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Economic mechanism


Economic mechanism in economics refers to the relationship and function of interconnection, interaction, mutual constraints between each constituent elements in a certain socioeconomic body. It exists in the production, distribution, exchange, and consumption of production, distribution, exchange and consumption. Since the economic mechanism is functional in the operation of the economic body, it is also known as the economic operation mechanism.

The term is the earliest from Greek Mechane, mean machine, machinery, institution. This engineering concept has been adopted for other disciplines. Social economic forms also have their own economic mechanisms as social opportunities, subject to certain economic laws. During the whole process of the development and role of economic mechanisms, they are associated with people's activities. Because regardless of the social form of production, workers and production materials are always produced, and reality, economic activities, always reflect the role of life-like subjective factors (labor). The economic law has objective nature, but the role of economic law should be achieved through people's economic activities. Therefore, when analyzing the connotation of economic mechanisms, it is necessary to grasp the objective nature and cannot ignore the role of subjective factors.


The economic mechanism is a system, which is generally composed of economic organization, economic leverage, economic policy. It is fundamentally specified by the production relationship, but it exceeds the range of production relationship itself, which is related to productivity, and is related to the upper building (see economic foundation with upper buildings). Therefore, in the classification of social phenomena, the economic mechanism cannot be completely classified into the category of production relations, and it is not possible to completely enter the upper building, but the special social phenomenon between the two is a combination of both.

In different social economic forms, there are different types of economic mechanisms. In the same time in the essence of the production relationship, the economic mechanism will also be different in different periods of different countries and the same kingdom. However, this difference is the difference in the same type of economic mechanism in the same conditions, and the differences between different types of economic mechanisms in the essence. In the social economic form based on social production, the capitalist economic mechanism and socialist economic mechanism can be divided into two categories of capitalist economic mechanisms and socialist economic mechanisms in accordance with different natures of production relations.

In the capitalist society, the residual value rules, the value of the value passes through the price of the market competition, the change in supply and demand, has spontaneously restrict the economic development. Although the capitalist economic mechanism reflects the combination of subjective factors and objective factors, spontaneity is an important feature.

Unlike the capitalist economic mechanism, the subjective factors in the socialist plan economy play a major role in the socialist economic mechanism. The socialist economic mechanism is to consciously establish and play its role in accordance with the understanding and utilization of socialist economic law. Socialist production relations are the foundation established by the socialist economic mechanism. The objective economy of the socialist economy determines the composition of the economic mechanism, including what model, organization, means, methods, and methods are taken. , Regulate the development of the socialist economy.


Socialist economic mechanism

Socialist economic mechanism is a broad and complexity of organizing and managing socialist economies System. It includes the internal combination of socialist economic factors, and its mechanism to promote the development of socialist economies. At the same time, it also includes the national organization to manage the economic institution, the guidelines, policies, and influence of the development of the economy, restrict the leverage of economic development. The mechanism of the mechanism of the socialist economic mechanism, as the inherent restrictive relationship between socialist economies, is contained in the essence of socialist economic operation, and thus invisible. As for the specific form of utilization of socialist economic mechanisms, it is a specific form of the economic law established by the economic law, mainly including the following aspects:

1 economic management institution And organizations, including integrated management agencies (planning, finance, labor, business, materials, etc.) and professional management agencies (industrial, agriculture, etc.) to implement leadership and organization of the whole national economy (industrial, agriculture, etc.), and implement independent accounting enterprise economic organization management agencies. And various forms of United Federations established on the basis of enterprises.

Economic mechanism

2 Guide the policy, policies and regulations of economic activities, mainly refers to policy provisions for national programs, financial, labor, wages, prices, materials, etc., and specific measures taken to guide economic activities.

3 economic lever, including prices, credit, taxation, profits, wages, etc. used to affect and regulate social economic activities. Each component of the socialist economic mechanism is interrelated and interacting. By developing guidelines for economic activities, economic approach is implemented to national economic activities, and various economic policies, policies should be accepted, and they are inseparable from the application of economic leverage.

The practice of socialist construction shows that the socialist economic mechanism has a gradual establishment and continuous improvement process because people have aware process for the essence of socialist production relationships. At the same time, the specific economic mechanism is specifically established, and there is also a process of practicing and accumulating experience.

As the economic reform is conducted, there are more and more discussions on economic mechanisms, but there is still a difference in the understanding of this concept. There are three views of perspective:

1 believes that the economic mechanism is an objective economic law;

2 Economic mechanism and economic policy, economic leverage;

3 Think that economic mechanisms are the specific performance forms of objective economic law and economic law in economic practices.

