Home Technique Laplata Plain

Laplata Plain


1526, the Spanish navigator Sebastian Cabot led a Spanish expedition to La Plata, and deep into the upper reaches of the Mainland. He saw a lot of local Indians who wear silver jewelry, silver mine that enrich this area, put the river called the Rio de la Plata, which means Milky Way.

If the Parana River as the source, the Rio de la Plata is up to 4700 km.

La Plata Basin of the Parana River, the River Uruguay, Paraguay River and its tributaries composed of dozens, the basin area of ​​400 square kilometers, including Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Uruguay parts most of the territory and Paraguayan territory, a population of nearly 100 million.

confluence of the Rio de la Plata river Parana and Uruguay rivers become, in fact, is a gigantic estuary, from the confluence of the Parana River and the Uruguay River to the junction with the Atlantic Ocean, whole a length of 370 km, the width (into the sea) of 230 kilometers.

Parana River is the longest and important river La Plata river domain. It originated in the southern Brazilian Highlands, there are two middle reaches of the river are Brazil and Paraguay and Argentina and Paraguay border, downstream of the confluence of flow through Argentina to Uruguay, about 4100 km; Uruguay River originates in southern Brazil Serra do Mar, the total length 1751 km, the basin area of ​​about half in Brazil and half in Uruguay and Argentina. Paraguay River originates in southwestern Brazil plateau. A total length of 2200 km, there are two sections of the river downstream, respectively, Brazil and Paraguay and Argentina and Paraguay border.

1806 and 1807, the people of the two regions of La Plata in Argentina to fight the invading British troops events. Early 19th century, the British colonial rule of Spain use the crisis to step up hijacking the Spanish colonies in South America. June 1806, British admiral of the fleet arrived H. Popham La Plata estuary. June 25, more than 1,000 British marines landed near Buenos Aires Quilmes. Spanish colonial governor Brasov Raymond fled to the mainland. June 27, fall of the city of Buenos Aires. British declared the occupied areas belong British, Spanish colonial officials expressed their allegiance to the King of England. Local residents to defend their homes, self-organize and anti-British struggle. Anti-British forces are mainly local native white patriot Puai Lei Tung organized volunteer force, as well as serving in the Spanish army officer liniers France from Montevideo to fight an army. August 11, liniers commanding troops go to war with the British, the strong support of local residents. The next day, the British surrendered. August 14, in Buenos Aires city council passed a resolution to pressure the people, forcing the governor Brasov Raymont the military power to liniers. To prevent recidivism British, the local people to organize an armed force of more than 8,000 people, divided into several camps.

1807 In February the British from La Plata estuary second invasion, Feb. 3 fell to Montevideo. June 28, commanded by the White Rock British marines landed over 12,000 people in the south bank of La Plata. Despite fighting local military and civilian, failed to stop the British advance. July 6, British troops launch a general offensive against the city of Buenos Aires. Liniers his troops fought a fierce battle with the British, the city residents united in battle. British casualties thousand, about 2,000 were captured, July 7 signed a surrender, complete withdrawal from the Rio de la Plata on both sides. La Plata area people set up their own armed forces in the anti-British struggle, he forced the King of Spain appointed liniers interim governor. Anti-British victory in the struggle, and encouraged local people to promote the struggle against Spanish colonial rule and for independence.



Pampas plains to the south, the terrain magnanimous flat, tilted slightly to the east pampas (PampasSteppe) is located in South America south, in Argentina, subtropical eastern prairie. North Glen Chaco grasslands south of Patagonia, the Andes foothills west to the east coast of the Atlantic Ocean, an area of ​​about 760,000 square kilometers. "Pampas" comes from the Quechua Indian language, meaning "treeless prairie," South America is a relatively unique vegetation types. On terms zonal and climatic conditions, the area suitable for tree growth, in fact, except along the river there are external "corridor" of trees, the basic non-forested grasslands, commonly known as the Pampas community. Grasses are dominant Stipa, aristida, melica other hard leaf grasses, while a variety of dicotyledonous plants. Legumes little community is a major feature of the endemic species are more poor. Gently sloping terrain from west to east. Hot summer and warm in winter, annual rainfall of 1000 to 250 mm, decreasing from northeast to southwest. To 500 mm isohyet as the boundary, the west known as "dry Pampa", in addition to grasses, but also the growth of the southwestern edge of the sparse xeric shrub, has developed chestnut soil, brown soil, salt marshes and more and salt water river; the east called "wet Pampa", to develop fertile black soil. Pampas now most have been reclaimed as farmland and pastures, rich in wheat, corn, forage, vegetables, fruits, meat, leather, etc., is Argentina's most important agricultural region, and become Argentina's political, economic, transport and cultural the heart. Two-thirds of the country focused on the population, industrial production 4/5 and more than two-thirds of agricultural production. To the center of Buenos Aires, railways, highways radiating toward the country. Most of the land of the pampas has been reclaimed for agricultural and grazing land. Rich grain fields of wheat, corn and so on. Lush grass prairie is full of white, yellow, black, suit thoroughbred cattle. Corn planted on grasslands, mostly used to feed cattle and sheep, beef production is very high. Argentina each year to slaughter more than ten million head of cattle, mostly for domestic consumption in addition to, but also substantial exports frozen beef export volume ranking first in the world. Pampas of Argentina is the main producing areas of agriculture and animal husbandry, as well as South America's granary. Argentina, which boasts 67% of the country's population, more than 80% of the industry, as well as a number of important railways and urban, is the heart of Argentina.

