decrease. West Branch Road, in the course of their dying off, and suddenly subjected to intense artificial interference, the delta during this period of evolution has become very special. West Branch Road due to the deposition of highly variable water flow paths, beaches and more shallow, lower shipping value. 1941, Puppet opened up deep trench south waterway (for aggression required), commonly known as "South waterways." And cut off the branch and the Southwest Branch of the waterway, waterways and ocean fish Kong East Branch Road interlinked greet door to Hong Kong and so on. These projects make West Branch Road traffic has more than doubled compared to the previous regulation. Most of the trend of increased traffic, river runoff accounts for only about 10%, making this the hydrodynamic conditions continue to brush the West Branch Road, deep grooves deep, while the beach surface is gradually accretion. In 1942 he built a abundance of water power station dam the river sediment significant reduction in carrying capacity improved significantly. In this way, blocking connectivity support branch East and West Branch Road is very difficult to change migration, sediment began to silt in the low-energy environment caused by artificial falling behind. Pay Island shoal of letters between Ti and gold Ping Ping continued deposition results finally forlorn letter and salary Ping Island Shoal together to form Pidansom. East Daping Dadonggou estuary and beach side and also because of the high silt into the land. River delta area increased significantly during this period.

can also be seen in the 1933 provincial map printed Yalu River estuary, the island still pay the Yalu River south of the main river, near the North Korean side. In 1935, "the latest Chinese-glance view of the situation," Ministry of National Defense Survey 1943 drawn local Yalu River, showed salary Island in the territory of the DPRK (Pidansom not yet formed).

According to the 1964 "People's Republic of China and the DPRK border treaty," the second on "Before the signing of this treaty, has been one of the citizens residing or cultivation of islands and shoals, become the party territory, does not change, "the provisions, salary and derivatives island islands remain with North Korea all.

The Yalu hundreds of large and small islands, some located very close to the Chinese side of the river bank, a small step in the water when you can go onto. Yang plans to develop the largest island of Granville Island and at the mouth of the Yalu River - Pay island belongs to North Korea.

boundary profile

  • "China-North Korea border treaty" Duck Green Riverkou

in 1962, the government of People's Republic of China and the government of the DPRK in Pyongyang signed the "Sino-Korean border treaty" (Zhou Enlai, Kim Il Sung).

total of five treaty, the first between the two countries mainly divided toward the border; the border in Article II of the principles of ownership of the islands and shoals; Article III of the width of the border on the border, at all times subject to the width of the water. Bilateral co-management, common use, including the delineation of the principles of navigation, fishing and hunting and the use of river water, as well as the Yalu River estuary waters; the main provisions of Article IV of this treaty was signed after the establishment of the Joint Inspection Committee on the border between the two countries, began the Unit; Article V the exchange of letters.

  • "China and Korea Boundary Protocol"

The " China and Korea boundary < Article IV / b> Treaty "provides that Sino-Korean joint Committee on border demarcation of the border between the two countries, through equal consultation and friendly cooperation, successfully completed the reconnaissance of the border, vertical piles and determine the border islands and shoals of ownership tasks, clearly and specifically demarcated the boundary between the two countries. March 20, 1964, in Beijing, Chen Yi and Pak Sung Chul, respectively, on behalf of the two countries signed the "Protocol on China-North Korea border."

According to the treaty, the two sides Assigning specific to the border between the two countries in 1964. The border line length of 1334 km, of which 45 km terrestrial, water sector 1289 km. From the upper section of Liaoning Liaoning Province and Jilin junction from the mouth of Hun, down to the mouth of the Yalu only a total length 306 km. After China and North Korea from 1972 to 1975 carried out the first boundary of the Unit, to determine the shoals, islands 61, which was placed under the Chinese 13. In October 2000, the border crossings and the management system of the third round of talks was held in Beijing, initialed the agreement. The provisions of Liaoning period the border crossings there are three, namely: 1, Dandong - Sinuiju (including railways, highways); 2, Pacific Bay - Shuozhou; 3, Dan paper Pier - Sinuiju harbor, and another second-class port number .

  • Second Sino-Korean border JIU

1990, China and the DPRK conducted The second boundary of the Unit, Liaoning section because there are 10 islands and shelved pending. These 10 islands are: 1, at the angle shoals, 2, set in the sandwich sub-islands, 3, set in the island (North Korea called inter Kuwashima), 4, the Kuwashima the island, 5, bird's nest outer islands, 6, set in the sub sandwich and North mulberry Island Department of adhesions, sub sandwich Island area of ​​49,058 square meters, the upper enlarged portion with the DPRK North mulberry Island has 930 square meters coincidence, has been bonded flood in 1995; 8, East Taiping Island, 9, Kuwashima Catalpa a lower part of the island increases, 10, Catalpa Kuwashima sub-islands significantly increased.

In the occasion the two sides prepared to determine the ownership of 10 on this issue, the DPRK put forward tip sandbar appears under the Chinese, because the Chinese construction sub sandwich horse market 120 m dam during the Cultural Revolution, blocked the border river tributary due. So China must first stripped off sub sandwich dam, then consider attribution problem pointed sandbar, resulting in a second suspension of the Unit in 1992. In this case, the two sides negotiated the Joint Inspection Committee, since 1993, the first talks on the horse market sub sandwich engineering problems by the provinces Road. Thus, the second China-North Korea border JIU also suspended, failed to end.

  • the border pillar (para Liaoning) where

1, Chinese sub kurau front Kong Island with the DPRK in contact through the outlet ditch dried up, the first time in 1974 when the Unit, jointly built two standard boundary markers, No. 2 to the DPRK management, No. 1 for the Chinese management. Then due to continue through grooves extend dried up, the second time in 1990 the Unit, the two sides re-erect two boundary markers, No. 4 for the DPRK maintenance, No. 3 for the Chinese service (see No. 17 North Korean border JIU drawings).

2, 1974 years, the DPRK for the first time when the Unit found within China Xiamen ditch tufts qianweitang parties themselves and towards the island through the border sector has dried up ditch filled, in the presence of the two sides of the Unit staff case, mutually agreed need to set up a temporary wooden pillar 4, indicating the pile 4, which is the boundary markers 1,2,3,4, AB indicating the pile, mainly through grooves indicating catchy width; CD indication to indicate pile through the ditch next opening width and position. Findings indicate that pile lose three, boundary markers loss (see the first drawing the border of the Unit No. 9) 2 November 2001 Camel.

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