Home Technique Earth observation organization

Earth observation organization

Established Background

Earth Observing Organization was established in 2005, it is the largest intergovernmental cooperation organization in the world's earth observations. China is one of Geo's founding countries. Since the establishment of GEO in 2005, the depth participation in GEO work and made a huge contribution to the development of Geo. GEO set up four joint chairpersons, which are South Africa, the United States, China and the EU. GEO has started to implement the presidential presidential system in 2017, the EU, the United States, and South Africa, served as the president of the 2017 to 2019. According to the round value sequence, 2020 was served as Chairman of the GEO of the GEO, comprehensively hosted 2020 GEO work.

The purpose

is coordinated, comprehensive, sustained Earth observation, providing information support for decision-making and action, and enhances human well-being.


There are 105 member states, and 132 organizations are involved, and 6 associated organizations.

The person in charge

The four joint chairs are Huang Wei (Chinese), STEPHEN VOLZ, USA), Enpoñeni Muofhe (Mmboneni Muofhe) , South Africa) and Dieild (Patrick CHILD, British nationality). Dr. Gilberto Camara, director of the Secretariat, Brazil, July 2018, for a term until June 2021.


Switzerland Geneva


"Global Comprehensive Earth Observation System 2016-2025 Strategic Executive Plan" (GEO Strategic Plan 2016-2025 Implementing Gess, "GEOSS 10-Year Implementation Plan" (GEO New Year's Work Report "," GEO Year Highlights Work Report "(GEO Highlights)," Value of Open Data Sharing " "The value of open data sharing.

Earth observation organization


Earth Observing Organization All meetings is the highest decision-making body, once a year; Ministerial Summit guides the development of earth observations in higher levels, in principle every 4 years Held once; the Executive Committee exercised the plenary part during the closing meeting. Anctivities, including the Program Management Committee, the Secretariat, etc. The Asian Oceania Regional Comprehensive Earth Observatory is one of the world's four regional Geo.

Source of funds

It comes from voluntary contributions from Member States and the organization.

Main activities

Earth observation organization As the largest intergovernmental international organization in the field of earth observations, it will implement the United Nations Sustainable Development Agenda, Climate Change "Paris Agreement" and Sendai Disaster Mitigation Framework As a cooperative priority, mainly in biodiversity and ecosystem management, disaster prevention and mitigation, energy and mineral resources management, food security and sustainable agriculture, infrastructure and transportation system management, public health monitoring, urban sustainable development, water resources Eight fields of management work.

Development History

Development initial

Geo from the initial 33 member states and EU and 21 participating organizations to 100 Member States and EU and 87 A participation organization has received high concerns and active support from many countries and international organizations.

China is one of the foundings of Geo, since its establishment, since its establishment, the GEO Executive Committee's member states and joint presidential country, and actively promoting GEO work.

shall be authorized by the State Council, and the deputy director of Cao Jianlin, Ministry of Science and Technology serves as Chairman of GEO, and the Ministry of Science and Technology represents the Chinese government to participate in GEO activities, and perform our rights and obligations of my country as GEO Member States. Establishing a Geo China Secretariat in the Ministry of Science and Technology, the specific unit is a national remote sensing center.


October 28, 2011, the Earth Observing Organization (GEO) China Secretariat was held in the National Remote Sensing Center, GEO China Secretariat will be in the Ministry of Science and Technology Under the leadership of my country's GEO Inter-June, support China's participation in GEO work.


November 11-13, 2015, the twelfth plenary and fourth ministerial summit in Mexico, November 11-13, 2015, Earth Observation Organization The capital Mexico City was successfully held. The ministerial officials of about 20 Geo Member States participated in the Ministerial Summit, and the GEO Joint Chair, and the deputy director of the Ministry of Science and Technology Cao Jianlin attended the meeting, my country's GEO Inter-Accephaly Coordination Group 14 members Participated in the meeting.

Geo Fourth Ministerial Summit released the "Mexico City Declaration", emphasizing Earth Observing is an important means of supporting the United Nations 2030 Development Agenda and Global Change Framework Contract, GEO is the target of global integrated earth observations The only global intergovernmental partnership is urged to promote GEO development from national levels to strengthen developing countries to participate in GEO and global comprehensive Earth observation system (GLOBAL Earth Observation System of Systems, GEOSS). The "Mexico City Declaration" clearly passed the "GEO Ten Year Strategic Executive Plan (2016-2025)", officially opened the development phase of GEO's new decade. The GEO Strategic Executive Plan is a guided document of GEO's future development, which indicates the direction of the future GEOSS global construction. The GEO Strategic Executive Plan has planned the GEOSS construction framework for the next decade, clarifies the key points of GEOSS construction, emphasizing the implementation of GEOSS will adhere to the basic principles of open, efficient, flexible, sustainable and reliable. At the 12th plenary plenary of GEO, my country once again elected GEO-in-Chief of the Asian Oceania, the deputy director of Cao Jianlin once again served as Chairman, my country's recommendation from the National Surveying and Mapping Geographic Information Bureau and the Chinese Academy of Sciences successfully elected GEO Member of the Planning Management Committee laid an important foundation for my country's future in Geoss, especially in GEO affairs in Asia, in Asia.


