Home Technique Fork Magina

Fork Magina


Buddhist monk made female public, of course, only at first nuns; followed by Li novices Nigeria; later inclusion śikṣamāṇā; become a monk female public tertiary system. Cause is ︰ women had been married to a monk, he had conceived. After the ring by nuns, fetal phase appear, had a son, which is going to be ridiculed too laity misunderstanding, degrading Sangha clean reputation. Therefore, the Buddha developed śikṣamāṇā that where once married, ten years or more (Indian precocious early marriage); not married virgins over the age of eighteen years, after the monks by Benny ring, into the ring by Six Methods two years. Although initially there is no test for fetal pregnancy, but later has become the rigors of the stage. As in years, Six Ways guilty, he can not enter the ring by nuns, Six Ways to two years longer. Six Laws do not make serious support within two years, before being permitted into the ring by nuns, this is much more than novices quit Nigeria strict. Female public uncertain nature of mind, easy withdrawal lose, so in complete Sengge (nuns) before, to go through this rigorous test. Catholic nuns monks, have been asked to test three times, the public is much more stringent than the male. But this system, our country may never implemented, and perhaps India is also not respected. Because the novices and quit Nepal, Nigeria and monks quit, although the number of different ministries, and are generally pretty consistent. Six Ways to quit two years but only this, different ministries argument. The old part of the "ten chant law", "four law" Collections Department of Law, said the Six Laws, not exactly the same. There are new Department of "Pi-Chu Nepal Vinaya ',' Six Ways six years learning the accompanying ', which is two kinds Six Methods. "Sengchi law" part of the public, 'accompanied by eighteen-year-old thing', which are the three Six Methods. Six Methods of years old said to be the same, but different contents Six Laws, which one can imagine, this woman to learn the ancient system of law, would have not been strictly adhered to, this diverse a legend.

Fork Magina

and the origin of the name

monk restraint over, the upper restraint over to novices, there śikṣamāṇā. Sanskrit type fork, this cloud learning; Mount that, this method cloud woman; women are learning new translation. Should learn to type fork sankharas Bethany, it was scientific name. Buddha is the beginning of love Downey said Eight Chief Laws, including 'śikṣamāṇā have quit school, from monks monk begging by the big ring, this law should respect the respectful admiration, not too Jinxing Shou. '(See "four law nuns Khanda," the 17th) "acting owned holding notes in mind," the second is on a ︰' śikṣamāṇā, this cloud study of law women. Nigeria reported by the weak, it is small (little finger ︰ ground by making the Ten Commandments) science (correct me in school restraint over to the Ten Commandments in more Six Laws, named in.), Never mind six lines for equipment (tools, nuns ring finger )convenient. Tire test whether the two years, six rules to significantly Zhen solid line; ten so-called chanting Workout, training the mind, that is, righteousness. 'Law in men monks, novices quit by the age of twenty, and monks quit. Women's monks, novices by Nepal quit, to be at least eighteen, should quit school two years old, plus by the Six Laws, named śikṣamāṇā, to the age of twenty, square and nuns ring. Buddhist monk system, all the men and two women three people. Female public must do vertical cross Mount man who slightly by two edge ︰ (1) the degree has been pregnant women ordained by with the rear tire full of children, people ridiculed too, that the monk Interpreting row without a net line, the Buddha therefore edge, He made the first woman to become a monk and two years old karma, with or without the tire test. We will not know, and then by having to avoid people ridiculed Oh. (2) nuns ring boundless breadth and depth, less susceptible to the line, while women reported weak, not strong Chi Italy, fear of suffering Dayton line, halfway out of regret, it is made so by gradually learn gradually, as not party to change course midstream regret, deep Shi Yi ridicule, so in the novices, more Six Methods to then learn the various ring Bethany eminence; wait until firm mind, then the ring nuns. "Yoga" Fifty three cloud ︰ 'Buddha asked why ︰ system monks stand in monks restraint over, the ground making a bimodal restraint over; made to stand nuns restraint over the nuns, are learning, diligence and restraint over public policy women and three? A ︰ Held mother Yap and more trouble it, so that gradually learn restraint over by nuns. If the woman to the ground making a smaller share of school at (the Ten Commandments), born deep joy, times are learning all he should be granted at the school. If the positive multisection learn at school (plus by Six Methods), deep green Philharmonic, it should not be granted Lver surpassingly will then learn a long time at more years, if deep Philharmonic, and then when he granted foot ring. Product repair in less time at school case study has been long, strong power can be affected by a number of the majority at the school, then to nuns restraint over, can with further studies. 'Positive learning female, must be practicing law, it is more by Six Methods; body and know when false, it is subject to two years old. Thus two edges, it is manufactured by Dover Science restraint over to attention.

