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Legendary Taoist Liu Haiji (sea), Yu Wuliyuan Village North Mafangquan, ordering the ducks to take Songhua Eggs for Xie Fairy (the latter is in the construction of the forest), Hikawa Miyamotomy is named here, and it has a long history. The characteristics are 'long memory, open is solid, red and black, egg clear transparency, and have a blossoming needle, crystal and beautiful lamination pattern, soft and sighful, fragrant, sideline. There is also nourishing and kidney, and the strong yuan. It is the function of ignorant to fire, and take the tonic. Enjoy a reputation in Henan and the country. After the end of the Yuan Dynasty, the royal family saw it as the delicious feast of the palace. According to the local people, the original pine egg red heart and the cypress tree pattern, and the ducks in the water after Quanqi, there is no red heart egg, so Identify the two main features of the authentic Haiqi Pinoma, the red heart belt pine pattern, the legend of this place can be scored two halves in the external force, and the food is full of fragrance, the three days are endless, and the loose flowers in other places The egg is soft and there is no sense of Sally, but due to the development of industrialization in recent years, the spring water has been severely polluted, but there is no duck, but the local people have prepared to develop tourism, govern sewage pollution problems, re-enable real sea The palace pine flower is going to the Volkswagen dining table.


Haiqi Miyamolica eggs have not been able to adopt, and the hatermallus floral eggs can be unique in their similar products. In addition to their fine processing methods, Mafangquan Ducks have long lived in unpolished water, eat more 'live stone' (Lights like collasses like a worm, like small stones) and fish, shrimp, etc. are also an important reason.

Production production

Each 100 duck eggs, use Branch, bamboo leaves, fennel a half, pepper five money, tea is half a month, put it in the six city of pounds The water is poured into a solution of alkali surface, salt, and raw lime, adding four or two grass wood ash and into hard mud, uniformly packaged, then the tank seal, and the 100th day.

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