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Environmental protection standard

Environmental Standard

Environmental standards are developed according to local fuel standards. Mainly to improve human air quality, automotive environmental protection standards developed by high oil prices and urban air pollution.

From January 1, 2004, the exhaust gas emission standard for motor vehicles was changed from Europe II to the European II. By 2008, it officially implemented the European III standard.

Terminology in Europe and Euro II standards commonly used in China, refers to the emission instruction issued by EEC. Directive "EEC88 / 77" suitable for heavy diesel vehicles (mass greater than 3.5 tons) is divided into two phases, stage A (ie, I) applies to vehicles registered after October 1993; stage B (ie, II ) Applicable to vehicles registered later in October 1995.

Car emission standard

Car emissions refer to Co (carbon monoxide), HC + NOx (hydrocarbon), PM (microparticles, carbon cigarettes) from exhaust gas Harmful gases. They are harmful gases generated during combustion work. The causes of these harmful gases are different, and CO is an incomplete fuel oxidation. When the oxygen is not sufficient, it produces CO, and the mixed gas concentration is large and the mixed gas unevenness will increase the CO in the exhaust. HC is an unburned substance in the fuel, due to the uneven mixed gas, the cause of the combustion chamber is caused to be discharged from the future. NOx is a substance produced by fuel (gasoline) during combustion. PM is also a substance produced by oxygen during fuel burning, wherein the diesel engine is most obvious. Because the diesel engine is compressed, diesel is more likely to produce a large number of naked cigarettes in high-temperature high pressure. In order to inhibit the production of these harmful gases, the automobile manufacturer has enabled the product to reduce the source of these harmful gases, and Europe and the United States have developed relevant automotive emission standards. Among them, European standards are automotive emission standards borrowed from my country, and domestic new vehicles will indicate the European standards achieved by engine exhaust emissions.

The standard of the European regulatory (instruction) standard for automotive emissions is calculated as the discharge amount (g / km) of the driving distance of the automotive engine unit, as this is reasonable to study the degree of pollution to the environment. At the same time, European emissions standards will be divided into two categories of total quality no more than 3,500 kilograms (light vehicles) and total quality exceeding 3,500 kg (heavy cars). Light cars are in a gasoline engine or diesel trail, and the whole vehicle is tested on the chassis dynamometer. Due to the vehicle weight, the heavy-duty machine is tested on the engine gantry.

Environmental protection standard

Environmental protection standards include:

Environmental quality standard

refers to protecting the human health and living environment, Maintaining the reasonable utilization of ecological balance and natural resources, restrictive provisions made to the allowable content of pollutants and hazardous factors in the environment. Such as water quality standards, atmospheric mass standards, soil quality standards, biological quality standards, and quality standards such as noise, radiation, vibration, radioactive substance. Among them, the water quality standards can be divided into groundwater quality standards, seawater quality standards, and water quality standards, industrial water quality standards, fishery water quality standards.

Pollutant emission standard

is to achieve environmental standard requirements, the restriction regulations of pollutant substances or various hazardous factors for pollution sources. Pollutant emission standards can be divided into pollution control standards such as air pollutant emission standards, water pollutant emissions standards, solid waste.

Environmental monitoring method standard

is to monitor environmental quality and pollutant emissions, standard sampling, analysis test, data processing, etc. The test method standard is established.

National Environmental Standard Sample Standard

is to ensure the accuracy, reliability of environmental monitoring data, materials, physical samples, and standard samples used for volume transfer or quality control .

Environmental Basic Basic Standard

is to need unified technical terms, symbols, code (code), graphics, guides, guides, and information coding, etc. in environmental protection. Standard.

Strict standard promotion transformation

In environmental management practice, environmental standards are often used as a measure of the ambient quality or emission pollutant. However, under the new situation of environments that enable historical transformation, the environmental standard is how to measure environmental behavior in environmental management? Zhou Yang Sheng, director of the National Environmental Protection Administration Institute, believes that the environmental standards have an irreplaceable role in promoting historical transformation, and the environmental standards are perfect and their role in environmental supervision Become an important part of establishing and improving the long-term mechanism of environmental protection.

Environmental protection standard

With my country's environmental protection work, environmental standards are important conditions for market access, so it is necessary to re-examine the role and status of environmental standards in environmental protection. From the role of promoting historical transformation, environmental standards can not only control pollutant emissions, but also important environmental regulations for adjusting the industrial structure. According to the environmental quality standard, the level of environmental quality improvement is whether the national monitoring local government truly implements the primary and economic development synchronization, the simultaneous development of the two must not only have economic development plans, but also have environmental standard programs. The degree of improvement is an important assessment standard, and the goal of the year-year-year-year-year-year-year-year-year-year-year-old, and achieving the corresponding atmospheric quality standard is a good measures. At the same time, the development and implementation of environmental quality standards and pollutant emission standards is also a model of legal means and technical means.