Pampas become a type of vegetation causes relatively unique in South America, is the prairie west of the Andes block the abundant rainfall from the Pacific, so only the west side of the grassland by Andres Mountains have a test strip of land "corridor" of trees, and most of the eastern part due to the lack of rain can only be grown grassland.


La Plata is located in South America between Uruguay and Argentina, in Spanish "La Plata" is "money" means. Rio de la Plata is South America's second largest river, a total length of 4700 km, watershed area of ​​about 400 square kilometers. Many of its tributaries, and they are the Paraguay River, the Uruguay River, Parana River.

Rio de la Plata in South America brought up the people, especially in feeding the people of Argentina, so it is called the mother river.

La Plata River Basin is one of the most developed in Latin America. Most of her in the subtropical rainfall, fertile land, abundant, is to focus on regional economic center of South America. In the middle and lower reaches of the Rio de la Plata, is the world famous Río de la Plata Basin. Northern Plains called Zagat plain, the southern plains known as the Pampas. La Plata plain is the heart of Argentina's economy. Here vast, flat terrain, abundant rainfall, fertile land. Arable land accounted for 70% of the country's arable land, has a well-developed agriculture and animal husbandry.


Iguazu, due to the obstruction Rivercenter Rock Island waterfalls divided into three groups, and each group also includes a number of the total number of small waterfall City, hundreds of waterfalls indivual. Like waterfalls formed by the many waterfalls in the world is rare.

on the Parana River, midstream, because deep Brazilian Highlands to form a lot of rapids waterfalls, of which the most famous Iguazu. It is a former Iguazu River Note that Ru Bala River, flows through the canyon Parana, due to the steep drop water formed. At low water level, it presents a series of rapids; the flood, then even to a width of 3 to 4 kilometers of Great Falls. It's magnificent scenery in South America known as the miracle of nature. Plunging roar of water emitted, at 10 km to it can feel shock. At nearby waterfall, one hundred and twenty or thirty meters above, can also see a beautiful rainbow appeared in the mist, forming a human spectacle.

in the lower reaches of La Plata, La Plata plain is famous throughout the world. It is located east of the Andes vein, vertical distribution was plain, the northern plains Zagat plain, the southern pampas.

Natural Resources

Although the La Plata Basin region and no early conquerors crazy looking for gold and silver, but it is one of the most developed regions of Latin America. Here fertile land and rich natural resources, especially rich in animal products. There is also rich in iron ore, oil, gas and forestry, industrial area of ​​South America, the economic center of Brazil, Argentina and other countries are concentrated in this area. In the Rio de la Plata and the Parana River and on both sides of the River Uruguay, the distribution of Buenos Aires, La Plata, Rosario, Santa Fe, Montevideo, Paysandu, etc. dozens of cities and ports.


Buenos Aires in Spanish means "good air." It is the southern hemisphere's largest city, is the Atlantic coast port of world significance. It is located in the south bank of La Plata, guardian of the Parana River and the Uruguay River estuary, especially the rich pampas and the Atlantic throat thoroughfare. Population of nearly 400 million. Greater Buenos Aires, including nearly 17 cities, the population over 10 million. Founded in 1536, became the capital in 1880, it is the political, economic and cultural center. At the same time, it is South America's largest railway hub. About 1/4 of the country's industrial enterprises are concentrated here, it is an important producer of oil refining, meat processing, textile, food, machinery, chemicals, leather industry.


La Plata ​​b>

Argentina's Atlantic coast port and industrial city, capital of the province of Buenos Aires . La Plata is located in the south bank of the estuary. Population 473,000 (1980), originally a small town, modeled on the 1882 Washington, DC, United States planning for the expansion of the city, and as the provincial capital. From 1952 to 1955, it was renamed □ Eva Peron. 8 km northeast of Ensenada Outer Harbor, there Santiago Island shielded, large artificial deep-water port, there is a canal through La Plata estuary, a total of 11 berths, can accommodate large seagoing draft of 9 meters, the main output of wheat, corn , cattle, sheep and other agricultural products, livestock products. Industrial flour, meat processing and refining mainly, in addition to steel, shipbuilding, chemical, electronics, textile and other industries. Many factories around the port area. Moreno Square downtown to the center, streets tidy and beautiful, and more modern buildings. There are 1897 creation of the National University of La Plata as well as museums, libraries, etc., which is rich in natural history museum to the famous extinct animal specimens. Lara northern corner downtown waterfront as a tourist destination.

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