Home Technique Fish walking drunk dragon festival

Fish walking drunk dragon festival

Project Description

Every evening of the eighth year, Macau engages in fish industry wholesale or retail, aggregate in the vegetable market, no perception, sitting, space Equity, form the tradition of "Long Shooting House Sunday". During the bourches, Mulong prayed on the incense case.

Macau Fresh fish is inheriting the dancing of drunkard customs, forming a fixed festive event participating in the early April, and then, it is widely involved in different classes of society, and has become unique. A prostitutes that have an impact of folk traditional festival activities.

Eat dragon boat's longevity rice, dance drunkard parade, free delivery of Long Shi, is the main activities in the festival. Dance drunkard, the dance lion is the two main performance forms in the festival.

The Macau Fish Dunitioned Dragon Festival inherits the spirit of the Chinese nation "Dragon", expressing the expectation and blessing of the prosperity of the motherland, is to enhance the Chinese nation to heart, and wear fresh fish lines Humanistic ceremony.

Historical origin

Dunitioned dragon from Xiangshan County, Guangdong Province (now Zhongshan, Zhuhai, Macau) from hundreds of years ago. According to Qing Daoguang "Xiangshan County" contain: "April 8th floating the Buddha, the people of the temples, the monument, the banner, the drunken dance, with the epidemic, 曰 曰 龙."

< P> "Drunk Dragon Legend" comes from Xiangshan County, Guangdong Province. At that time, the plague in Xiangshan was in the abstore, and the villagers went to help the Buddha, and when the Buddha is passing through the river, the river suddenly jumped out of a big snake, and the rivers were stained with river water.

The villagers have drank the river and except the sickness, they all believe that the big snake is the dragon's finale, and the dance of the dragon is commemorating, and the auspicious day is a lotus day on the eighth day of the year. Pray for the wind and rain, and the rituals held by the water disaster.

At the end of the 19th century, China's war was lined up. With the Xiangshan fish row, the ancestors moved to Macau, combined with the priority of the fish line in Macau, put this folk traditional custom root Macau, and then evolved into Macau Fresh fish line Shengqing activities symbolic in the same industry.

After several generations of inheritors, the development of Fresh fish in Macau is also growing, and the team is growing. In addition to become a large-scale traditional festive event in Macao's harmonious society. It also became a precious and precious non-material cultural heritage in the region. He has been inherited in the age of life.

Basic content

Eat dragon boat head longevity rice

Every night, Macau is engaged in fish industry wholesale or The retail friends, gathered in the vegetable market, no-to-peer, one seat, the gates of the gates, forming the tradition of eating "Dragon Boat House".

Fish walking drunk dragon festival

The drizziness, the wooden dragon prayed in the incense case. Macao Fresh Fish inherits the custom, forms a fixed festive event that is commonly involved in the whole journey.

Dunitioning Dragon Parade

On the day of the lunar calendar, the friends of Macau Fresh fish line first in the Macau Sanjie Hall, the wooden hand The Dragon will be passed by the Taoist chanting, and then the leadership of fresh fish or the official business name flows open the eye, and the fresh fish row of fresh fish dances the Shenlong along the street to visit the Macau.

The dragon's faucet is more than ten pounds. Does the dancers know how to make the force not feel good? Dancers have to have a martial arts root with a wine. Dancing the drunkard must combine the waist, horses, steps and other skills, so-called "three-point wine, seven points", can really dance the god of drunkards, and playing out to have a drunk dragon dance will be pleasing.

Under the accompaniment of the drum, the dance dragon is in a drunkenness, and the dance dragon dancer is driven by the dance dragon tail, and the dance steps are imitated and danced, to express the commemoration and reverence of Shenlong. .

Free Delivery Dragon Boat

Macau Fresh Fish Walking Association Every year, there is another traditional event, that is Macau Camp Downtown Sanjie Hall, the front place and the red downtown city sent a dragon boat head. Traditional customs, the dragon boat headed by the General Assembly, also known as the Long Shootun Longevity.

