Home Technique Dobroa


Geographic location

Danube is between the Danube and the Black Sea, overlooking the air, like a giant castle surrounded by water. The Danube, the Danube, is gathered in this place to become the most beautiful delta in the world.

Historical Change

1877, Romania has independently owned most of the land in northern Dolga. In 1913, after the second Balkan war, some land in the southern Dolua. Today, North is Romania, and the southern part is Bulgaria. More than 2,600 years ago, Romania's businessman began to expand this place. After 700 years, the Romanians got into the layout, so Dobroa was known as a huge, natural Romanian cultural relic museum. The bridge across the Danube, linked Dolbroa and Waracia, which was the engineering masterpiece created in 1895, but in the near future, China will build a brand new bridge here, when the two bridges are far away, Writing a historical dialogue. If you want to completely appreciate the charm here, you can play along the beachfront driving is a good idea. Walking on the road built in the Romanian 2000, the remains of the past There is a place where the seashore is everywhere, and the history of history will be hopped at your side. The most representative is the area of ​​Sistreya in the area, which is the oldest city in Romania, the 7th century BC evolved from a bay port in the Black Sea. Not far apart, it is the bustling and beautiful Constantan Harbor established by the Romanian. It is deeply dipped by a rich Balkan culture culture, and has gradually developed into a modern living center in Dobroaga, and is also the first summer tourist center in Romania. . Here is one of Romania to the important portal and nationwide shipbuilding centers in the continents. It is known as "Black Sea Pearl", and more than half of the import and export goods will pass through this port. In 2004, Mr. Hu Jintao, Chairman of China, has also come to this visit.


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