Home Technique Economic science

Economic science

The history of the journal

in 1979, "Economic Science" was created.

1980, the publication period is quarter.

In 1983, the publication period was changed to a dual moon magazine.

in 1998, the issue began to be issued at home and abroad.

In December 2014, the issue became the first batch of academic journals of China's former National Press and Publication Radio, Film and Television.

办 条 刊

column direction

Main column

"economic science" mainly has reform Cross, economics and economic theory, western development, securities and investment, financial research, corporate economy, commerce research, fiscal research and other columns.

Report content

"Economic Science" mainly publishes the basic theory of macro micro - economics, the history of economic thinking, economics, economic management, financial school, Academic papers and research reports in financial, industrial economics, international economic and trade, etc.

Personnel Preparation

According to the May 2019, the "Economic Science" editorial committee has 15 editing committees.

"Economic Science" Editor's List

Stage Economic science


in Xiaomi

Wang Hui

Wang Yaping

Liu Yi

Li Lianfa < / p>

Xia Qingjie

Wu Lianheng

Yang Yunhong

Zhang Hui

Hao Xiaonan

Zheng Wei < / p>

Yang 岱

Gong Liu Tang

Huang Tao


activity exchange

May 24 to 25, 2014, "Academic Problems and Challenges Faced by Journals, held in Beijing. The discussion invited the "Economic Science" and the famous experts and scholars of the academic community in the Institute of Social Development to discuss issues and challenges facing academic journals.

September 23, 2017, the "7th" China Labor Scholars Forum "sequence hosted by the" Economic Science "editorial department, held at Peking University Economics. From Peking University, Tsinghua University, The more than 60 experts and scholars who are engaged in labor economics research in China, Renmin University, Renmin University of China, Beijing Normal University, and other experts scholars engaged in labor economics research.

December 9, 2018, "The Forum of the China Hundred University Economics" was held at the Peking University Economic Academy. The Forum was hosted by Peking University School of Economics, from 129 delegations from 106 colleges in China, the deputy dean attended the meeting, " Economic Sciences reported on this.

Office results


According to China May 13, 2019, China The science published 3511 copies.

According to the Wanfang Data Knowledge Service Platform on May 13, 2019, "Mechanical Transmission" is 1295, and the fund is 489.

Influence factor

According to China May 13, 2019 China How China is displayed, "Economic Science" has been downloaded 1475,941 times, totaling 71595 times, (2018 version) composite impact factor 2.748, (2018 version) Integrated impact factor is 1.635.

According to the Wanfang data knowledge service platform on May 13, 2019, "Economic Science" was originally 219, downloaded 1 time; According to the 2015 China Periodical Corgal Report (exposed version), the "economic science" impact factor is 2.45, and in all statistical source journals (6735 species), the 93rd in the economics, ranking in economics (101 species) 5th.

Recording case

This issue is included in the following institution or database

Shanghai Library

Wanfang Data Electronic Press Selected Journal

China Journal Full-text Database Full Text Record Journal

National Library

Vilup Database Enterprise Periodical Period

China HowNet Database Record Periodical

CSSCI Chinese Social Science Citation Index (20120-2020) (including extended version)

Peking University "Chinese Core Journal Overview" Source Journal:

< P> 1992 ( The first edition), 1996 (Second Edition), 2000, 2004, 2008, 2011, 2014, 2017 version

journal Honor

This issue was rated as the first National Baiqiang Society Science, the 2nd National Shuangtou Society Science, China Humanities and Social Sciences Evaluation Report (2014) Economics Core Journal, China Journal Square Array "Double Efficiency" Journal.

Cultural Tradition

Implementing the Chinese Communist Party's Double Billion, Promoting Economic Theory, Promoting Academic Exchange, China Reform and Opening and Socialism service .

Leading inscription

"Economic Science" was founded in 40 years, "Economic Science" first editor, "Reform Pioneer" medal winner, China's famous China's famous Chinese economics Professor of the family is the title of the issue.

Cover Evolution

"Economic Science" journal cover cultural evolution process is as follows:

current leaders

According to Journal of 2019 Page shows that the "Economic Science" editorial board has the list of leaders:

Deputy Editor

"Economic Science" Editor's list





于 东 东

Gong Liu Tang

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