In recent years, due to the popularity of the public, the reaction is warm, the organizers are prepared for thousands of lunch boxes, sent in two downtown, have become a traditional custom of this Australia for many years. Every year, there is no class, no class, no matter the rich and the poor, in order to queue in queues, everyone thinks that they have eaten the dragon boat, the meaning of life is 100 years old, Ding Cai is two, and the old is safe.

Macau fish line drunk dragon festival as a unique folk traditional festival activity of Macao fresh fish, from the beginning of the efforts of all members of the whole, gradually developed into the same part of the different levels of the society . With the fish line drunk Dragon Festival, it is a humanistic festival that enhances the nationality of the nation, and maintains the unity of friends from all walks of life.

Project features

Dance Dungeon

Dancing Mulong props, about three feet per cut, initially divided into faucet, dragon body, and dragon tail Three trimesters, after modification and simplification, only the dragon heads and dragon tails. The faucet is made of hard eucalyptus or teak carved. The previous faucet has a pair of wood, more than 20 and thirty years ago, in order to make the wood faucet, began to set a pair of sails The angle is replaced by the wooden dragon corner. In addition, the annual lighting ceremony is in front of the wooden dragon, and the gauze is hanging from both sides. And the wood faucet is generally painted, red mouth, white teeth, green fin, bare, gold scale.

As for the Dragon Tail, each cut is about two feet, the same is used with a hard camphor or teak carved, and the end will take a red yarn with a dragon scale, and the color is painted. Africa, gold scale. In addition to the above-mentioned red dragon, there is still a purple, white, gold, and green, and the purple is the color of the dragon.

The "Dance Dance" of the Fresh Fish of Macau is a lot of excellent Chinese cultural treasures, and the only wine will increase her god. Don't look at the dancers, I'm going to talk, and I have to go to the dragon. I need "I am in order to" drunk in order, and I have to be drunk ". Every day, this day, the drunk dragon is drunk, intoxicated in the joy of harvest and belonging to his own festival, the onlookers include the distance from afar, and the drunkenness of the dynasty dynasty And the exciting drunk dragon drum tunnel.

Dragon boat head

Early Dragon Boats is only the Macao Fresh Fish, and when the event starts and ends, it is used to comfort the activities, and later make the neighborhoods. Feel the atmosphere of the festival, the General Assembly is all thousands of tens of thousands of dragon boats every year, and two downtown provide people in Macau, regardless of nationality, no class, regardless of the rich and the poor, in order to queue, everyone Think of eating the dragon boat head, the meaning of a long life, and the Ding is two, and the old is safe.

The head of the dragon boat issued by two locations in Macau, and the food content is different. The dragon boat head served in the camp downtown is cooked in combination with burnt meat, flooded, pigs, peanuts, mushrooms, branches, etc., and red downtown is bamboo, fungus, snow ear, mushrooms, hair dishes, gangz, etc. Bracelets are cooked in combination. It is basically divided into a downtown Downtown to send a downtown to the downtown.

Endangered situation

With the marine resources being affected by people, the Macao fishery shrinkage, the relevant practitioners are sharply reduced, and the young generation is lacking for traditional culture. They all affect the traditional festival promotion.

Macau fish line drunk dragon holiday activities, from the beginning of the day three nights to the current scale of one day, from the beginning of the dance drunk, fish light floral patrol, vegetable market inside and outside the dragon boat The head and other cultural festivals are rich in festivals. When they face their inheritance, they are in the crisis, and if they are not treated in time, they believe this festive event, it is very likely to become only an older generation. Collective memories of Macao residents.

inheritance protection

inheritance value

Macau fish line drunk dragon festival inherits the spirit of the Chinese national "Dragon", expressing the prospective prosperity of the motherland With blessings, there is also a significance for enhancing the spirit of China's national cohesiveness, enhancing community and industry unity and cooperation, and has folklore, historical research value.

Protection measures

In May 2011, the fish line was approved by the State Council to include a representation of the third batch of national intangible cultural heritage representative projects.

In November 2019, the list of "National Intangible Cultural Heritage Representative Project Protection Unit" announced that the Macao Fresh Fish Club will receive the qualification of "fish rows drunk dragon" protection unit.

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