Home Technique Jiujiang Yangtze River Bridge

Jiujiang Yangtze River Bridge

Construction History

Mr. Sun Yat-sen, the forerunner of the Chinese revolution, has proposed to build a Yangtze River Bridge in Jiujiang, writing in his "Founding State", to achieve "20 The grand goal of the Wanli Railway has made Jiujiang become "central China North Railway". Regrettably, the great man is dead, and it is not possible to achieve this wish in the year of birth.

In the 1970s, under the care of the Central Leaders, the relevant departments have repeatedly surveyed and prepared a steel frame railway railway, a steel frame, a steel frame, a highway bridge that is more than 900 meters from the Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge. However, accompanied by the bar of the Jingjiu line, this project is under the horse.

On 4 April 1987, the State Planning Commission was approved by the State Council and issued a document decided to restore the construction of Jiujiang Yangtze River Bridge. Take a fund-raising and national subsidy, from the State Planning Commission, the Ministry of Railways, Ministry of Communications and Jiangxi, Hubei, Anhui Province, six joint funds, six joint funds, 416 million yuan (after adjustment of 216 million yuan)for Bridge recovery .

On December 26, 1973, the Jiujiang Yangtze River Bridge officially worked.

January 16, 1993, Jiujiang Changjiang Bridge Highway Bridge opened.

June 1, 1995, Jiujiang Changjiang Bridge Railway Bridge officially opened operation.

On November 11, 2012, the Jiujiang Yangtze River Bridge bridge has been "temporarily maintained" due to a seam, which can only pass the motor vehicles below 20 tons.

June 23, 2015 to December 22, 2018, Jiujiang Yangtze River Bridge was reinforced. The main content of the reinforcement and renovation project is to replace the steel bridge panel in the upper part of the highway forward and bridge steel beam. Adding horizontal links and defect repair, the bridge bridge is re-laying, the road along the road, the line, the bridgehead tower, the toll station, the maintenance , Monitoring center and company management room modification, etc. After the renovation of the bridge, the bridge is designed for 60 kilometers / hour, and the load standard is improved to the highway level. (in April 2016, the Jiujiang Yangtze River Bridge reinforcement project officially launched . On November 12, 2017, Jiujiang Changjiang Bridge reinforcement project steel main beam is completed. This bridge reinforcement project Mainly to replace the highway positive bridge steel beams to steel bridge panels, the bridge increases horizontal linkage and defect repair, and the bridge bridge is re-laying, and the facility is refurbished. .)

January 6, 2019, after more than 3 years of reinforcement and repair, Jiujiang Yangtze River Bridge resumed to traffic.

June 24, 2021, the Jiujiang Yangtze River Bridge in the Jingjiu Railway began to replace the rail. This is the second reverse rail since the Jiujiang Yangtze River Bridge built in the train in 1993.

Bridge location

Jiujiang Changjiang Bridge is located in Jiangxi, Hubei, Anhui Province, Jiangxi, Hubei, Anhui Province, Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province, Huangmei County, Huanggang City, Huanggang City, Hubei Province, China The Beijing-Kei Railway (with the Heiki Railway Coefficient) and the National Highway G105 is an important crossing.

Bridge design

Bridge structure

Jiujiang Yangtze River Bridge

Jiujiang Yangtze River Bridge Atlas 1 (3 photos)

Jiujiang Yangtze River Bridge The front bridge and the North and South side of the road, the railway bridge is composed, the Zhengqiao Road is in the upper layer, the three major arch ranges, and there is a walkway, the sidewalks on both sides; the three major arch parts, the railways, the outer side of the outside, and the vehicle lanes and The walkway, the railway is in the lower layer.

Jiujiang Yangtze River Bridge is a double-line double-line railway, highway two bridges. Jiujiang Yangtze River Bridge Railway Bridge is 7675 meters long, 4460 meters long, in which the river is 1806 meters, 10 bridge piers, 11-hole steel beams, regardless of the length and span of 160 meters, the main channel is three Hogegamine, flexible arches, 16 meters high, span is 180 meters, the middle hole has a maximum span of 216 meters, and the maximum knowledge is 32 meters. It is manufactured by tenthm manganese or vanadium nitrogen high strength low alloy steel, and the steel plate is 56 mm, and the steel beam rod is riveted with a high-strength bolt with a diameter of 27 mm.

Design parameters

Jiujiang Yangtze River Bridge Atlas 2 (7 photos)

Jiujiang Yangtze River Bridge Zhengqia Highway in the upper, three major arch In addition, the driving road is 14 meters wide, and the sidewalks wide of 2 meters wide; the three major arch parts, 11 meters of driving lanes, and the outer side of the outside is 3.75 meters of motor lanes and 1 meter sidewalk. The railway is in the lower layer and the two-wire spacing is 4.2 meters.

Railway Bridge Design Standard is Medium - Live Bill (The detection prestressed box girder is medium-26 level) ; highway bridge is design, hanging -100 check; crowd is 3.5 kWh Square. Navigation clearance is 24.0 meters, the net width is 160.0 meters, and the 3-hole is arranged. The earthquake is fortified according to the design intensity 7.

Jiujiang Yangtze River Bridge bridge steel beam is a total of 11 holes, all steel beams are induced. The front bridge is 1806.712 meters, the 10 bridge piers of Jiangzhong, the two sides of the strait, the railway bridge is 1428.444 meters in the south bank; the north bank is 44,40.934 meters, the railway part is 7676.09 meters. The bridge uses a 40-meter-free pillow prestressed concrete simplicity. 2 boxes of beams per well. The bridge of the highway bridge is 1347.02 meters long. It is 1306.389 meters in the north bank. The full length of the highway is 4460.12 meters, all of which are 40m prestressed concrete T beams, 8 pieces per well.

Operation case

  • management maintenance

as of 2012 11 Month, responsible for maintaining the Jiujiang Bridge unit, the Jiujiang Bridge section of the Nanjiang Bridge section of Nanchang Railway Bureau.

  • Traffic traffic

as of April 2016, there are more than 180 rivers and rivers, Jiujiang Bridge Pair of trains.

Construction results

Technology Puzzle

Jiujiang Yangtze River Bridge reinforcement is the first attempt of China's cross-river, cross-sea public iron, two bridges, no matter from There is no similar experience in design to construction, and everything has to be touched by the river. In the construction, there are a large number of trains and ships in the operating point, there is a high security risk, and the technical difficulty is high.

Honor recognize

1996 China Construction Engineering Luban Award;

1997 Ministry of Railway Science and Technology ProgressTriens;

1998 Construction The first prize of the National Science and Technology Progress of Bridge New Technology.

Cultural Characteristics

  • Inscription

Bridge of Jiujiang Changjiang Bridge Name written by Miles.

Value meaning

Jiujiang Yangtze River Bridge is a public iron dual-use bridge connected to Nort-South traffic, and it is also a "throat" of the Beijing-Kei Railway aorta. (Dajiang Net Review)

Jiujiang Bridge is not only China, but also the longest railway of the world, the highway two-purpose steel truss, is both the main artery of my country's north and south transportation. It is the most striking new tourist attraction in Jiujiang (as of Jan 2012) .

Jiujiang Changjiang Bridge is after the Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge, the eighth bridge built on the Yangtze River is also the largest railway, the largest railway in China, and the two-use bridge of highways (as of 2012). January) .

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