According to

The relationship between economic mechanism and economic law

The opinion of the one aspect is to compare the role of economic law on economic mechanisms, think Economic mechanism is the expression or process of economic law. If comrades believe that the economic mechanism "reflects the requirements of objective economic law, the economic mechanism is usually referred to as the mechanism of economic law, which is the form of expression of economic law, if leaving the economic mechanism, people can not know Objective economic law. "Some comrades summarize the process of production - economic law - economic mechanisms as from abstraction to specific processes. It is believed that the economic mechanism is restricted by the economic law, the stronger the ability to understand and use the economic law, the more you need to constantly improve the economic mechanism. There is also comrades to propose economic mechanisms to be the "mediation" or "hub" between economic law and economic phenomena, and the economic mechanism is more specific and more realistic to reflect the intrinsic nature of economic law. On the other hand, the opinion is to focus on the relationship and role of economic mechanism and economic law. If it is considered: "The relationship between economic mechanisms and economic regularities can be largely synchronized with physical law and labor tools manufactured on their basis." The role of economic law is only one aspect of economic mechanism. On the other hand, economic mechanisms as a specific phenomenon of economic life, and is the specific embodiment of economic law and economic essence. It should be established according to the requirements of the economic law, and there is a specific scheme for several economic mechanisms in the scope of objective regularity. Some comrades pointed out: "The economic law is both an inevitable contact within the economic structure, and it is an inevitable connection between the economic mechanism ... Therefore, in a certain sense, the economic law is just the law of economic mechanisms." "" Economic law and economic mechanism The relationship is double. On the one hand, the economic law is an inevitable connection in the economic mechanism; the simultaneous economic mechanism is the role of economic law and its process. "

The relationship between economic mechanism and economic system

1. It is believed that socialist economic mechanisms as economic management mechanisms, but it is an economic system from another angle. The economic system is in this sense of the form of the system, focusing on the relationship between the basic economic structure; and the mechanism is the relationship between the process specified in a certain form, focusing on the relationship between the same economic law.

2. It is believed that economic mechanisms are an important aspect of the economic system, but both are different. "The economic system refers to the system and form of a national organization and management socio-economic activities. It is the norm of socio-economic activities", "it includes two parts: First, the organizational economy, the second is to manage the economy." "The economic mechanism is different from economic system The other features are an intrinsic function. To make the various aspects of socio-economic life, it is necessary to work together, and the economic mechanism needs to run through it. "

3. It is believed that the system is an external form of economic model, and the mechanism is the specific content of economic model. The system reform will guarantee the development of my country's economic operation along the direction of socialism, but there is a sound organizational form, and there must be a corresponding administrative economic mechanism to be borne.

4. From the level of economic operation, it is believed that socialist economic operations are always implemented under certain economic conditions, so economic system is the premise of economic operation analysis. Without this premise, it is impossible to scientifically analyze the socialist economic operation. When the economic system changes, it is necessary to analyze the economic operation under the new premise; when the problem is not able to solve the problem, it is necessary to establish a corresponding new economic mechanism through further reforms of the economic system.

The objective relationship between economic activity is a cross-laceless relationship. The lateral relationship mainly includes laborer and production materials, product relationships, and the relationship between workers, becoming the content of economic system. From the longitudinal relationship is the contradictory relationship between the production system, the distribution system, allocation system, the consumer system and the contradiction between mutual movement, and become the content of the economic mechanism. Economic relationship is the economic and horizontal relationship, which is economic and latitude relationship, which is the economic system and economic mechanism.

Each component of the economic body and the organic combination of the links are made to the operation and development of the economic body by mutually restriction and impact. If the price mechanism is a change in the price of the price; the tax mechanism is the economic movement of the taxation mechanism is the economic movement of the tax, tax rate change and reduction, tax-free policy. In fact, the term "mechanism" is the concept of borrowing physics, and the principle of the construction and action of the machine is meant that machines, machinery, institutions, tools or tools for manufacturing and use for intended purposes. Economics borrowed this concept, in order to indicate the various components of socio-economic life and each link, intertcomblative and mutual constraints, constitutes close contact with organisms. Socialist economic mechanisms are the ways of people's understanding, consciously restricting and affecting economic operation and development in accordance with the understanding of socialist economic laws. It is an organic system that organizes and manages the socialist economy. The main contents are: economic management form; guiding economic activities, policies and regulations; restricting economic activity methods, etc. Each component of the socialist economic mechanism is organic contact. It can be generally divided into two ways according to its role: one is a planning mechanism, one is a market mechanism, and they combine each other, effect, and promote the operation and development of the socialist market economy.

The mutual constraints of various components of the socio-economy, and the general form of specific forms of management economy adopted by the economic operation. The economic mechanism consists of economic organizations, economic leverages, economic policies, and production relations is the basis, economic law restricting and supporting economic mechanisms. The capitalist economic mechanism has spontaneously restricts the economic development due to the regularity of the value, the value law, and has spontaneously restricts its own characteristics.

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