November 4 to 9, 2019, the Earth Observatory (GEO) The 16th Plenary will open in Canberra, Australia, 6th. GEO is the largest, most authoritative and influential intergovernmental international organization in the international earth observations. Since its establishment in 2005, the size of Geo has continued to expand. To this GEO has 100 members and 87 participating organizations, GEO's goal is Building a comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable global global global global observation system, gaining the observation information of atmosphere, ocean and land, making human beings better understand the earth system, providing decision makers with services from original observation data to information. my country is GEO's founding countries and has been a joint presidential country representing the Asian Oceania, playing an important role in the establishment and development of Geo.

At the opening ceremony, GEO China's chief representative, China United Chair, deputy director of the Natural Resources Department of Geological Survey, Li Pension, representative, China Joint Chair, Huang Wei, deputy director of the Ministry of Science and Technology, presided over the meeting and Reviewed the important achievements in Geo in recent years, combined with the new direction of the current global observation fusion digital technology, the future development of GEO, and call on GEOs to cooperate, and promote economic, social and ecological environment, sustainable development through earth observations. Commonly providing public services to the constructing human fate community.

At the opening ceremony, China National Security Bureau launched the "China National Aerospace Satellite Satellite 16M Data Sharing Service Platform (CNSA-GEO Platform)", issued relevant data policies, announced that China's high scores 16m data openings open.

Opening of the 6th, the Earth Observations held in Canberra 2019 meeting week. The meeting was held around the 4th to 9th, including core conferences and results exhibitions such as the 16th Plenary Session.

The Minister-level Summit of the 8th, the Chief Representative of Earth Observations, China Joint Chair, and Li Pei De, deputy director of the China Geological Survey Bureau, represents the Earth Observing Organization, Department of Science and Technology Minister Huang Wei presided over the opening ceremony and shared the latest situation of China's high-score satellite 16 meters to the international community, and was highly concerned and appreciated by the representatives of participants.


In February 2020, GEO data week was held in China, which was held outside Europe for the first time in Europe, which fully illustrates the importance of China's participation.

March 19th, 2020, the Earth Observing Organization (GEO) was held in the form of the 51st Executive Committee, from the GEO 20 20-Trip Chairman, China Geological Survey of Natural Resources Li Pension, deputy director of the Bureau, presided over the meeting.

On October 28, 2020, "Under the epidemic, China has played a very important role as the President of the GEO rotation." International Convention on the 3rd Asian Oceania Regional Comprehensive Earth Observation Program in Changzhou, Jiangsu Province The Summit, the Summit of Regional Economic and Social Development, Dr. Gilberto Kamara, director of the Earth Observatory (GEO) International Secretariat, said. The Asian Oceania Regional Comprehensive Earth Observatory is one of the world's four regional Geo, which is led by China and Japan and Korean.

"2020 is an important year for GEO. We started to implement the" Canberra Declaration "and launched the 2020-2022 GEO work plan. At the same time, new crown epidemic also is the earth observation business The new test is proposed. It has created new opportunities for GEO development. We actively call on the experience of all walks of life to share and communicate with Earth observation techniques to address the experience of extract of epidemic and supporting compound production, showing corresponding achievements, which fully reflects GEO's global vision and new The mission. "The Special Type of International Earth Observations (GEO) President of Li Pingdi said that China as a president of the wheel value, this year attracted more developing countries and small and medium-sized enterprises to become GEO new members and new partners. With more than 60 projects and several working groups under the 2020-2022 work plan, GEO continues to address three priorities for climate change, disaster prevention and mitigation, and achieving sustainable development.

Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wu Yi, the Dean of the Jane Information Innovation Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, pointed out that China's second-sensitive satellite scale has ranked second in the world, and the performance quickly approaches even some of the world's advanced level, satellite application is tested. The application type transitions to business service types. The space big data formed by Earth's observations is the development depth of the third type of strategic resources and the large-scale changing, which is accelerating the high economic and social value, forming "rich mines" in data oil. I hope to pass the seminar, it can promote the integration of Earth's observation and application technology, facilities, resource complementarity, and service interoperability, and further service regional economic and social development.

Changzhou Municipal Party Committee Secretary Qijiabin said that the empty-grade information industry has entered the development of the golden ten years, the development prospect is broad, the market value is huge, which is welcoming the explosive growth situation. Changzhou industrial foundation is solid, complete industrial universal, vertically integrated capacity, and has a solid foundation and vast space in the air-day information industry. In 2019, the Jane Information Innovation Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences settled the "National Space Information Comprehensive Application Project" project to Changzhou. At present, the project is rapid construction, efficient operation, has played an important role in key projects such as New Menghe dredge in Changzhou.

At this meeting, "the" Delivery Remote Sensing Basic Product Synergy "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" " start up. At the same time, "Asian Declaration of Asian Oceania Regional Comprehensive Earth Observatory is also released."

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