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"Young school days," it reads: "The sweet taste of Bel-Air, the aura of heaven and earth pass warm red color, drink, live meridian god veins, especially fitness fitness beauty and the benefits too. "Mother drinking alcohol is a common custom of Hakka, to the festivals, the Hakka people prefer to take your mother to the wine dinner hosted guests.

Food Ingredients

mother liquor steamed rather pay attention to "the mountain taste", "earthy." The main raw rice wine to your mother just shelling of brown rice for the best; water use Furui water; wine cake to Jiangxi, Fujian Ninghua soil wine cake is on; even clean jar, Jiuweng do not detergent, but with the Hakka areas everywhere "cloth scared leaf" to clean. Which process is not complicated.

annual fall and winter season, Hakka housewife will first jar, Jiuweng, steaming cauldron of wine and other instruments with "cloth surprise leaves" soak clean, cook the rice, cool thoroughly, then the "wine cake "(koji) modulation trituration in cold water evenly spread mix sticky rice, poured into the jar fermentation, capped and incubated three days, daily Furui adding an appropriate amount of water, i.e. there see Sakai the fermented retentate.

Hakka mother liquor is the last step of lees from rice wine was filtered out, put into small urn, red yeast is added, sealed with the turf, dark roasted on a buried fuel fire in the fire for several hours. In this way, not only can make quality wine more mellow sweet fragrance, and can keep longer. Scoop fermented rice in an aluminum pot, watered stew open, namely the vulgar term "Shuijiu" too.

Food Culture

Hakka wine better off, cliff people with tin jug wine installed, there is a pot of about three pounds, most people can only drink a pound up and down, this mellow wine , refreshing, drink a certain amount of time, slightly tipsy, his face shining, like internal organs warm water Mu too, nice and warm, hot living in harmony. However, there is a strange smug comfortable.

northern Guangdong Hakka area, Hakka almost every household in the mastery brewed with glutinous rice fermented "Hakka mother liquor," so ultimately every household in the village Jiuweng, jar, sun hospital in pre-trial Rear.

Chinese New Year, the women do in their own wine Hakka mother's stove and yard. Farmers who used to say: "Wine tofu, no one dared call the old master." Even a few years to do a master wine are also chances. The women also like to compare the craft out, if someone did sour wine, would have been a joke. Before "Hakka mother liquor" are used as tonics when Hakka women confinement, "Hakka mother liquor" chicken, chicken Hakka called wine.

When the child was born three days, relatives and friends to drink "wine dynasties," full moon drink "full moon wine", a drink-year-old "age of wine", adult drinking "Nuanjiao wine" before the wedding sedan chair, wedding drink "married wine" to drink "wine birthday" old age birthday. Whenever this season, young and old, women and children can not help but drink a few mouthfuls of wine.

In addition to the Hakka mother liquor from drinking outside and brought it as a gift. Mother liquor at the wedding is the woman of the man rebate gift, together with the woman's home brewed mother liquor and other gifts sent to pick pole, commonly known as "send wine bear." If Hakka life of children, in-laws to prepare a pot of mother liquor, a rooster, a hanging firecrackers, sent the woman home good news.

Today Hakka mother liquor has not only become an essential Hakka Chinese New Year festive drinks on the day of the dinner table, but also as a gift friends and family.

method of manufacturing

is attached: "Hakka mother liquor" in the brewing process

(1) choice of materials: selecting rice wine for raw materials, more late season rice good;

2) immersion: the rice soak for a day in the summer half a day;

(3) steamed rice: the steamer into the steaming pot, rice wine, also known as steam wine, steamed rice sectors it is important, first heated with the fire, and then the mixture gently boiling, steaming the rice steamed, without paste without power (if burnt rice, rice wine to have residual odor, wine failure);

(4) cooling: steamed rice pot spread let cool;

(5) was added koji: stir in rice koji, koji is said that since the evolution of She, by a twenty herbs preparation, the equivalent of a natural fungus;

(6) fermentation: marinated rice koji fermentation into pottery altar, after about 24 hours, the temperature rise naturally altar, starch begins it is converted to sugar, winter jar wrapped with insulation blankets or straw. After about seven days into the natural fermentation vat, seal the mouth to place two or three months. (In fact, about two weeks fermentation can take wine, but better to let the sugar into alcohol, the wine quality would be better to save a little longer

(7) to take wine: press lees, juice and separation lees, juice, wine poured into jars, covering the bowl, the other bowl and then buckle to prevent debris falling

(8) burning: straw or chaff four surrounding jar female fire baked day, wine boil, both sterilized letting more mellow taste of wine

(9) sealed drinking altar: natural cooling, after standing one week, the precipitate was eliminated, sealing wine altar placement, to be ready to drink.

one of Hakka Niang wine varieties called "Mother Emperor students", the name is based on the pronunciation of the name Hakka, mainly produced in the world are off Meizhou, Guangdong Province. Emperor born by Mother glutinous rice fine brew.

rice is very high nutritional value of cereals, rich in B vitamins. Chinese medicine, rice of resentment, with stomach and kidney, fluid antiperspirant effect. after glutinous rice brewed wine, nutrition costs more easily absorbed by the body. Mother rice wine has a long history, has a history of five thousand years. mother liquor mellow sweet, can stimulate the secretion of digestive gland, increase appetite, and has a refreshing recover from fatigue, thirst-quenching summer heat, promote blood circulation, soothing effect.

Meizhou is the famous cultural, overseas Chinese football town. in a lot of talent that gave birth to the "off world" events, holidays, and ultimately, with the company of mother liquor and Hakka woman "confinement" must be nursed back to health the body of the mother liquor habit

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Usage Mother emperor born:.

1 : with the right amount of chicken (kidney, eggs), a little shredded ginger, stir into the pot, boil after adding the mother emperor raw diet, tasty, sweet, traditional food is nursed back to health law


2: Emperor into the amount of the mother was born in the cup, blended or frozen Sprite Coke, easy to read, refreshing drink is enjoying a process

3:. Add ginger slices with the amount of Mother Emperor raw, heated to 90 ℃ -95 ℃ (Do not underflow pot liquor), wine lovers this case, the odd glass slow drink, not a good feeling.

Further, Mother nature Di resentful, seafood of the cold, experts recommend eating seafood and drinking a glutinous rice wine.

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