Home Technique External data transfer rate

External data transfer rate

Basic concepts

The English spelling of hard disk data transfer rate is Data Transfer Rate, or DTR for short. The data transfer rate of the hard disk expresses the data transfer speed when the hard disk is working, and is a concrete manifestation of the working performance of the hard disk. It is not static but changes with the specific conditions of the work.

When reading the data of different tracks and sectors of the hard disk; factors such as whether the data is stored continuously or not will affect the data transfer rate of the hard disk. Because of the uncertainty of this data, manufacturers often use External Transfer Rate (External Transfer Rate) and Internal Data Transfer Rate (Internal Transfer Rate).

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Burst data transfer rate: refers to the rate at which data is read from the hard disk buffer, often replaced by the data interface rate, in MB/ S.

The Ultra ATA/100 launched in 2000 has a theoretical maximum external data rate of 100MB/s, but due to the constraints of the internal data transmission rate, it is often not so high.

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