Institution introduction

Official name:theInstituteofFairyResearch(IFR)

Scientific name:theInstituteofTheologyMetaphysicsandOccultismResearch(ITMOR)< /p>

Chinese name: Theological, Metaphysical, and Occult Research Society (Institution) Theological Research Society Theological Research Association

Founder: Unknown

Date of establishment: Unknown

Place of establishment: Unknown


b>: A mysterious organization dedicated to the study of theology, metaphysics, and occult.

Technology introduction

IFR, that is, "InmanFlashReplacement" is a kind of adoption jointly invented by MikeDavidson and ShaunInman Flash and JS realize the technology of precise font control in WEB pages.

Using IFR, you can arbitrarily define the text font in the WEB, even if the font is not installed in the client browser. Moreover, for web designers, the biggest advantage is that it can smoothly eliminate the jagged edges of fonts. You can use IFR technology in any text on the page as easily as using CSS to define text.

The realization principle of IFR technology

Often in web design, we hope to modify the text through some non-system default fonts, and want to get the effect of smooth edges. So I have to replace the text part of the page with an image. In order to avoid replacing text with images of text, Mike Davidson and Shaun Inman invented a more novel method-IFR. Flash allows fonts to be embedded in SWF files, so they do not replace text with images, but replace text with Flash files. The way to perform this replacement is to search the document using JavaScript and find all the text in a specific element or an element with a specific class name. Then, JavaScript replaces the text with a small Flash file. Next is the really shrewd part. This technique does not create a separate Flash file for each paragraph of text, but puts the replaced text back into a duplicate Flash file. Therefore, all you have to do to trigger the image replacement is to add a class, and Flash and JavaScript will do the rest. Another benefit is that the text in the Flash file is searchable, which means it can be easily copied and does not affect the content included in the search engine.

IFR Remarks

ShaunInman disclosed his Flash image replacement method and named it IFR (InmanFlash Replacement). IFR is a very lightweight method. Details about this method (including source code) can be found online.

IFR technology related information

After that, Mike Davidson extended this method and created sIFR (Scalable InmanFlash Replacement) technology. This method can achieve multiple font effects by modifying the JS code. Such as multi-line text replacement and changing text color, font size, etc.

Other meanings

International Federation of Robotics

Official name: International Federation of Robotics

Introduction: In 1987, the national robots from 15 countries The organization formed the International Robot Federation, which is a non-profit professional organization. Today, the International Federation of Robotics has 25 member states (regions), and they are actively engaged in collecting and disseminating information and intelligence about robots. Therefore, the International Federation of Robotics has been recognized as the main representative of the world's robotics industry and has been listed as a non-governmental organization by the United Nations.

Aviation flight type IFR

IFR instrument flight rules (Instrumentflightrules) are generally used in high-altitude flight and severe weather conditions.

Compared to VFR visual flight rules (visualflightrules) ) Generally used for low-altitude flight

internal function register

internalfunctionregister internal function register, status word register

interrupt flag register

< p>interruptflagregister

A 16-bit register of tms320lf2407, the functions of each bit are as follows:

D15~6 reserved bits. These bits are always 0 when read.

D5---INT6flag interrupt 6 flags. This bit is used as all interrupt flags connected to the 6th level interrupt INT6.

0 No INT6 level interrupt is pending

1 At least one INT6 level interrupt is pending, write 1 to this bit to clear the bit to 0, that is, clear the interrupt request.

D4---INT5FLAG interrupt 5 flags. This bit is used as all interrupt flags connected to the 5th level interrupt INT5.

0 No INT5 level interrupt pending

1 At least one INT5 level interrupt pending, write 1 to this bit to clear the bit to 0, that is, clear the interrupt request.

D3---INT4FLAG interrupt 4 flags. This bit is used as all interrupt flags connected to the 4th level interrupt INT4.

0 No INT4 level interrupt pending

1 At least one INT4 level interrupt pending, write 1 to this bit to clear the bit to 0, that is, clear the interrupt request.

D2---INT3FLAG interrupt 3 flag bit. This bit is used as all interrupt flags connected to the third level interrupt INT3.

0 No INT3 level interrupt pending

1 At least one INT3 level interrupt pending, write 1 to this bit to clear the bit to 0, that is, clear the interrupt request.

D1---INT2FLAG interrupt 2 flags. This bit is used as all interrupt flags connected to the second level interrupt INT2.

0 No INT2 level interrupt pending

1 At least one INT2 level interrupt pending, write 1 to this bit to clear the bit to 0, that is, clear the interrupt request.

D0---INT1FLAG interrupt 1 flag bit. This bit is used as all interrupt flags connected to the first level interrupt INT1.

0 No INT1 level interrupt is pending

1 At least one INT1 level interrupt is pending, write 1 to this bit to clear the bit to 0, that is, clear the interrupt request.

IFR: a kind of battery raw material, lithium iron phosphate

IFR financial report

(InterimFinancialReporting), refers to the financial report prepared on an interim basis. Mid-term refers to the reporting period that is shorter than a complete fiscal year.

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