Home Technique Lake porcelain kiln area group

Lake porcelain kiln area group

historical origin

Lake Si porcelain kiln group located in the southern Liangzihu Jiangxia District of Wuhan City, Hubei Province and ax Lake area, kiln and water transport facilities were located on the hillock near the lake. In the range of about 40 kilometers north-south, east-west width of 30 km, has so far found Kiln accumulation at 145. The group's kiln from the Late Tang has been extended to the Yuan and Ming Dynasty (AD 907-1644), the Song Dynasty and to the main. Yang fired to burn method commonly used in folk porcelain.

Lake Si porcelain kiln group, kiln stack typically about 5 meters, up to a maximum of 9 meters. Green products and green glazed porcelain white glaze porcelain are two kinds of porcelain are the kind of pot, pots, bowls, plates, dishes and other daily Appliances, regular shape symmetry, the main tire with gray, glazed uniform crystal, some artifacts the inner and outer walls also scored daisy, petals, floral patterns and so on.

regional distribution

Lake Si porcelain kiln group is mainly distributed in the range of 20 square kilometers between the southern Jiangxia District Liangzihu with ax lake.

Within this range, the East River is Liangzihu by Liangzihu, Baoan Lake, Duck Lake and other lakes child, which consists of Fankou into the Yangtze River. West Lake is based ax, ax from the lake, lake group pier, the Shangshehu, Lu Lake, etc. after shihu, which communicates with the Jinshuihe JinKou into the Yangtze. Central is characterized by hills north-south corridor of low hillock land, mostly in 30-80 meters above sea level, its hillock ridge winding down, twists and turns Gangcha staggered, rich deposits of kaolin porcelain raw materials.

Lake porcelain kiln area group

tourism value

Lake Si ancient kiln group, sub-group and celadon green white porcelain kiln kiln group two categories, distributed around Liangzihu is plainer kilns around the ax distribution lake for green kilns.

archaeological discoveries

Liangzihu Blue and White Porcelain kiln group, in the hills of the eastern coast of Liangzihu Jiangxia District, the distribution of hundreds of large and small porcelain ancient ruins accumulation. Since the 1970s, first discovered kilns in Si Xia Lake Temple. Through the tireless efforts of cultural workers, in Lake Si Liangzihu coast, Shuan, hillside towns, were found at the kiln stack 85, 112 lung ceramic kiln chamber.

Large porcelain kiln group of Liangzihu Song discovery reveals a new chapter in the history of 1000 years ago, ceramic Hubei Province, based on objective facts to fill the gaps in Hubei archaeological ceramics, enriched the connotation of the history of the development of Chinese ceramics. And it provides a new kind of information for the study of ceramics.

ornamental value

In the spring of 1995, archeologists excavated in 1988 on the basis of Wang Ma kiln for the second time excavations unearthed a number of new type and products, make up the kiln chamber within product categories insufficient, while the clean-up operation before the dragon kiln kiln workshop sites, so that people of the king hemp kiln structure, production program with a more complete understanding. By inference, "Wang Ma kiln about creating fire in the middle of the Northern Song Dynasty, decline in the late Northern Song Dynasty or later." Lake Si ancient kiln group not only has high archaeological value, but also has a large tourism value.

Travel Information


Tickets: Adult ticket: 20 yuan tickets for children: 10 yuan

Opening hours: 7: 30 - 22:00

address: Liangzihu southern Jiangxia District in Wuhan City, Hubei Province and ax Lake area.

The best travel time: September, August

traffic routes

Triangle Church in the city bus station to sit under the Taurus car, Lake Si Town that is. Also take Pakistan in the East Gate and Luxiang or to Zhifang Zhifang of the bus to the bus station, transfer to Lake Lake Si Si kiln group in town.

Local Food

Lake Si farm most famous food are: potato flour fried pork, deep-fried bean curd (tofu puffs), pork and the like. These dishes are an essential local weddings and funerals, casually Which local restaurants have.

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