Home Technique Letter ring network

Letter ring network

token Ring is also a local area network. In this network, all computers are connected in a ring or star topology, and in order to avoid the data at both computers to transmit data. A data conflict caused by a bit transfer or tag transfer mechanism. The broadness of the token ring network protocol in the local area network is second only to Ethernet. The IBM token ring protocol is designated as a standard version and is specified as IEEE802.5. IEEE 802.5 token ring technology can support data transfer rates of 4Mb / s or 16Mb / s. The following brief introductions how it works.

  1. The empty information frame continues to loop in the ring.

  2. When a computer wants to send a message, it will insert a tag in an empty frame (this step only needs the marker bits in the frame by 0 Change 1) and insert information and a destination identity.

  3. Check the frame in the next workstation. If the workstation discovers that you are a destination station, it will copy this message from the frame and restore the marker bit to zero.

  4. When the frame returns to the originating station, it sees that the tag has been changed to 0, and the information has been received, and it will remove the message from the frame.

  5. frame continues to circulate in the ring as an empty information frame, waiting for the workstation to be sent to be transmitted. The token mechanism is also applicable to the local area network of the bus topology. The token ring protocol standard is the IEEE 802.5 fiber distributed data interface also uses token ring protocol.

Letter ring network

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