type fork should learn the precepts

are learning restraint over, Six Ways to learn their cases. Ten chant of six before the Big Six Ways Nebat Boluo Yi law. "Mulasarvastivada Pi-Chu Nepal Vinaya" eighteen volumes cloud ︰ 'Six Ways to learn two years, six with the law,' "Sengqi law" that the 'eighteen-year-old Suishun learn things' (see following name), are the "four law" things were different, and this according to the law "four" column śikṣamāṇā should learn, the remnants of differences that, with the accompanying Yu Zhu. "Quarter" Six Methods of formula fork; Specifically speaking, three methods Academicalness ︰

Science fundamental

kinky i.e., stolen, kill, the quadruple jump ring, eleven not guilty, offenders off the champagne, not allowed to become a monk. Qin and other policies such as its relative restraint over said.

Studies Six Methods

Karma i.e. positive restraint over the learning is. {1} ︰ Six Methods are soiled with body touching heart man, {2} Save take five money, {3} killing animals, small lie {4}, {5} When the non-food, {6} is not drinking. Six top four, that is, before handling policy restraint over quadruple ring made of light; fifth in policy restraint over the ground in the tenth; its sixth and fifth. Heart men speech and body soiling by touching ︰ knowing that he intended ── soiled Man lust heart, above the knee with the hair with less friction contact who is named śikṣamāṇā ring missing. This in Bethany, committed Boluo Yi. So the recent sub-Yin Jie, the desire heart weight are easy to make, so the system. Minus five who take money ︰ that take full five money, guilty of stealing simply quit, should destroy discard; take five money if the following four if three or even a needle and grass, is the name śikṣamāṇā missing ring. Pirates beginning to re-open, so the system. Kill all the animals who have ︰ life shall not kill it, commit this fall in Bethany, type fork offenders missing ring. Chi violation teach injury, so the system. Who ︰ small lie that eight non-word; that is, but not see the words, but not see the words; he heard no smell, not heard smell; vision statement knew it, knew the words sleep; Shanghai Museum I do not know, I do not know his talk. Bethany guilty of falling, type fork missing ring. Heart line flatter curve, Saint positive violation, it is made. When non-food, drinking ︰ phase, such as near thing, said restraint over the past live. Bethany falling into sin, type fork missing ring. Six Methods of this study are all positive policy restraint over the ground who have been, but choosing the hi guilty, heavy Jiayue Le nothing. "Act notes" volume a cloud ︰ 'śikṣamāṇā, Six Methods its learning cases, the ring member is less retransmission; from I accompanied to cure, with all three people (by ︰ large Monk, Bethany, novices, that is three people) Studies. 'Are learning restraint over, although the three methods with learning ── fundamental science, Six Methods learning, learning sankharas Six Ways to its dignity ── then this row. Six Methods Ten Commandments neither the novices, it śikṣamāṇā body with novices. Six Methods ring body at the time of receiving novices nylon ring having already made, as more Karma, intended to urge weight. Therefore, "Shu industry," says ︰ 'This study of law women, no ring body also; but do not teach by bit over novices. 'In śikṣamāṇā if the roots turn men, i.e., the number of novices do not have to re-ring by novices. Whereby syndrome, śikṣamāṇā, though by adding Six approaches, while novices same body, so that no other ring member. This made the study of law, is the name of the missing ring, it should be sudden confession of sin Giraud, both with years of karma. If two years will be full or full, those who commit Six Ways should also be heavy with years of karma, but from the beginning of school.

Science sankharas

śikṣamāṇā, to all the various ring Bethany and dignity, with all should learn. Weichu hand feeding grant from food and Bethany. If all this made learning to run, so as Giraud sudden confession of sin, but also the complex clean.

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