Home Technique Independence Day

Independence Day

Festival origin

The United States is located in the south of North America, originally an indecaching of Indiana. From the end of the 15th century, the UK immigrated. In the first half of the 17th century, 13 colonies were established in the North American Atlantic coast and strengthened the oppression and exploitation of the colonial people, provision of the local people and the new bourgeois resistance. In 1775, the people of the 13 colonies in North America began to set off an independent war of overthrowing the British colonial rule, forming a "main landlock", appointed by Washington. On July 4, 1776, the colonial representative held a second continent meeting in Philadelphia, adopted the Independent Declaration, officially announced the establishment of the United States of America.

The Independent Declaration is an Expeed document of the British North American colonial people to declare an independent program. The Independent Declaration announced to the whole world: "The joint colony is from this free and independent country." The drafter of the "Independent Declaration" is the bourgeois Democratist Thomas Jefferson. 56 representatives from various colonies signed the words on the Declaration. The title of the Declaration is "Unisaround Declaration of the United States of America." The "Declaration" is about 2500 words, divided into three parts. The first part clarified the basic principles of the bourgeois revolution, put forward the famous human rights principles, "Declaration" pointed out: "Human is alive and equality, the cremers give them a number of impervussible rights, including the right to life, freedom, and pursuit of happiness ". The second part condemns all kinds of tyranny of the British colonial authorities. The third part declares 13 colonies independent, establishing an independent state, disconnecting all political relations with the UK. The "Independent Declaration" reflects the wishes of the North American colonial people to strive for free independence, inspiring the confidence and pride of the American people, which greatly encourages all walks of life to participate in the independent war. The "Independent Declaration" has positively influences a positive impact on the sympathy and support of the people of all countries, and promoting the subsequent European bourgeois revolution, especially the French Revolution and France's "Human Rights Declaration".

The Independent Declaration, in September, in September, the British army was defeated in York Town, and I was forced to speaking with the United States, and signing "Paris and Treaty" in 1783, formally recognizing 13 The colonial is out of the UK. The Americas have appeared in the first bourgeois republic. Later, July 4 was set as a US National Day. Every year, a grand ceremony is held all over the United States, and the songs and dances, sports, parade and other activities are held. Early Independence Day celebrations mainly parade and speeches, sometimes with certain religious colors, which have increased outdoor activities such as sports competition. In a period, the American people put firecrackers, fireworks celebrate the National Day. After the 20th century, the government canceled this form to prevent personal accidents and fires. The annual Independence Day, the whole American church bells, and the first one sounded the free clock of Philadelphia. All kinds of lotus cars, model cars, acrobatic vehicles and children's toy vehicles have a vast team with joyful people.

Main activities

July 4 is the United States's independence day. This day, the national jubilant, Wanjiao, showing the patriotic enthusiasm of the US people. Johnadams, Johnadams, said that this festival will become a major anniversary celebration, people should remember this day of liberation ... From the east bank to the West Bank, they should always hold a grand celebration and parade, should pass Performance, Entertainment, Sports Competition, Summer, Tauce, Lamp and Lantern, Grand Celebration This Day.

July 4 is also an important citizen day, reflecting the tradition of grown in English-American political freedom. Every year, a large number of tourists will have a national mall, which is Nationalmall, who has a large lawn between the US Capital Mountain and Washington Monument, and participated in the Smithsisen folk art held two weekend before July 4. SMITHSONIANFOLKLIFESTIVAL. The folk art festival shows the cultural style of different countries, Texas's music, diet and wines, and the history of the US NASA (NASA). In 2007, the international cultural theme of the civil art festival was once a Mekong River Basin Country and the Americas.

On July 4th, the country of the capital of the capital from the capital of the capital, all over the United States generally held a large and small fireworks party. In New York City, the Independence Day Hanoburnal Anti-Fireworks Sponsored by Macy'sDepartmentStore has been 31 years, known as the largest fireworks show on July 4, July 4. Messi's 30-minute 2008 fireworks evening will all put 35,000 giftballs, which are launched by 6 barges moored in the East River (Eastriver) and New York Port. According to Messi, more than 3 million people will watch directly. This event has been broadcast across the country. On July 4th, it is also a day in celebration. People usually go to the suburbs or baking outdoors. In the United States, the United States is hot, thousands of Americans will use this time to go to the beach or other holidays. A lot of statutory holidays in the United States are fixed on Monday or Friday, but independent anniversary. Many office workers will use the annual holiday to let themselves enjoy a long weekend. Sometimes some important public works will start on July 4. Eriecanal, Washington Monument (WashingtonMonument) and the United States's first railway Baltimore - Ohio Railway (Baltimoreandohirailroad) is broken in July 4, so that these will be more likely to improve their livelihood.

July 4, 2020 is the Independence Day of the United States. The United States announced the new new crown virus diagnosed case data and reached 5,7718 cases. Although the epidemic situation is grim, US President Trump is still holding a celebration for two consecutive days on the 3rd and 4th, and the epidemic effects in the speech.

Celebrity Speech

Ownership officials and other public figures are often speaking on the July 4th, the independence commemoration, praise the traditional American and values. Independent Festival has recorded some most exciting free speeches in the United States. In 1788, Kaifu, James Wilson, held in Philadelphia, may be the largest independent celebration rally in this new country, and call on citizens to ratify the draft "Constitution". He said: "A freedom, civilized country, established and approved a political ... The people of the whole country exercise the highest power - exercise their sovereignty, unprecedented, unrestrained."

