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Characters experiences

family background

1885 Nian 11 9, Weyl was born in Hamburg, Germany on a neighboring town. Father was a banker and his mother was a housewife. Weyl in mathematics and science have long revealed the immense talent. His broad range of various disciplines, had read the "Critique of Pure Reason" Kant's middle school. He later recalled: "This book immediately touched my heart."

secondary school

1904 years, the Weyl graduating from high school, attracted by the mathematics master of Hilbert to the holy Land at the time of mathematics - Goettingen University to study mathematics. In the first year of Göttingen, Weyl learned many courses, a new world opened the door to him. The summer of 1905, Weyl under his arm Hilbert book "Number Theory Report" to go home. His whole summer to prepare without knowledge of number theory of the case, try to get to know yourself, which spent what he called "the happiest months." Weyl also described the impact on young people Hilbert: "his sweet reed flute playing, a lot of temptation to follow his mouse jumped into the deep river of mathematics." Weyl it is the "mouse" in one, and is the most prominent one.


After reading for a year in Göttingen, Weyl prevailing practice to another university for a year.

1906, he returned to Gottingen, Ph.D. two years later, mentor Hilbert.

1910 he was appointed lecturer in mathematics. This year, I mentioned at the lecture in Göttingen Dutch physicist Lorentz, the ability to shape drum drums by listening to infer? That is, the frequency can hear the distant drums inferred eardrum shape. A few months later, Weyl given a positive proof in mathematics. This work is quite beautiful, in his later years recalled that when this story, he said:. "When I was fanatical camel prove my kerosene lamp began to smoke I had just completed its proved coal ash as thick as rain I fell on the paper, hands and face from the ceiling. "we can see his great passion for mathematics.

1915, a time when the First World War, Weyl served one year of military service.

1916 years to return to Zurich. After more than ten years, the heyday of Weyl mathematical creation. When he returned to the podium from the University of barracks, Einstein's general theory of relativity has just come out soon, a wave swept the world of physics research. Weyl hesitate to join them. In this regard, he later recalled:. "Einstein published in 1916," basis of general relativity, "proclaimed the arrival of a new era ...... I ascended retired in 1916 from Germany, Switzerland and back to work in my math mind like a veteran blank no, I do not know what to do next ...... At this time, Einstein's paper to my hands, and I was possessed by the devil. "

1916 1917 he taught at the University of relativity course, try to turn the philosophy, mathematics and physics theory combined with their own ideas clear and rigorous exposition of general relativity. Lecture Notes in 1918 with the title "Space, time, matter," the official publication, reprinted five times within five years, a young man of beloved books. Physicist Werner Heisenberg and so get lessons from this book.

between the years 1917-1919, Weyl made a great contribution to geometry and physics. He was Einstein's general theory of relativity in curved space-time with the gravitational field instead of thinking inspired attempt to propose both a geometrical theory of gravitation includes also includes electromagnetic force, namely to complete the concept of "unified field theory" through the development of geometry. Weyl was the first to propose the idea of ​​scientists, although he did not succeed, but he's thinking as well as a series of studies profoundly influenced the development of modern physics.

mathematical research Weyl always contemporary physics and the latest achievements together. When quantum mechanics was born just outside Seoul is studying mathematics on group theory in. He quickly put his research and quantum mechanics together.

1928 years, the famous "group theory and quantum mechanics" was published. At that time physicists think too abstract group theory, few people want to read it, but now has become a theoretical physicist group theory necessary mathematical tools.

Character success

Major works: "Space, time, matter," "the idea of ​​Riemann surfaces", "group theory and quantum mechanics", "typical group", "symmetry . " He was a mathematician's eyes, was a master of mathematics; in the eyes of a physicist, he is a pioneer of the theory of relativity and quantum theory; he was the most important of today's particle physics theory - the inventor of the gauge field theory.

publishing books


1929, the German mathematician, physicist He Hermann Weyl was first put forward this massless particles - outside Erfei Mi son.

2015 In July 2009, Institute of Physics Professor Fang Zhong led the research team confirmed the presence of foreign Erfei Mi Son. This breakthrough discovery will greatly promote the development of future technologies, such as supercomputers faster than quantum computers and the ability to implement a one-year charging smartphones.

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