Home Technique Labor quota

Labor quota

Overview of quotas

It refers to the amount of labor required to produce a certain amount of qualified products or complete a certain amount of work for workers under certain production technology and organizational conditions Standard. There are two basic manifestations. The time quota is the man-hours that must be consumed to produce a unit of product or to complete a job; the output quota is the number of products or the amount of work that must be completed in a unit of time. Time quota and output quota are the reciprocal of each other and are inversely proportional. In addition to the above two forms, labor quotas can also take the form of guardianship and service quotas. The custody quota is the number of machinery and equipment that one or an organization should take care of at the same time. The service quota is a prescribed limit for service personnel to provide a certain service within the system time according to certain quality requirements.

Quota Time

The time composition of labor quota is closely related to the type of production of the enterprise.

1. Under the conditions of large-scale mass production, due to the specialization of work, the products that have completed several processes for a long time, the proportion of the preparation ending time allocated to the unit product is small and can be ignored, so , The composition of the labor quota includes three parts: working time, time to arrange work, rest and physiological needs. The calculation formula of the process unit time quota is:

T0=T1+T2+t< /b>0

Among them: T0: single item time, T1: operation time, T2 Time to arrange work, t0: Time for rest and physiological needs. Working time in the formula T1 is repeated for each part . Therefore, when calculating the time of a single piece, it can be done directly, but the work time T2 and the time of rest and physiological needs t0 are not repeated for each part. Of. Therefore, the calculation unit time is allocated to each part. The method of sharing is usually expressed as a percentage of the work time, namely:

T2=< i>T1*k2/100t0=T1*k 0/100

T0=< b>T1+T1* k2+k2/100= T1*(1+k2/100+ k0/100)

Among them: k2 refers to the assignment of work time to the homework The ratio of time; k0 The ratio of time between rest and physiological needs to work time.

2. Under batch production conditions, due to the production of work in turn, each product consumes one preparation and finishing time. Therefore, in addition to calculating the unit time and its fixed amount, it is also necessary to determine the fixed amount of preparation time. And this time is allocated in batches to the time quota of each product. This time quota is called the single piece calculation time quota T3. The calculation formula is:

T3=T 0+T4/n

where: T4: End preparation time of batch parts, n: batch

3. In order to simplify the time quota work under the condition of single piece production, the following formula can be used to determine the single piece time quota.

Among them: k3 is the ratio of the time spent on layout work and the time required for physiological needs to work time.

T0=T1 *(1+k3)+T4

Quota setting

Scientific methods should be adopted to formulate a technically based labor quota in a timely, accurate and comprehensive manner. This is the prerequisite for labor quota work. . In the work of formulating labor quotas, it is necessary to correctly stipulate the level of labor quotas. The quota level is the requirement for the labor volume of the laborer, and it is also a comprehensive reflection of the enterprise's technical level and management level. It is the core of the quota work. If the quota level is too high, employees will not be able to reach it through hard work, which will dampen their enthusiasm and affect the implementation of the quota; if the quota level is too low, employees will easily exceed the quota without effort, and it will not promote production. Therefore, a reasonable quota level is a quota that can be reached or exceeded by most employees through hard work under normal production conditions. In order to formulate advanced and reasonable quotas, an appropriate method of formulating quotas must be selected.

The current methods used by Chinese companies include:

Experience Estimation Method. It is to analyze and estimate the quota based on production practice experience, in accordance with relevant technical documents or objects, and considering existing conditions. Its advantages are that it is simple and easy to implement, the workload is small, and the quota is fast; its disadvantage is that it is greatly affected by the subjective factors of the deceased staff, and the accuracy of the quota is poor. It is mainly used in multi-variety small batch production, single-piece production, new product trial production, and temporary production.

Statistical analysis method. It is a method to determine the quota based on the statistical data of the working hours of the previous production processes of the same or similar products, after sorting, analyzing and calculating. Its advantage is that it can better reflect the actual situation than the empirical estimation method. Its disadvantage is that the quota level is not advanced and reasonable enough. It is generally used when the production is relatively normal, the product is relatively stable, the conditions are not changed much, and the variety is small.

③Comparative analogy. It is a method of calculating the norms of similar parts or procedures after comparative analysis based on the man-hour quota of typical parts and procedures. Its advantage is that the workload is large, and it can maintain the balance and accuracy of the quota level; its disadvantage is that the scope of application is limited. This method is often used for new product trial production or single-piece small-batch production.

④Working hours measurement method. It is through the analysis of the production technology organization conditions, on the basis of tapping the production potential and rationalizing the operation, it adopts the method of on-site observation and analysis to determine the quota. The advantage of this method is that it is more scientific; its disadvantage is that the workload is large, and it is usually used to formulate a typical quota.

⑤The norm standard data method. It is based on the complete set of time quota standards of the system, through the decomposition of operation elements, find out the one-to-one corresponding items and time values, and finally calculate the time quota of parts (or processes, steps, operations) Method. The advantage of this method is that it is easier to use standard data to formulate the quota, and the quota level is also relatively accurate; its disadvantage is that the work load of formulating the quota standard data is large, and it is generally organized by the industry management unit. This method has a wide range of applications, and is more suitable when there are many varieties, many parts, and many processes.

For the above methods, enterprises should proceed from the actual situation and choose according to the actual situation, or they can be used in combination.

