Home Technique Ernesto Tautoro Monica

Ernesto Tautoro Monica

Monica is born in Milan and 15 years old to participate in the Milan people who are known as "Five-Day" against the Uprising of the Austrian Empire. The uprising has caused 1848-1849 Sarding Kingdom's war in Austria. When the Austrian army led the victory at Radeski, he was forced to surround the peppermont and joined the Military Academy of Yifrea. When the war was re-broke out in 1859, he and 4 brothers participated in a team of mountain troops organized by Karibo. The following year, participated in the war in Sicily in the expedition. After the founding of the Italian Kingdom, in 1861, Join the Italian regular army, and in 1866, the Cooktopa campaign was added. After the failure of the battle, retired and served as editing of Milan "Cere" (1867-1896). His painful situation in military career made him deeply stimulated, about 1887, in order to promote the argument, establish an international alliance and use arbitration to solve international disputes, and he created the International Peace Association "Lombardy Alliance". In order to promote his thoughts, he founded a journal "International Life" in Milan in 1898, and has a good writer for several Italian and foreign peacefulists. In 1906, he served as the chairman of the Milan Peace Conference. The following year and jointly won the Nobel Peace Award.

Monica is a person with sincerity belief and noble ideals, he is neither a deep thinker, nor a great writer. But he has pointed out that although he opposed war trafficker, he did not want to give up his justice ideals for peace. In 1911, he did not retain support Italy's occupation of Libya. Its reason is that this can bring cultures to the ridiculous land of Turkey's backward and decaying rule. In addition, in 1915, he advocated Italy to participate in the First World War, in this way to oppose the Chinese European Union. He died in Milan on February 10, 1918.

Ernesto Tautoro Monica

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