Despite environmental standards play an increasingly important role in environmental supervision, Zhou Jingsheng believes that the development and implementation of environmental standards requires coherence, and lacks corresponding institutional protection in environmental standard implementation. For example, my country has formed a "exceeding standard charge" system under the planned economic system, and objectively caused the understanding of the "legalization" of the company's exceeding standard emission behavior. Only the "Atmospheric Pollution Prevention" clearly identified "exceeding the standard illegal", but "exceeding the standard illegal "It did not become a basic principle of the environmental law system. This is a manifestation of environmental laws and regulations and environmental standards, but also makes it difficult for environmental standards in the environmental legal system. It is also difficult to obtain, mandatory and valued. On the other hand, the environmental standard is accurate and effective, in addition to the technological means such as online monitoring, it is necessary to make full use of economic means, such as introducing third-party supervisory monitoring, etc., let more social forces participate in environmental standard supervision Execute. In addition, after each environmental standard is introduced, the corresponding information should also be established, allowing all the criteria to "widely" widely ".

National Environmental Protection Standards (

Aluminum electrolysis waste gas fluoride and dust treatment engineering technology (HJ2033-2013)

National Environmental Protection Standard

To implement the "Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China", "The People's Republic of China Water Pollution Prevention", "Water Pollution Prevention and Control Law of the People's Republic of China" and "Environmental Noise Pollution Prevention Law of the People's Republic of China", standardized and guiding environmental monitoring Information transmission work, develop this standard.

This standard specifies the transmission mode, transmission process, data format and code definition of environmental monitoring information.

This standard is first released.

Environmental Noise Monitoring Point Code Rules (HJ661-2013)

To implement the "Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China", "Acoustic Environmental Quality Standard" and "Environmental Noise Monitoring Techniques Regulations", guaranteeing the order of environmental noise monitoring work, unified urban sound Environmental regular monitoring point coding, formulating this standard.

This standard specifies the routine monitoring point coding method and coding rules in urban acoustic environment.

This standard is the first release.

To implement the "People's Republic of China's Atmospheric Pollution Prevention and Control Law", standardize the operation management of aluminum electrolysis industrial waste gas management project construction and facilities, prevent aluminum electrolysis production of exhaust gas pollution, protect the environment and human body Health, develop this standard.

This standard specifies technical requirements such as design, construction, acceptance and operation and maintenance of aluminum electrolysis gas fluoride and dust control.

This standard is the first release.

Environmental Noise and Vibration Control Engineering Technology Guide (HJ2034-2013)

To implement the "Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China" and "Environmental Noise Pollution Prevention Prevention Law of the People's Republic of China", standardize noise and vibration control engineering, control environmental pollution, protect the environment and Human health and formation of this standard.

This standard specifies the general technical requirements for noise and vibration control engineering.

This standard is the first release.

Solid waste disposal engineering technology (HJ2035-2013)

To implement the "People's Republic of China Environmental Protection Law" and "Solid Waste Control Law of the People's Republic of China", prevention and control environmental pollution, protect the environment and human health, and make a standard.

This standard proposes general technical requirements for solid waste disposal engineering design, construction, acceptance and operation and maintenance.

This standard is the first release.

Dye industrial wastewater governance engineering technical specifications (HJ2036-2013)

To implement the "People's Republic of China Environmental Protection Law" and "Water Pollution Prevention and Control Law of the People's Republic of China", standardize the construction and operation management of dye industrial wastewater governance projects, prevent environmental pollution, protect the environment and human health, Develop this standard.

This standard specifies the technical requirements of the principles and measures and measures of the dye industrial wastewater, as well as technical requirements for design, construction, acceptance and operation of dye industrial wastewater treatment.

This standard is the first release.

Contains the technical specifications of multiploblozene waste incineration treatment (HJ2037-2013)

To implement the "Solid Waste Control of the People's Republic of China", standardize the design, construction and operation management of multiplobinbenzene waste incineration treatment, preventing polychlorinated biphenyl waste incineration Dispose of environmental pollution, protect the environment, protect human health, and formulate this standard.

This standard specifies relevant technical requirements in the process of design, construction, acceptance and operation management of polychlorinated biphenyl waste incineration.

This standard is the first release.

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