1852 July 1 July 1 Days, black news workers, wasteerickdouglas, complained that the sin of slavery in the United States is still prevalent in the United States, and it is determined that there is a power from "independent declaration" and its reflection. The great principles and the advantages of the existing system of the United States have a force, which will have to crash from slavery. After 90 years, before the most dark moments of the Second World War, Franklind.roosevelt, Franklin Roosevelt, reminded the people of the country: "Endy trouble, hunger, cold, red-handed US revolutionary army ... July On the 4th, it is the power of hopes and passion. It is still the same now ... "In this dark moment for freedom, the toughness of freedom, the unyielding people keep in mind their information - the guarantee of the people in front of God- - All people, all the races, all the groups, all the countries in the world.

July 4, 2001, George W. Bush President George W. Bush was published in the "Independence Hall" in the "Independence Hall" in the "Independent Declaration". He said that the "Independent Declaration" continues to reflect "We ask others to achieve standards, we also measure our own standards. We will not live up to these ideals, we can achieve the greatest achievements. We will experience the most heavy tragedy "On this day, the country all over the country - even in the most basic level - citizen leaders will send out the same sound, and their audience is deeply grateful to the founding of the country to win freedom.


The American people always express festive in a variety of ways. The Independence Day of the United States is as grand as religion, folk holidays, and the people are cleaning the courtyard, decorating home, hanging the flag. Americans celebrate a big feature of the National Day, and the people spontaneously participated high. On this day, there is no use of the federal government to mobilize calls, some local and non-governmental organizations or community institutions will organize some ceremonious activities, such as float paradise, fireworks, etc., held various open-air art show (performances), ordinary Americans Very happy to participate. The celebration of the early Independence Day is mainly paraly, and has a certain religious color. Later, an outdoor event, sports competition, etc. The activities of firecrackers and fireworks are also very popular. After the 20th century, they will be canceled to prevent danger. The residents of all over the world will celebrate the parade spontaneously. Some of the old pastors who have riding horses or the aristocrats sitting in ancient carriage hold a cosmetic parade; some form a family small band to participate in the parade, and the full family grandfather sends a song, side danceside Row. All kinds of lotus cars, model cars, acrobatic vehicles and children's toy vehicles are in the future of joyful teams. The scene is very spectacular, and people tend to celebrate the holiday in the park or public. In a piece of music, people or dance, or a picnic, the merchants are busy selling souvenirs, and the politicians take the election speech, and the children do a variety of games on the grass, and there are a festive scene of a festival.

Patriotic spirit

There are national flags in each classroom, primary school students to high school students must sing national anthem in national flags or swearing, and 911. More patriotic than the past, patriotism will not be shameful.

Every Independence Day, the United States has become the national flag of the ocean. Americans' patriotic enthusiasm showed a unique and strong values. They believe that taxpayers are the owners of the country: the president of the national water-based national water, any political parties are flowing, only the United States of America is the eternal. Under this consciousness, the American flag is almost "flooding", even in headscarves, rides, underwear, bra, t-shirt, apron, wreath, umbrella, nail knife, travel shoes and Christmas gifts, are not lack of starboard. The national flag is abnormal, and even "adhesive" flesh, all of these are not a national dignity, but let the Americans love their country.

Americans advocate freedom, "either freedom or die", with "no organization without discipline" self-sufficiency, every day, all kinds of strangers are endless, some "Drake Show" is simply taunting president and Mr LAG For the head. Americans jealousating their presidents every day, smashing their own governments, is a family affairs of their own country, and an oversight government, making the country's performance, patriotic performance. The United States did not subvert the government sin. Americans will ask president to step down, but rarely hear the overturned policy, establish a new regime, and advance in advance. However, in the United States, the crime of rebel is serious than the crime of murder, and it is more spurred. The United States is not only a multi-ethnic country, but also a multi-racial state. There are complex ethnic compositions in the United States. Different skin, eyes, hair color, different physical forms, cultural differences, political parties, religious conflicts, and class disputes. But when it is difficult to rush, the background is different, what is the force of the rich and poorly differentiated US, what is the strength of these people from all over the world and integrated? The answer has only one: patriotism. Looking at the history of the United States, there is only patriotism to form a wide "unified front", consolidate the regime and condense. Regardless of the international and domestic, every time, conflicts and tricky contradictions and questions, when the right is to find some common and combined points that everyone can accept, high-quality banner of patriotism, after more than 200 years of stability and lasting The patriotic influence of the patriotism, the depths of the soul of the new and old immigrants, built an indestructible "United States awareness". As an immigration country, perhaps nationality and culture can't be the foundation of patriotism, Americans have a sense of political institutional superiority and moral superior sense, these two factors shaite jointly shaped Americans. The way is different. American patriotism is based on common political philosophy or "political myth", thus beyond race and cultural diversity. Americans believe that the United States is the community they participate in construction and proud of their own way of this kind of organizational community, and respect those who are dedicated to this community. So in the parade of the veterans' commemorative day, no matter which war's veterans, they will be cheerful.

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