Home Technique Illia



In ancient, residents in the Illina region are mainly Illina, and they tell a language belonging to the Indo-European Language (Illia). In Greek mythology, I explained the origin of "Illina" place name: the founder of the city of Carder, Kadmock's son, Irry Ros, ruled this place, therefore became the ancestors of this region and its residents.

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It is very difficult to study the history of ancient Illi, because it is conquered by Rome Before, Illina is not always unified under a separate political entity, and the border of the so-called "Illina region" is also blurred. For example, the Dalmatian is widely considered to be an Illinaan, but they only have a short period of time in the Kingdom of Illia, and later soon it is independent.

An indiscriminate force in Europe

About the first 4th century, under the rulings of the King Bali, the development of the Kingdom of Illia For the European unsightly power. The main cities of the Kingdom of Illia include Lisos (now Albania Lashi) and Besta Nos (Today, Albania). The power of Illinaans can be seen from this fact: they attacked Macedon in the first 359, and killing King Macedatikas III.

But the victory of Illina is not lasting. In the first 358, the King of Macedonia was completely defeated the Illina, and occupied its large territory. Irilian Territory by Phili II is O'Hherrid. Alexander (the son of Phili II) once again re-created Illina once in the first 335 years, and forced him to serve; Illinaa tribe participated in Alexander's legendary expedition in Asia under the leadership leadership.

The death of Alexander Great caused his empire to quickly disintegrate. In Europe, Asia and Africa, the soldiers (so-called "successors") have independent, and they are mixed between them. The Illina took rid of Macedonia and established some independent small kings. The Le Lahas, the leader of the Illinaa tribe tried to unify the entire Iliya, but he was defeated by Macedonian ruler Kashard by Macedonia in 314, so that some areas were occupied by Macedonia. At the end of the 3rd century, an Illinaan country near the Albanians Cascat was equivalent to the broad territory of the northern Albania, Montenegro and Herzegovina.

The pirate behavior of Illina has caught the attention of emerging Roman strong country. The Roman merchant shipped in the Adriatic Sea is often supported by the Roman Pirates supported by the royal family, which gives the Romans invaded the excuse of the Bargan Peninsula. In the first 229, the Romans launched the first Illina war. The Roman army removed the Yiliyans in many Greek colonials, and supported a man named Dmitry in Illina as king to balance the enemy's I-Roman rulers. But Dmitry quickly betrayed Rome, he supported the pirate activities along the coastal tribe, and led the fleet violations of the coastal city-state protected by Rome. This has led to the second I-Lia war in the first 220-129. In this war, the Roman Cartler Lukeus Emilu, Bust, destroyed the Iliian residential point in the Inner Retrivium River Valley, and won most pirates. Demertry fled to Macedonia, and the Romans began to build their influence in the Balkans.

About 180 Dalmatian out of the Kingdom of Illia. The Roman Elderly decided to swallow ELria. In the first 168 years, the Roman army defeated the last Iliya ruler Grgeus, established four republics that were actually fully controlled by Rome in the Illina region. After a period of time, these republics have been revoked, and the Romans make Yiliya (Yiliya province, Latin: Illyricum), started a direct rule for the former century for several centuries. During the Kingdom, the capital of Illia was Skodel (herein, located in the northern Albania), and the period of Salona (now Croatia). In 10 years of AD, the Iliya province was divided into Dalmatian, province, but Illina is still widely used as a regional name.

In the Roman Empire, the residents in the Illina region have been considered unacified, but their leaders have played a huge role in the history of the later empire. When the third century crisis arrived at the peak, it was a number of military emperors who were born in Illina (the so-called Iliya emperor) saved the imperial entity that was about to collapse. After the Empire of the West Roman Empire, Irilia, which belongs to the Eastern Empire, is also constantly being seriously damaged by the barbarian (Siki, Hungarian, East Gothic, etc.) such as a tide. After these barbarians finally left or tattoo, Slaviard rushed into this area. Between the 6th century to the 8th century, a large number of Slavic tribes entered the Balkans and settled, and the Aboriginal Illina gradually agreed.


Some scholars believe that Albania is the direct descendants of the ancient Ili people. However, in addition to Albanian and Illia language have some obvious contacts in linguistics, there is no many evidence to support this view.


In the Napoleonic War, Napoleon takes "Illina" as the name of his empire, is Illia Province. Napoleon's Iliya exists only a narrow zone in the East Bank of Adriat, from 1809 to 1813. Later, the Austrian Empire has set up a "Kingdom of Illia" inside, until the 1849 Ozarian Empire was established. The nationalist in the 19th century Balkans re-picked up the ancient national name of "Illina", used to express their wishes of foreign control and political ideology of Panslavism.

In some cultural works, "Illia" is used as a half-fantasy country name, such as Shakespeare's "Twelfth Night", let-Paul Sarter's "dirty" Hand "," Irilia Adventures "and Lloyd Alexander.

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