Types of quota

①Current quota;

②Planned quota;

③Unchanged quota;

④ Design quota.

Labor quota is a measure of labor (work) efficiency. It is a collective term for "work hour quota" and "output quota".

Working hour quota can also be called "time quota", which is the amount of time required to produce a unit of product or complete a certain amount of work. For example, the time required for a turner to process a part and an assembler to assemble a part or a product; the time required for a hotel attendant to clean up a guest room.

Production quota can also be called "work quota", which is the quantity of products that should be produced or the amount of work that should be completed in a unit of time (such as hours, working days, or shifts). For example, the number of parts that should be processed in one hour is specified for the turner, the number of parts or products that should be assembled in a working day is specified for the assembler; the number of rooms that should be cleaned in one shift is specified for the hotel attendant.

The working hour quota and the output quota are the reciprocal of each other. The lower the working hour quota, the higher the output quota. Conversely, the higher the working hour quota, the lower the output quota. In the manufacturing industry, the organization of single-piece and small-batch production mainly adopts "work hour quota"; the organization of mass production mainly adopts the "output quota".

The specific role of labor quotas in enterprise management:

1. Labor quotas are the basis for an enterprise to prepare plans and the basis for scientifically organizing production;

2 , Labor quota is an important means to improve labor productivity;

3. Labor quota is the basis for implementing reasonable rewards according to work;

4. Labor quota is a tool to promote advanced labor experience ;

5. Labor quota is an important foundation for enterprises to implement economic accounting and cost management.


The main manifestations of quotas are:

①Working hours quota expressed in time. That is, the time required to produce qualified products or to complete a certain job is stipulated by the production unit.

②The output quota expressed in terms of output. That is, the number of qualified products that should be completed in unit time.

③The guarding quota expressed in terms of the number of guarding machinery and equipment. That is, a worker or a group of workers takes care of the number of machines and equipment at the same time per unit time.

④Service quota expressed in terms of service volume. That is to specify the number of service items that should be completed within a unit time. In order to meet the needs of production, labor quotas can take different forms according to different production characteristics and conditions.

Labor quota work is a basic work of an enterprise. The content of this work includes the formulation, implementation, statistical analysis and revision of labor quotas.


After the labor quota is established, it is necessary to organize and implement it in production and take relevant technical organizational measures, such as competitions, technical training, movement analysis, quota assessment, etc., to help employees Reach and continuously break the current labor quota. Perform a statistical analysis of the quota according to the situation of the employees completing the quota, so as to find and solve the problems in the quota management. By comparing with the historical level of the company and the level at home and abroad, find out the gaps, analyze the reasons, and actively make improvements.

With the continuous development of enterprise production technology, scientific progress, improvement of management level, improvement of production organization and labor organization, and improvement of employees’ ideological awareness, cultural and technical level and proficiency, the original formulation The quota of labor will lag behind the needs of production development, which requires regular or irregular revisions to the labor quota. In order to promote the balance and improvement of the quota level, it is conducive to keeping up with the advanced, shortening the time for quota formulation, avoiding contradictions in the revision of the quota, and improving the quality of the quota. All departments and industries must formulate unified quota standards and gradually realize labor quotas. Standardization.

The role of the enterprise

①An important basis for rational organization of labor. Modern production requires that everyone’s activities be coordinated in time and space, and the production cycle is shortened. There are strict time requirements for the completion of each product or each job. Only when enterprises have advanced and reasonable labor quotas, can they be reasonably equipped with labor. Ensure that production is carried out in a coordinated manner.

②The foundation of plan management. Labor quotas are the basis for calculating output, cost, labor productivity and other economic indicators and preparing production, operations, costs, and labor plans.

③Implement comprehensive economic accounting and improve the tools of the economic responsibility system. Labor quota is a standard for calculating and comparing people's labor consumption and labor results in production. Implementing labor quotas and increasing the completion rate of quotas means reducing the consumption of living labor in products, saving manpower, and increasing production. Through labor quota accounting and accurate stipulation of contract base and share ratio, the production tasks are broken down and implemented into workshops, teams and individuals, and the economic responsibilities assumed by the supervision and supervision are clarified and supervised, which is conducive to the improvement and implementation of the corporate management responsibility system.

④The conditions for implementing the principle of distribution according to work in the enterprise. The labor quota is a measure of the amount of labor paid and contribution of laborers in production. When assessing the wages of employees, in addition to technical and business capabilities, the degree of completion of the quota is one of the assessment conditions. With an advanced and reasonable labor quota, the quantity and quality of labor can be calculated, and a certain amount of labor can be guaranteed to receive a certain amount of remuneration.

⑤It is an important means to carry out labor competition and continuously improve labor productivity. Implementing advanced and reasonable labor quotas not only facilitates the promotion of advanced experience and operating methods, but also facilitates the development of advanced learning and ultra-advanced competitions.

Legal regulations

In any of the following situations in Article 44 of the Labor Law, the employer shall pay wages and remunerations higher than the wages of the workers during normal working hours according to the following standards :

(1) Arrange for workers to extend working hours, pay no less than 150% of wages;

(2) Arrange labor on rest days If the employee cannot be arranged for compensatory time off, he shall pay no less than 200% of his salary; Three-hundredths of the salary remuneration.

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