Home Technique Garden Street

Garden Street

Construction Procedures

In January 1993, the Double Bridge Office was established in the street in Qinyuan.

In February 2002, the Mazhuang Residents Committee was precipitated from the Dongli Village Residents Committee.

In October 2005, the Small Han Village Residents Committee from Hexi, the resident committee increased to 12.

On September 20, 2007, the Shuangqiao Street was renamed the street.

On December 20, 2007, three residents committees of Hedong, Hexi, Xiaohan Village will be judged by Tiantan Street, and Zhao Lizhuang, Zhongfu Zhuang, Qiu Lizhuang, Zongzhuang 4. The establishment of the village is jurisdiction.

Administrative divisions

As of the end of 2011, 13 administrative villages, 7 communities in Qinyuan Street: Dongmou Village, Xijing Village, Mazhuang Village, Dongli Village, Hehe Village, Yuki Village, Tunjun Village, Navi Village, Dongfu Village, Qiu Lizhuang Village, Zhongfu Zhuang Village, Zhao Lizhuang Village, Zongzhuang Village, Qinyuan Community, Century Park Community, Fukangyuan Community, Jiheyuan Community, Jiji Water Court Community, Garden Garden Community, Xinghua Community.

As of June 2020, the Garden Street has 13 administrative villages, 7 communities: Dongmou Village, Xijing Village, Dong Li Village, Tunar Village, South Mrs. East Mrs., Royal Village, River Village, Mazhuang Village, Zhao Lizhuang Village, Qiu Lizhuang Village, Zhongli Zhuang Village, Zongzhuang Village, Liyuan Community, Century Park Community, Xinghua Community, Jiyuyuan Community, Garden Community, Fukangyuan Community, Jiheyuan Community; No. 658, Tianzhong Road, Tianzhang Street Office.

Geographical Environment


Garden Street

Liyuan Street is located in the south side of Jiyuan City, east to East Ring Road, South Neighboring South Ring Road, Xiqi Tiantan Road, north, total area of ​​15.8 square kilometers.

沁 园


As of the end of 2011, there were 85,000 total populations in the garden street jurisdiction, including 50,000 people in the resident population, 30,000 flowers, and the total population. The Han nationality is mainly, the population birth rate is 3.6 ‰, the population mortality rate is 1.9 ‰, the population natural growth rate is 1.7 ‰.



In 2011, the total revenue of Yongyuan Street was 130 million yuan, an increase of 16.4% over the previous year. Among them, local fiscal revenue increased by 16.4% over the previous year, of which tax revenue was 124.34 million yuan, an increase of 16.3% over the previous year. Non-tax revenue is 720,000 yuan, an increase of 32.5% over the previous year, from all major tax, complete value-added tax 7.39 million yuan, business tax 49.65 million yuan, corporate income tax is 2.726 million yuan, personal income tax 7.04 million yuan, urban land use tax 1224 Ten thousand yuan, the value-added tax of land is 12.45 million, an increase of 18.8%, 8.7%, 133.7%, 106.7%, 2%, and 29.8% respectively.


In 2011, the Liyuan Street Industry initially formed an industrial system based on machining and manufacturing, and the total industrial output value reached 650 million yuan, an increase of 11.7% over the previous year. Industrial added value accounts for 22.6% of GDP.


2011, 1066 commercial networks, large office buildings, business buildings, special business streets, high-end business hotels, rapid development, total business products More than 940 million yuan, an increase of 9.7% over the previous year.

Social undertakings

Educational undertakings

In 2011, there is 23 kindergarten in the street, including 1,700 children in the park, 184 specialized teachers; 7 7300 students, 320 professional teachers, 100% for primary children; 1,3789 students, 3,789 students, 312 special teachers, junior high school age-age, small promotion rate, nine-year compulsory education coverage More than 100%.

Cultural business

2011, there is a cultural center in Qinyuan Street, 19 community (residents) Cultural Center; 6 community books, 40,000 books, each More than 20 cultural articles.

Medical and health

At the end of 2011, there were 2 hospitals in the garden street, 2 community health service centers.

Social security

2011, the minimum living household in the city of Guanyuan Street is 312, 927 people, more than 24 million yuan, and respect the old and love the young capital of 150,000 yuan, all year round Number of urban residents' endowment insurance shall be 9376 people, and the participation rate is 99.9%. The city medical rescue is 38, a total of 10,000 yuan, and a total of 21,000 yuan in the jurisdiction, a total of 224,000 yuan.


There is a road to Tiantan Road in the street.

Historical Culture

  • The origin is originated by

    沁园, the original Shuangqiao office, renamed "Guanyuan Office" in 2007, so there is "沁 水 公 公 说 说.

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