Home Technique Jiangnan Lu Shi Chuangtang

Jiangnan Lu Shi Chuangtang

In the process of being sold from the strong army, Zhang Zhidong found that "the people who have been born in the school will be easy, and they will grow very rapidly. It is good for school." He believes that "training will be equally cultivated, and practice will be full of schools", decided to create Jiangnan Lu Shi Choosang to cultivate will be talented. Jiangnan Lu Shi Chuangtang

School recruits between 13 and 20 years old, and literally encyclopedia. 150 of the score, the team, the stroke, the gun, the engineering team, "all the doors are about two years, and two years later, they will learn the artillery a year, and they must learn the German language text, so that discussion Identity, approximately three years. The school hired German teaching, lectured the military law, line array, land, measurement, drawing, arithmetic, camp, bridge road and horse, step, artillery array. The school site is in the three-year building in Nanjing, covering nearly 30 acres, including 230 Chinese housing, 15 ocean houses.

Jiangnan Lu Shi Xuetang opened four phases after stopping. The Revolutionary Leaders of 1911 will be, and Wu Yue Valley will, and the resistance will be able to grave the collant to wait for the Jiangnan Lu Shixian.

Jiangnan Lu Shi Chuang (5 photos)

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