Home Technique Export bandwidth

Export bandwidth

Forms of composition

To use the Internet to log in to international websites, information and data exchange must be carried out through submarine optical cables, satellite communication systems, etc., which are all forms of export bandwidth.

Data Application

According to the 47th "Statistical Report on China's Internet Development Status" released by the China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC) in February 2021, as of December 2020, China's international export bandwidth is 11,511,397 Mbps, with a half-year growth rate of 30.4%. This data is based on the sum of the international export bandwidth of the five backbone networks. They are: China Telecom, China Unicom, China Mobile (11,243,109 Mbps), China Education and Research Computer Network (153,600 Mbps), China Science and Technology Network (114,688 Mbps) ).

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