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Li Turns eight points small songs

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Li Turns Eight Points Small Song

Cang Birds are both ignorant, font changes such as floating clouds.

Chen Cang stone drum has been inexplicably, and the size of the second is eight points.

Qin has Li Sihan Cai Wei, the intermediary is not silent.

The monument of the mountains, the jujube is passed on.

Suk County Lang and Shang Ji, the book is expensive and hard.

I can't reap, and I will take a pen.

Shangshu Han Chooses wood, riding Cai Cai, neighbor.

Kaiyuan has come to eight points, and the tide is also a three son into three.

The situation is a small rumor, and the sword is the same.

eight-year-in-one straight 100 yuan, the dragon plate is struggling.

Wu County Zhang Bunkao grass book, the grass book is non-ancient and empty.

If you don't flow, you will be in the middle of the people.

Babu Dong Li Tong, in the surfying, ask me.

Li Turns eight points small songs

I am talented today, and the challenge is the same.

Appreciation Reviews

"苕 苕 渔 隐":

"Li Turk eight points small song" cloud: "Cang Bird is both 昧 ... ... book is expensive and hard. "This poem is the end of the book, it can be described in detail, and the back is to here!" The language of "Lushan Monu" "Jujube Music" is especially human, often introduced. ... Dongpo "Miao Pavilion" poetry: "Duling evaluation is very thin, this is not unknone: Cap East Po Learning Xu Hao, Mu Youshu, the pen is cooked, so you don't know Tang. At the beginning of Eu, Yu, Yan, Xue, the words are thin, the child is beautiful, "book is expensive and thin", this is not a solo word, and the cover is also true.

"declaration Book spectrum ":

to Tang Zi eight-point book is beginning to play, the class is the class, the wangery, the wave is not strict, I am in Tang Ye? Du Fu "Eight-year-old song", Sheng Tang, Han Choice Mu, Cai Youbao, is all Tang Zhou, and now save people again Tang word, then, "Cai), Cai Wei, 在 哉?

< P> "Duu":

"Font Changes such as floating clouds", a language is full. The birds change and the size, but also become eight points, to change the grass book, extremely. Size. Two 八 八 犹 犹 古 古 未 草 草 草 书 足 足 足 足 足 足 足 足 足 取 足 取 书 亦 亦 亦 亦 亦 亦 亦 亦 亦 亦 亦 亦 亦 亦 亦 亦 亦 亦 亦 亦 亦 亦 亦 亦New.

"Yi Gate Reading Secret":

This sentence is also intended to create a history ("Font Change" sentence). The champion of the font is getting more and more conducive, and the change is ultra-off.

"Tang Song Poetry":

The book is all in the middle of Ken, Shu Lao Yun: "Du Ling evaluation is more thin, this theory is not unknown. "The special borrowed and ducks, I don't allow it. It is also very thin."

"Zhan Jen":

Minutes change, Lingling machine, not like Under Han Europe, the size can be found. ... This is the first and "Gongsun Dynasties", you must read it, cover the taste of the chapter, straight and the words of the history.

" Read Du Xin's solution ":

The presentation of the semaphysque, the most embarrassment. ... S, Xiaoyan eight is divided into Li Chara, this is accompanied, the owner is also. There are neighbors, the times and the tide are close, and the person is coming again. The host is also invited. However, the tide is the main main center, and the pen is not much, but there is Han, Cai, Live Sports, 邕To be marked:, it is still used to borrow the owner, and the purpose of its commentary, then "fertilizer" is the guest, "thin and hard". ... knot is "thin" self-satisfaction, it is also "thin "Difficulture" is the same as the owner. Han, Su Zhi Zu.

"Du Shi Jing":

Reuse grass book lining, extremely five flowers The second sentence is caused by ("Wu County Zhang Bing"). The end of the song is like a song, and it is very exclaimed ("I am aging" in the second sentence).

"18 poems":

Zhang Yun: 恣 恣, ups and downs, and striking torque, kicked to natural. Therefore, it is poetry. And cloud: God light clutch, it is true.

Author's introduction

Du Fu (712 ~ 770), the word is beautiful, taste the old Lingyino. From the Jinshi, he served as the department of the school, and the world is called Du work. Department is the greatest realist poet in the Tang Dynasty. After Song, he was honored as "Shi Sheng", and Li Bai called "Li Du". Its poems expose the contradiction between the society at the time, and sent a deep sympathy for the poor people. Many Excellent works, showing the historical process of the Tang Dynasty from Sheng Decline, because it is called "poetry". In art, it is good at using various poetry forms, especially in the law poetry; style, and is mainly in the language; language refining, Have a high degree of expression. There are more than 1,400 poems, and there is "Du Ministry".

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